Saturday, September 12, 2009


Received this from Robbie Beaton:

"Hey Bill

What a great car show they had in bangor today. 300+ beautiful cars. Each category was filled and then some. Live music and the food was good. It was judged and they did a fine job judging. They checked out everyone's vehicles regardless of how they looked. Great seeing new cars that we haven''t seen before. Overall a great show couldn't ask for a better day. Will be definitely be back next year.



MWVOCC Pre-Show Cruise

From Bob Hatch a few moments ago:

"Hi Folks, Well our preshow CRUISE went off great we had 42 cars. We went to the Fryeburg Fair grounds. Good Sam (Camper group) was there with over 400 units the people came out and look over all of our cars. We then went back to Settler's Green where we had appetizers waiting for us. If you didn't go this year hope you will next year and if you did go this year hope you will want to go next year, too. Hope to see you tomorrow at the car show at SETTLER'S GREEN in N. Conway, NH.

Thanks Bob "



It looks like fair weather for the shows tomorrow, and that is always a big bonus. Unfortunately, the rain kept us from the cruise in Biddeford today, which I assume was canceled.

Whichever show you choose to attend, we hope you have a great time. We attended Windham last year, so this time we're off to Settler's Green.

For those who inquired about the Stratham Hill show (NH), it is on October 4th this year.

Next weekend is OOB, and they have not been in touch concerning their decision to cut back to two trophies per class, so for those of you who were asking, it looks like they are sticking with that in spite of the big increase in the entry fee. I'll let you know if I hear anything else.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Date Night

Had Date Night this evening with the little woman - buns and a flick (for you youngsters, that's dinner and a movie). The movie, Whiteout, wasn't much to write about. But dinner was a surprise.

We wanted to try something different, and we found this little hole-in-the-wall called Susan's Fish & Chips in Portland, on Forest Ave. And when I say hole-in-the-wall, that's pretty much what it is - an old mechanics garage converted (barely) into a seafood place with darned little parking. Certainly the word fancy will not be understood at Susan's, but the words "delicious" and "inexpensive" are very well spoken here. Like I said - a real surprise! And the service was very personal and friendly - like coming to thanksgiving dinner at grandma's.

If you like seafood, good service and good prices, you really should try Susan's. We'll be going back. Soon.



Today is the 8th anniversary of the tragedy that struck on September 11, 2001. America must never forget. Let us all take a moment to remember, and reflect. It will keep us strong in the face of adversity.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tough Call

Spoke with ChopTop this evening, and he says I do not "play fair". I must admit that he is probably correct about that, at least when it comes to fighting for honesty and fair play at shows. That is important to many folks, and frankly, I am out to help them make it happen.

I like him - he has a good sense of humor and is plenty nice enough. But I think he is a bit set in the old ways that have not been beneficial to what we are striving for. He is comfortable with the old ways. I can understand that - I would prefer that America never left the 50's. I was comfortable with that age, and it was simpler. And I was popular with the chicks.

But the fact remains that times change, and we must change with them, or end up miserable. I am hoping that he, and others, will take a cold, hard look at the "old ways" being used, and ask themselves if they would feel differently about them if instead of being the beneficiary of those tactics, if they were instead the victims of them. I really hope that at least some will consider that, because that is the flip side.

Whenever you vote for a friend, or club member even though there may be better vehicles in the class, you may see it as helping a friend. But try seeing the other side - that by helping a friend to win an undeserved trophy, you are hurting someone else who does deserve it. Two sides to the coin. No matter which choice you make, someone loses. The difference lies in whether the most deserving VEHICLE wins. Shows are not supposed to be a popularity contest among the owners, to see who has the most friends at the show. Car shows are supposed to be a competition among the vehicles, not the people.

I fully understand the desire to vote for friends, even when they do not have the best in the class. I, too, am tempted. But we should at least try to remember what the Good Book says about such temptation, and giving in to it is not a good thing. When we give in to that, we not only hurt deserving people, but we hurt ourselves, as well.

ChopTop, if you are reading this, I hope you will take a few moments to think about this. You are a great guy, and I would like to see you on the side of bringing better shows to the folks. You would be one heck of an asset.


Five Points

Just so you don't forget, Maine Coastal Cruisers is having their second and last of the season cruise at Five Points Shopping Center (420 Alfred Street Rte 111) in Biddeford this Saturday.

These cruises are always super, and you should really consider swingin' by to say "hello" to Fritz, Mac and the rest of the crew.

There is a $3.00 donation per vehicle, with dash plaques for the first 100. Includes 50/50 & give-aways, and some of the best music you'll hear at any cruise. 5pm-8pm. Don't miss it.


