Sunday, June 26, 2016

MAACO & Capone - Are They The Two Worst "Body Shops" in Maine?

I'll put it up front, then explain - if you are looking to have body work or painting done on a vehicle, whatever you do, don't go to either MAACO in Portland, ME, or Capone Auto in Limington. If you do, you may want to say good-bye to your vehicle.

First, Capone. I left my truck with him in April, 2015 with the understanding that he would get the work done by early July. Never happened. Had not even started it, but I was told they would get right on it. Month after month I was given the run-around. They had taken it all apart, so I could not just take it back. More months went by, and nothing. I was told in early September it was being sent out for sandblasting. As of October, that still had not been done. In November I again tried to get them to get going (I had made a $5000 cash deposit, by the way) and was told "You'll get it back when I finish it." I warned him it had better be soon. In December it was, "You'll have it by summer".

Here it is - summer - 15 months later, and I have yet to see any progress, or even hear from him. I will be suing that jerk. If you ever think about doing business with Capone, don't say I didn't warn you.

Now about MAACO - almost the same deal. I got an estimate for roughly $4000 to get the work done on my Porsche. "Tom" told me we were "looking at a time frame of two weeks" to do the minor body work and paint it. I brought it in two weeks before the Bonney Eagle show, in hopes of making it to the show. Nope! Had hardly started on it. I was told "About another week." Another week goes by, nothing. Was told "a few more days." Still no Porsche. Early June and they told me "another week or so." A week or so later - nothing. Every time I asked when, "Tom" would lie to me.

On June 9th I appeared at MAACO. The car was still in pieces, scattered around the shop. Tom told me they were going to "paint everything that day and the next, and then put it all back together. That meant I would have it back on the 13th at the latest.

Nope! I called and asked why it was not ready. "Just now going into the paint shop - a few more days. We'll have it done by the end of the week." I thought it was going into the paint shop the week before! That's what Tom had told me.

Well, it was the end of the week. It's was not done. He's not sure when it will be done. Tom said I could pick it up anytime, but I would not be happy with it. Why not? Are they doing such crappy work? He needs "more time to 'touch it up' ".

I told him he had 7 weeks to do two weeks worth of work, and I needed the car back. I'm almost 70 and would like to drive it at least once before I kick off. He then has the gall to tell me "We're not going to charge you extra." EXTRA? For what - sitting on their asses for 7 weeks? For lying to me? They should consider themselves lucky if I don't charge THEM.

Now I finally have it back - and these pictures tell a tale of complete incompetence and sloppy work. For $4300 I got a $200 paint job!

The short take - in my opinion both Capone Auto and MAACO are disreputable, will lie to you every chance they get, will drag their feet and will treat you like sh*t. And in the case of MAACO, the work they did on my car is third rate - or less! At least that is my experience. And when you consider just how long I have been getting screwed, and am only now posting, I think I have given them the benefit of the doubt - and now the doubt is gone.

Stay away from these guys if you value your car, your time, your money and your peace of mind!