New Gloucester

Got an email from Joe Murray, who is organizing the New Gloucester Show for October 17th. It seems they are going all out to improve an already good show. They plan on placing the vehicles mid-field, with lots of room between rows for canopies and chairs. More room is always good. Cars would also be more easily viewed by spectators going to the fair.

They will also be strictly enforcing the NO BIKES - SKATEBOARDS - DOGS rule, so leave your skateboards (and dogs) home, please.

Improvements also being considered for the Best of Show award.

The one improvement they cannot guarantee is the weather, although it wasn't bad last year - just cold!

If y'all make it to this show, please try and take a moment to look Joe up, and give him a pat on the back for his efforts. And if you need more info on the show, click here to see the flyer. NOTE: This is another show that is utilizing "The Complete Car Show" manual, available free to all show organizers upon request.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Abbott & Costello

Actually, it became the Three Stooges.

Ralph had mentioned he needed a garage door opener installed, but was unfamiliar with how to do it. Not knowing anything about that myself, I was quick to volunteer to help, figuring since neither of us knew what the hell we were doing, we'd make a great pair. Just like Abbott & Costello.

But soon, Dick came along, having heard of our little activity, and decided to assist. This was a big help since Dick was so much more experienced in such matters. After all, he had once seen a picture of a garage door opener.

So now it was the Three Stooges. After 5 fun-filled hours in a comedy of errors, we almost got it finished. Dunno if it's gonna work, but it sure looks like Dick's picture.

Well, off to Two Trails for the cruise-in... they have been drawing cars from as far as Tamworth NH lately - usually about 15 cars. And the cruises will go through September. But tomorrow evening is the LAST cruise of the season at Wings & Things in Westbrook, so that's where you will find many of us.


Why The Struggle

"Choptop" now says "for me and my old club it's not about the trophies - just getting together with friends". But that is obviously far from the truth. If it is not about the trophies, please explain why everyone else has noticed that your old club members consistently vote in a bloc, voting for their own members? It is not supposed to be about the trophies, but that is where your old club's focus has been. And that is the problem. The problem you refuse to even acknowledge.

Choptop then says, "I get all this because you called me a moron?"

No. You get all this because a) you began by telling me to "stay home and leave more room for the rest of us", which was totally uncalled for and demeaning, in a blog that did not even concern you, b) you just wouldn't let it go and c) you keep trying to defend the old, dishonest ways that are indefensible. As long as you continue, I have no choice but to defend my own position. And apparently you still don't get it. This isn't about you, or me. This is about honesty and fairness. Most us us want that; some of you don't want it. The ones who do not want it have had the power in the past, through clubs and the "buddy system", to keep things tilted in their own favor. The purpose of the HotKarz blog is to give a voice and power to the rest of the folks - the ones who want something better.

Here is a newsflash for those who have not noticed: more and more folks have been abandoning their clubs and the "old boy network" because of all the BS, politics and the in-fighting. Your own club died because of the infection people like you gave it. One fellow started a new club that professes "NO BS" because of all the crap in the clubs. He gets it. Folks are getting sick of the abuse of power in the old ways. They see what it is doing to the hobby, but until now they have not had any way of being heard. Now through HotKarz they are being heard, and fighting back. And that is what sets folks like you off.

Not all clubs are dysfunctional, but many are. Sooner or later, like any union that gives its people power, the power corrupts. And that corruption destroys everything that was once good about the union.

And now for something else you do not seem to be grasping: much of what I write are not my words, or my complaints. It is stuff that others bring to me, because HotKarz is THEIR voice, not just mine. People email me. They post comments. They talk to me at shows and cruises. They stop me at Home Depot. They want to be heard, so I publish their concerns.

So, you can attack HotKarz if you wish. Or even me, personally. But that changes nothing, because I am only the middle man, like the newspaper that brings you the daily news. Attacking the newspaper will not stop the news from happening.

Some think HotKarz is causing the drama, but that is not the case. The infection in the hobby has been there a long, long time, long before HotKarz, roiling under the surface, doing its damage in the shadows. It is like a pimple, full of poison.

HotKarz is giving the folks a way to pop that pimple and get the poison out. Sure it hurts! But it will hurt a lot more if the infection is allowed to keep spreading. Think of it this way: ask yourself if "PAIN" is a good thing, or a bad thing. If you said a bad thing, you are incorrect. While pain does cause discomfort, it is nature's method of letting us know when something is wrong. Without pain, you would never go for medical help because you would not even know you were sick or injured. And you would die because of the lack of pain. Pain is to the human body as a smoke alarm is to a fire-prone apartment building in the Bronx. It warns us.

The hobby is being hurt by those who bloc vote, jump class and participate in other unfair activities. The "hurt" is a warning that something must be done to correct it.

As my dad used to say, "If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem." HotKarz has made its choice. It's time for you to make yours.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Warms The Heart

As many of you are aware, my family suffered a situation this weekend that caused substantial aggravation, and even kept us from the Toy Run.

And I must say - I really must - that it was incredibly heart-warming that so many of you came by to see if everything ended well, and the concern you showed us made everything much, much better.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you sincerely. And for those of you who have not yet seen us since the situation arose, and may want to know - yes, everything has been taken care of. It was aggravating, frustrating and time-consuming (not to mention costly), but none of that matters now. What matters is that so many of you folks expressed concern, and that makes everything better.

Thank you all.

To Choptop Dave

You keep signing off as "moron" (I don't post most of your drivel, because that is what it is), and you say it is because I called you that months ago. But you keep proving it to be true - anyone who keeps signing off as "moron" cannot convince anyone he is anything less. It is not a question of what I think - it is a matter of fact that YOU keep playing on it. (You had posted "stay home and leave more room for the rest of us". That, Dave, is a moronic comment. Hence the reference to the term, which, by the way, I had removed. Since then, you have made numerous comments similar in nature, and have continually played on the "moron" thing.)

You say you want an apology - not gonna happen, because I owe no apology. You are one of the malcontents who is trying so desperately to keep the "ol' boys" network alive, because you cannot compete any other way. You do not want change - not even good change.

You do not like being in the minority, after having spent so many years in the majority, in a position of "club power." But now your club is gone, in part because of your own efforts. And the change is creeping in, and you fear it, because you cannot stop it.

More and more shows are asking for the car show book - and using it. And those who do are making more money because, as it turns out, those shows are slowly getting better, and the folks are choosing those shows instead of the ones that are not improving. And you fear that.

And more and more people are getting wise to the class jumpers, and are now thinking twice about voting for someone who is not in the right class. And you fear that.

And more and more people are beginning to notice (because they are now looking) the bloc voting, and those who practice it. And the honest folks are saying, "I'll not vote for anyone I see voting in a group", and you fear that, because you have always depended on your "group" tossing a dozen votes your way, as they did at Gorham. As Frank said in the 10 Commandments, such activity is as obvious as the nose on your face. We all know exactly who is involved.

You can get angry if you wish, Dave, but we all know that every point made here is true. And you know it, too. And that is what makes you so angry. It's not HotKarz that angers you - it is the truth that angers you. And there is nothing I can do about that, because whether I write it or not, it will still be the truth.

In spite of it all, I have always been friendly toward you; always willing to chat, with a smile, sympathize with you when your car got hit, and accept you in spite of everything. That will not change, because I do not carry a grudge, nor take things personally. But it would behoove you to stop and think for a moment about the "old ways" you are trying so hard to protect, and ask yourself honestly if those ways are right or wrong. Ask if you would still be all for them if the shoe were on the other foot, and you were the victim of the dishonesty. Then ask yourself if it might not be better to embrace the idea of making good shows better.

The choice is yours, my friend. It always has been. But if you keep making the wrong choice, please do not expect me to empower you by posting your complaints.


Glitch Free?

Someone posted that they do not think there will ever be such a thing as a "glitch free" show. I agree. But what this person seems to be missing is the fact that they can, and should, be better than they are. And they will not get that way by ignoring what is wrong. On the contrary, they will get worse.

As I have often pointed out, a garden is a nice thing - like car shows. But if you just sit back and do nothing to prevent it, the weeds come in. And if you still do nothing, the weeds eventually take over the garden. And if you STILL do nothing to change it, the garden will be lost. Nothing left to enjoy.

You may choose to just sit back and try and enjoy, without lifting a finger to make things better or keep them clean. But many of us understand that will only cause more harm, so we would rather take a more active part in the hobby, and protect it.

Yes, it SHOULD be a fun thing. But tell me - how much fun can anything be if it is overtaken with dishonesty and unfairness? On the other hand, how much MORE fun can it be if it is kept honest and fair to ALL, and not just "the good ol' boys" who keep screwing everyone else over?

You also speak of this blog being critical of the shows. That is not true. You seem to conveniently ignore all the good things we point out with shows, and the kudos we give when things go right. HotKarz points out BOTH sides, every time. And if one side is poor, so be it - I will not ignore it and feed everyone a line of BS about how great it was in the Land of Oz. You may not like the truth, but that does not make the truth go away.

You say you do not get involved. That is your choice. But that is like not voting - you lose any right to complain when things do not go your way. When folks do not get involved, remain neutral, the weeds take over. If you allow that by doing nothing, then you have no right to complain about the harvest if it does not bear fruit.

I don't like weeds. They should be removed so better things can grow and bear fruit.

It would be so nice if, without taking an active part, everything would just be and stay great. Imagine, no more need of police - no one will try to do any harm to anyone else. No need to weed gardens. No need to mow lawns, or even go to work. Unfortunately, that is not a world I recognize, because it doesn't exist. Everything worthwhile requires effort to create it, maintain it, and protect it. You do that with your cars - why not with your shows?


Hammer Time

Someone signing off as "Choptop" has, in his own words, called himself a "moron". Far be it from me to disagree. He apparently is one of the malcontents who wants things left as they are, unchanged, with poachers, bloc voting and all the dishonesty that goes along with it. I say this because he says I should stay home if I don't like things as they are. And there must be a reason he does not want better, more honest shows.

Sorry, pal - that's not how it works. When I see something that is wrong, and affects me and folks I care about, I'll stand and fight. You may, if you wish, cower and bury your head in the sand. But more than likely, you are one of the folks causing the problems, and want things to stay as they are for your own personal gain.

No, I will not "lighten up", because that just means leaving things as they are. And I and other honest folks will not stop until things are put right - even if that means putting folks like you in a sour mood. Cheating is a disease that needs to be eradicated, and if the medicine tastes bad, so be it. And if you do not want honest, fair competitions, then perhaps you are the one who should stay home, because one way or another, it's gonna happen.

I know HotKarz is being effective in bringing forth good changes because you and other malcontents are screaming so loud and trying to get me to stop. You wouldn't be so upset and angry if HotKarz was not having the intended effect. So, go peddle your BS and dishonesty somewhere else - we don't need or want it at our car shows.


Monday, September 7, 2009


Frank has asked if I was fishin' in the Archives to dig up his "10 Commandments". Since Frank is often a rather wise individual despite his misleading appearance as a hillbilly (smile), it is appropriate to dig those up and repost them periodically because folks tend to get complacent.

Those words of his are timeless, and all would benefit from absorbing them. Myself included. I allowed someone's threats and insults to get under my skin Sunday, and almost lost my own cool. And my language may have become somewhat colorful, for which I apologize to all. But the heated language is the only thing I owe an apology for.

And Frank - you thanked me on Sunday for listening. But it is I who thank you. Though I will still use a hammer as needed, I will attempt to use it only to the degree needed.


Hittin' A Nerve

Seems I hit a nerve with Mike. So be it. But he really needs to either re-assess some things, or get a grip on reality.

Yes, I did call Oscar's car "not unique", because in the context of Special Interest, where he registered, it is NOT unique. And that is not an insult to his car. I have often stated - in this blog and even to his face at OOB and Andover that his car was an exceptional piece. Did you expect me to lie just to make him feel good about registering in a class he does not belong in?

And, yes, I did call the owner of the mini a cheater, because that is obvious to almost everyone - when he is seen going from class to class, looking for one he can win in, what does he expect?

And no, I obviously do not expect accolades from such people, nor do I desire them. I do what needs to be done. Change is never painless, and most honest folks understand that change from the "old ways" of poaching and the "buddy system" needs to change. The only ones who do not want that, and complain, are the same folks causing the problem.

And no, I am not the problem. If you get a bullet in your hide, and it really hurts when the doctor fishes it out, is the doctor the problem because he caused you pain? The dishonesty infesting car shows is the problem, and solving the problem will not be without difficulty. But good things are worth fighting for. Only a fool would "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" and bury his head in the sand rather than stand and be counted.

Did I insult those people? Only in their eyes. In reality, it is not an insult to call it like it is. But if you believe the truth can be insulting, than so be it - believe as you wish. But I can tell you this with 100% certainty - nothing will get better until someone is willing to take the hits for making it better. I know that I have set myself up to take those hits, and I am ready to do so, because I believe it is important to bring greater fairness and honesty to the shows.

You say I am a hypocrite? Just how do you justify that? I do not poach. I do not "bloc" vote. I always enter into an appropriate class. I fight for what I believe in. Just exactly how is that hypocritical?

And so what that you have been around the car show scene for 6 years, and have only known me for two? Putting the shoe on the other foot, my friend, and it comes out to the fact that I have been in the car show scene for 41 years, and have only known YOU for two. I was involved in car shows since your father was wearing kneepants. But does that mean you are not knowledgeable? No.

And no, I do not have to attend - but neither do you. Change is coming, whether you and others like it or not. Either get used to it, or find another hobby, because the shows will get better and more organized regardless. And not because I want it, but because most of the folks want it.

You and a few others have no clue, Mike. I receive roughly 100+ emails every week, and dozens of comments. By a margin of 9-1, they are supportive of the efforts of HotKarz. They do not always like the "drama" that is created when change becomes necessary, and they may sometimes think my methods a bit harsh, but they know the end result will be more than worth it and support HotKarz and its mission.

When colonists wanted change from the oppression of an English king, it resulted in the Revolutionary War, where many died. Yes, fighting for what you want and believe in is tough. But don't expect me to shrivel from it - I'm not built that way.

And it is working. Because of HotKarz and the criticism it sometimes offers, several shows have already made great improvements. You only need look to the great job Scott did at Belgrade this year. Before HotKarz criticized the show, Scott was not even aware of the problems, so it was unlikely they would have been addressed without the criticism. Criticism is a very important component of improving. This year his show blew the wheels off many others, and he has rightfully earned the respect of all in the car show community. Sanford also made improvements, but only because of the criticism. But something you and a few others seem to conveniently overlook as you complain about my criticisms - I also give kudos when deserved. I tell what is good about shows, as well as the bad. Strange how you never mention that part - you only focus on the criticism.

And we all benefit when shows get better. The only ones who lose are those who have come to depend on the poaching and buddy system. And they deserve to lose, so I do not concern myself with them. The hobby would be better off without them, though it would be better if they would become part of the change and learn to accept it. They are not my focus - I am only concerned with doing whatever I can to help improve the hobby. It is what we should all be doing! I am not overly concerned with any individual(s). Only the hobby. If I hurt someone's feelings, that is regrettable, but again, no battle can be fought without casualties.

As for Oscar, it is a shame that he does not see the error of what transpired at Oxford, because I believe he is a good and honest man and meant no harm or disrespect - I can tell that because of some of the folks that are friends of his, and I know them to be good, honest folks. But he is set in his ways, and so far does not seem willing to accept that SI has a strict definition that he does not fully understand, probably because it is easier to not understand. It's easier to avoid change, and instead just keep plodding along the same old trail. And in so doing, intentional or not, an award went to someone that should not have received it, and someone who deserved it, lost.

Do you really believe that a stock mini cooper or a custom 62 Galaxie are legitimate Special Interest? If so, you are one of maybe a half dozen people who think so.

Look, Mike - when I first met you, I had already heard all the stories concerning Big Mike. And in spite of that, I spent the last two years giving you the benefit of the doubt. I even gave you a ton of free promotion and advertising to help you get Big Mike Creations off the ground. I never disrespected you, and always responded to you in a civil manner. I never asked anything of you. So, when you go behind my back to fuel an already sorry situation, and trash me and HotKarz behind my back while smiling to my face, I take exception to that.

That said, I bear you no ill will. Nor do I bear Oscar, or anyone else, ill will. But do not expect me to hide my head in the sand while problems go unheeded. Ain't gonna happen.

If you, or anyone else, want to have a civil discussion to work out differences, I have always been available. But if you decide to take that road, you should be forewarned that an open mind and a civil mouth and attitude are prerequisites.


Toy Run

Stan & Cheryl Page have done it again, with the help of all the volunteers and the folks who participated in this year's successful Toy Run. I just watched them on the news, and they were all great! And Steve Fylnn, if you are tuning in, you were well suited to the camera - no stage fright for you, Bud. Fine job, all. We wish we could have joined you, but as many of you know, that was not possible due to the situation that arose on Sunday. But there is always next year. Meanwhile, we will still be contributing to the "toy pot".

Kudos to Stan, Cheryl and all of Santa's little helpers. You are amazing.


10 Commandments of Conduct

The following was written and submitted by the well-respected Frank Barron (NSRA Safety Inspector), Lewiston ME, and is reproduced in "The Complete Car Show" manual. It is a fine piece, and deserving of close attention.

"To all concerned

"The advent of the Spectator Code of Conduct has been a good thing and it's implementation at some of the shows is a very good thing. Whether or not it will ever be fully accepted has yet to be seen.

"After sitting back and watching the freeform thought processes and the behavioral patterns of some of our fellow hobbyists, it has become quite clear in most cases, or as in some cases, more like being hit in the face with a brick, that we need a Participant Code of Conduct, or if you will allow me,

The 10 Commandments of Participant Conduct

I. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors class

II. Thou shalt watch your language

III. Thou shalt not vote in groups

IV. Thou shalt not make disparaging remarks about other Clubs

V. Thou shalt not make disparaging remarks about other vehicles

VI. Thou shalt not openly argue over a personal matter

VII. Thou shalt use a polite tone of voice when addressing a show organizer

VIII. Thou wilt not campaign for votes at a participant vote show

IX. Thou shalt treat all spectators with respect and decorum

X. Thou wilt behave like human beings during the awards presentation

"Let me explain these in a way that we all can understand this insanity we call a hobby .

"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors class, is pretty easy to understand - stay in the class your assigned and go in the class you belong in. Stop poaching and class-jumping and things will be good.

"Thou shalt watch your language - how much needs to be said here? Duck, duck, goose is about the only fowl language we want to hear.

"Thou shalt not vote in groups. People, we all know the buddy system is rampant but don't slap us in the puss with it. Voting in pairs is ok but when the party is 4 or more it looks as obvious as a wart on your nose.

"The next 2 I'll do together - maybe it could be combined as one. Nasty comments, said aloud, about a vehicle or a club or for that matter a person are hurtful and not why we came to the show. These comments should kept to the confines of a private conversation or not be said at all. Try and be aware of who is within listening distance before you open the pie hole.

"Thou shalt not openly argue over a personal matter. Keep your dirty laundry in the basket. Club politics and personal issues are not wanted. Find your happy place and go there.

"Thou shalt use a polite tone & if you have ever been berated by a total stranger you know where this comes from. If there is an issue that you wish to address, be nice. If the organizer treats you respectfully return the favor. If they treat you poorly, be nice. Not nasty.

"People we all know who they are and we can stop them . So I won't even go to #8

"Thou shall treat all spectators with respect and decorum. The spectators are the shows gravy. They come, they spend, they sometimes vote, they leave. For the most part spectators are respectful of the vehicles, when they are not, ask them to step away, ASK THEM. If it's a child, address the parent, there is no such thing as a bad child just bad upbringing. If this still doesn't work then ask to see an insurance card for the info you need to file a future claim …work's every time.

"Last but not least is number 10, Thou shalt behave like human beings during the awards
presentations. Applause is good, shaking the winners hand on their way by is good, cheering for a
first time winner is good. Yelling out, whistling, cheering like it's time for the strippers is a little old and way too childish. Behave yourself. Most didn't get a trophy and in some cases could care less about getting one but out respect for the winners have stuck it out. Speaking of which, why do some of us leave during the presentation. That could be considered rude or disrespectful.

Frank Barron

To RB Scott

First, I would like to say I respect that you signed your comment - there are a few who do not have the courage to do so, especially when their comments are, say, rather rude or nasty (yours was not - it was simply sarcastic and wrong).

With all due respect, your comment is so very wrong on so many levels it does not bear publishing, but I did, anyway, so folks can see how one-sided some people's thinking can be.

First, the "altercation", as you call it, was instigated not by me, but by a small group of malcontents who got "fired up" by Big Mike - it was witnessed. He fired them up, then walked off to let them do the dirty work and take the heat. I was minding my own business at my car when those clowns came at me, not vice versa. They acted like a bunch of schoolkids looking for trouble. I kept trying to walk away, like any mature person would, but they kept blocking me and getting in my face - and my wife's, as well. Twenty years ago, being hot tempered, I would have relocated some teeth. But unlike some, I grew up. Like you, I do not believe fisticuffs solves much. It would be far better if certain parties would simply - and with civility - sit and listen to one another, and see if an understanding could be reached. But folks who KNOWINGLY cheat are not likely to be willing to do that, because they already know that what they are doing is wrong. However, as always, I am willing to discuss these issues with anyone, anytime, as long as it is done with some modicum of maturity and civility. But I don't see that happening anytime soon. Someone coming at me shaking his fist and yelling and swearing, at a family affair, and making threats is not acting mature or civil, and does not warrant anything but disdain.

Not to mention, I have often referred (in this blog and at shows) to Oscar's Galaxie as a beautiful piece of iron (though certainly not Special Interest). He, in turn, called our vehicle "a piece of sh*t" several times at Shaw's Ridge. Anyone who cannot respect another's ride is not deserving of anyone's respect, and certainly not mine. And when such class-less people call my wife a wh*re as they did in public at the show, they are walking a very dangerous line that they would do well not to cross again. If that is how such people think, and talk, then they are not deserving of anything but disgust. And if they are friends of any reader, then perhaps you could act like their friend and advise them to be more civil and mature in the future, because such talk and actions only make them small, and make situations untenable.

Second, if someone gets offended at being called a cheat, then he can avoid that by not cheating. Simple.

Third, I watched as the judges did my class - they looked at three vehicles. There were a dozen in the class. Others report the same, so don't BS us with how well the judges did at Shaw's.

Fourth, with all due respect, your purple SSR is not, by definition, Special Interest. It does not have a recurring theme contructed around a specific and unusual topic, nor is it unique in that it is built for a specific and unusual purpose. Do not be fooled, as some are, that a vehicle only needs to be "unique", as that is not the case. Every vehicle is unique. Few qualify for SI because they are not unique as being built for a specific and unusual function. And to have a theme, a specific and unusual TOPIC must first be determined, and the vehicle built around that topic, with recurring aspects of the theme - our woody, for example, was built around the specific and unusual topic of the Beach Woody/Surf Woody of songs and movies of the 60's. To create the recurring aspect, many details were added, including etchings on the windows, "California Cruisin" third brake light, surfboard on the roof, surfboard dash plaque holder and many, many more items related to the surf woody theme - not to mention the custom woody kit. There is even a surfboard air freshener! A truck with a theme would be Robbie Russell's "Sgt Rock". I have yet to see any other vehicle with a more recurring theme - every tiny detail of his truck centers around the specific and unusual topic. But even though he could technically enter SI, he does not, because he follows the first rule of choosing a class - it must be the MOST APPROPRIATE class offered by the show. And the most appropriate class for Sgt Rock is normally 4x4 trucks, or custom trucks. But if those classes were not offered, I would have no qualms finding him in SI, and he would be welcome.

Fifth, not having an SI class means nothing to me. As stated in previous blogs that you obviously missed, we win more often in the 90's-Present class than we do in SI. We enter SI either at the behest of the organizers, or when it appears we might have an unfair advantage by going into the PRESENT class. We try to choose the class that has the toughest, not the weakest, competition, because those are the awards worth winning. For example, at Litchfield there were 5 vehicles in SI, and 15 in 90's-Present. So we chose 90's-Present, because a win there would be meaningful. Get it?

Sixth, we were not "out-classed". Just because someone does not win does not mean they were out-classed. You, of all people, should know that. In the previous two shows at Shaw's Ridge, using the same classing structure, we won three awards. So ditch the "out-classed" BS.

Lastly, thank you for your comment on the car show book. I agree that more organizers should at least have a copy to consult.



The coming weekend can be a busy one. In addition to the show in Bangor on Saturday, many of you may want to head on over (or down) to Five Points shopping center in Biddeford for the huge "Cruisin' 2009" cruise hosted by Maine Coastal Cruisers. they only have two of these in a season, and they are great! MCC really knows how to put on a cruise - it's the cruise that many of us consider to be the best of them all. This is the last one of the season - don't miss it. At least as big, and as much fun as the weekly cruise at C.H.O.P. on Tuesdays which, as a reminder, now starts at 5pm.

On Sunday it is the now famous "battle of the shows", between the Windham school show and Settler's Green in North Conway. It's a tough choice for some. Having never been to the Mt Washington Valley Old Car Club show at Settler's Green, I think we will be going there this year. Particularly since we were unimpressed with the Windham show last year. It's hard to go to any show without hearing someone point out the blatant problems they experienced with the Windham judging. After all, do you recall which vehicle managed to take Best of Show?

In any case, regardless of which show you choose, have a good time.


Shaw's (Again)

After receiving several emails and a comment posted, it seems more than a few folks were sorely disappointed with the Shaw's Ridge show. More than one referred to it as an "all day cruise" rather than a show. And some were disappointed that there was only one award per class. Several mentioned the lack of proper judging.

I know times are tough, but there is still no excuse for so few awards when you consider the cost for awards versus the loss of participants next year if you skimp on awards (a number of folks have already commented they will not go to OOB this year because they cut back to 2 trophies per class). With nearly 300 cars on the field, the show took in nearly $1500 just from registrations, and that would allow a nice profit even if they had forked out for 3 awards per class. Most shows have far, far fewer cars, yet still manage to have adequate awards. Particularly if you utilize at least some sponsors. Sponsors are getting tight-fisted in this economy, too, and that is understandable. But for them it is good advertising to a very targeted market, and a tax write-off, so sponsors are still out there. If you have to work to get them, so be it. Either put in the effort a show requires, or find another way to raise funds. Everyone who provides a product or service they charge for has an obligation to provide a quality product or service. Car shows are no exception.

Another comment made by some is the now expected (of Frank's show) late delivery of the award ceremony. It is still thought to be too late in the day, as many participants have to travel 30-90 minutes to get home. Frank may want to consider having the ceremony an hour earlier next year. As it is now, even before I left I observed several cars leaving early when it was discovered that the show would not likely end before 4pm. I would guess they did not wish to wait that long for just one award per class.

Judging seems to have come off as I expected - judges were not qualified to judge (some would not know a Chevy from a Ford), did not look over all vehicles with equality, and ignored many.

I still stand by my earlier comment that the show (or gathering, if you will) was successful in that almost all had a good time. But I feel it is important to note that there were things that need serious improvement if Shaw's Ridge wants to remain a place where the folks want to go.

Suggestions I would make:

1) Open on time. It is not good to have traffic blocked for a quarter mile, with folks sitting on their thumbs. You have a year to get organized. Don't wait until 8am on show day to do that.

2) If you are going to put all the registration material in the "goody bag", tell the folks, so they don't waste time running back to their car get registration papers

3) CRITICAL: if the show is to be judged, get QUALIFIED and fair judges. Otherwise, the show is a bad joke.

4) Have adequate awards, no matter what it costs. Even if they have to be small. Or inexpensive certificates in a frame. SOMETHING that tells the folks that it's not "all about me and my charity", but also about the folks you are asking to provide the money for your charity.

And, while I am well aware that Frank prefers an Art Show to a Car Show, he could still come up with a better classing system that is fair to all, and still maintain his art. Even at an art show folks should not be expected to compete with others in a different class. John Doe cannot compete against Van Gogh or Michaelangelo. And a stock '50's vehicle cannot compete with a custom '50's vehicle. In fact, separating them would be even more "artsy" - you could have the two classes side by side, to show folks the art that the car folks put into a vehicle even after Detroit (or Japan) is done doing their thing. The point is, if you are going to bring several hundred vehicles together, presumably to compete, then make it fair. Otherwise, just have an "all day cruise" without the farce of awards.

Yes, I know that some people might comment that it isn't about the awards. But that is not necessarily true. Just because some folks feel that way does not mean everyone shares that philosophy. Many (most) people are competitive, and they strive for them. There is nothing wrong with that, either. It's only wrong when the trophy means so much that a person will cheat to get it. Otherwise, having awards is a healthy thing, as it fosters competition. And it is competition that made America great and strong. Competition gets us to try harder, and improve our vehicles. And that is a good thing.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Shaw's Ridge Part II

Received a comment from Ken that makes a good point - ask you, the folks, how well you fared at Shaw's today, since I was unable to get the results personally.

So, folks - how'd ya all make out? Would like to hear from you - either by adding a comment here, or emailing me at

For those who inquired, we had to leave early because of a situation at home that arose. Unfortunately, we will not be able to make the Toys For Tots run tomorrow because of it. But I will not be wasting the time - I will be spending most of the day setting up our new property monitoring system that will hopefully tell us whenever an intruder comes onto the property - no, not the whole 15 acres, but definitely the front 3 acres that encompass the house, driveway and outbuildings.

We do hope the rest of you have a great time, however, and don't forget to give a big hand to Stan & Cheryl Page for doing so very much to make it a success each year. They are a true blessing.


Shaw's Ridge

What a day. Frank (Svatek) outdid himself (and ran himself ragged) with his Shaw's Ridge show today. Nearly 300 great pieces of iron showed up! If not for the Pease show today, that number could easily have approached 400. And with the exception of a few malcontents who thought they were still in the 4th grade and wanted to start trouble in the sandbox, everyone seemed to be having a really good time.

The weather was picture perfect, as were the vehicles. We had a wonderful time getting together with over a hundred friends from one end of the field to the other - some we have not seen in awhile.

I am unsure how well the judging was done, since I had to leave early. But one gentlemen said that out of 11 cars in his class, the judges only looked over three. I'm not sure this is indicative of the judging in general, but is worth noting.

While this show is a rather strange concoction for a car show (because it is really an art show - The Art of Transportation), it was a smashing success, as usual.

Now, if only Frank could arrange to get through the award ceremony in under three days... :o)



Well, after speaking with several of the folks who attended the Vineyard Church show, and receiving several emails, it seems unanimous that other than the problems with classing, and with some people (the same old ones) who do not like registering in their own class (some FOREIGN vehicles did not register in foreign, and opted for Special Interest where they do not belong, as usual, as an example), the show, itself, was a spectacular event that was extremely well organized and orchestrated. Even the food was well done and inexpensive. The music uninterrupted by a DJ's chatter. And over and over I heard that the organizers had done a terrific job. They should be lauded for a job well done - especially since their first two shows were unable to get off the ground due to inclement weather.

Reports indicate their judges were well-trained, fair, accurate, used a proper points system and LOOKED OVER EVERY VEHICLE completely, regardless. That is almost unheard of in a judged show in Maine.

They did note the problem areas, and have stated they will work on improving them in the future. And that is the ultimate sign of a very good show - one that is destined to just get better.
