Saturday, December 8, 2007

Passin' time...

Well, it's official - I am now working on my SECOND million. I gave up on the first. My brother Bobby told me I should have married for money. I reminded him that I did, with my first marriage, but as soon as her $36.42 was gone, so was I.

I started out with nothing, and I'm proud to say I have most of it left. And I agree with Ben Stein, that I should give Uncle Sam 10% more of my income. What the Hell - 10% of nuthin' doesn't come to very much, anyway. In fact, I'm willing to offer twice that much. If someone needier than me can make good use of it, I say "go for it".

But my generosity doesn't stop there - I'm going to give you twice as much this Christmas as I gave you last Christmas. But not my ex-wife. She's not gonna get anything else from me until she uses what I gave her last Christmas. That burial plot cost me too much to want to see it go to waste.

Seriously though, my ex wasn't that bad. And that was the problem. If she had put a little more effort into being BAD, we might still be together. But it still wouldn't have worked - $36.42 can go just so far.

The aliens were here again last night. They left their bigfoot tracks in the snow (otherwise known as "global warming residue"). But not before they participated in a carcophony of noise that almost sounded like refrains of "Silent Night". My wife says they left without incident once she gave each of them a cup of hot cocoa.

I'm already giving some thought to my 2008 New Year's resolutions. Since no one keeps their resolutions anyway, I have decided to be more tolerant of liberals, and maybe I'll even give Hillary the benefit of the doubt.

Nah! That's going to far.

My wife dyed her hair blonde, and now her brain is like teflon. She forgets everything in 2.3 seconds flat. I know it's not a precursor to alzheimers because she has no problem remembering every little mistake I have made in our 16 years together. She just can't remember why the car keys were in the fridge.

The other day, as I was snow-blowing all that global warming residue out of the driveway, my wife came out to help, shovel in hand. But no boots on her feet! I sent her back into the house to get boots on, and when she reappeared, the shovel was gone. She couldn't remember where she put it, but at least she had boots on. I kissed her, then finished plowing.

Gonna be a lo-o-ong winter!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Pix

We have some new pix available. Ralph & Ulla Stowell ('40 Ford Coupe) submitted some great pix of the show at New Gloucester this past Saturday, which have been added to the New Gloucester page. These new pix include shots of some of the winners. Sorry, folks - we did not get shots of everyone, as Ralph (age 72) is not yet proficient with digital stuff. But the pix he did get were pretty good!

At the Oxy/Metalworks Smoke Show page, there are some additional pix provided by Monica Bragdon. These pix are of very good quality - I'm sure you will enjoy them (if you like smoke shows).

We at HotKarz want to extend our warmest thanx to these contributing shutter-bugs. Their participation is greatly appreciated, and provides entertainment for all.

It is so nice when our visitors take part. Thank you.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Well, the "poll" is over, and 100% of those who voted like the idea of incorporating PROFILES on the HotKarz site next season. So, that is what we will do :o)

I have been getting a lot of positive feedback about HotKarz, and it looks like we're here for the long run. It's a lot of work, but it is a labor of love. The big challenge right now lies in getting "visitor participation" to keep things interesting over the long winter months. C'mon, folks - I could really use some stories, personal "car" project pix and/or just about anything else you would like to contribute.

This website is for you! Don't be shy about standing up to be counted, and making it your own, personal forum.

Now, about "gatherings" - it seems that the bunch of car nuts that frequent Two Trails Fabulous '50's Diner will be having a Christmas party (presumably sometime around Christmas), to be held at and hosted by the Diner. Good going, folks! Maybe this will catch on.

If you are interested in being part of this Xmas party, let me know - send me your name and phone number to , and I will pass it on to the host at the Diner. They will call everyone when arrangements are made. We always have a fun time at the Diner, and you will find yourself welcome to join 'em. No need to be a member of any club, but if you are, that's just fine, too.



Sunday, October 21, 2007

New Gloucester

We were unable to go to the show in New Gloucester on Saturday, but we can thank Dale Chasse for sending us pix to post on Hotkarz. This is exactly the sort of participation we encourage, and it is the sort of thing that will make HotKarz more fun and of greater value to all. Thanx, Dale. Would like to meet you someday :o)

I do recognize many of the cars in the pictures, so it would seem that the show went off fairly well. And it appears the weather held - at least, according to the pix I have seen.

The little woman and I were in Pittsburg, NH over the weekend. We thought it was time we got to know each other again - our daughter Criss was born 16 years ago, and the wife and I have not had any time alone since. So, this was a nice, well-earned getaway. We planned on doing a lot of nothing, and succeeded in getting most of it done.

We did see several moose, including a cow with two calves (almost as big as herself). We saw them twice, in fact. Since it was the first day of moose season, we were happy to see them all still together as the sun set on 1st Connecticut Lake.

We met a great guy in Pittsburg, through mutual friends who have a store on Lake Francis. This fellow came to Pittsburg to "keep a low profile", and live anonymously. He's building a log home, straight off the land. However, life being what it is (unpredictable), his desire for anonymity has resulted in his becoming a local "character" that everyone knows. He has become almost a legend. I suspect kids will be singing songs about him 'round the campfires for generations to come.

So much for keeping a "low profile."

Well, it's gettin' late and I now have a lot of work to catch up on. Hope you all are well.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

"The Gathering"

By the title, you might think this would be about Duncan McLeod, of the Clan McLeod on the TV show HIGHLANDER. Well, it ain't.

We all have a rather long winter to look forward to. And while some of y'all are snowmobilers, ice fishermen, skiers and other cold-weather nuts, it will still be a long time before we all come together again. But does it have to be that way?

Here's what I'm thinking - I'm thinking that we should arrange a gathering once in awhile over the winter months. Nothing outlandish. Nothing formal. Just getting together at a certain time and place, to shoot the bull, make plans for next season, and just socialize in general.

Of course, there are just too darned many of us, separated by a lotta miles, for us to all get together in a lump. But there is no reason why the folks in one local area cannot get together at one place, while the folks in another area gather elsewhere.

So I guess I am suggesting that, if you are interested, that you contact others in your area and arrange a gathering. Maybe around Christmas, and maybe again in February.

I realize that you may not have contact info for others in your area, but therein lies the beauty of the Internet. If you would like to arrange a gathering in your area, just let me know. I will create a page where all of you can go and get in touch. For example, let's Say John Doe would like to arrange a gathering in the Biddeford area around Christmas. I could post his contact info on that page, and anyone else in that area could contact him, and a gathering could be put together.

So, if you would like to organize a get-together with others of our kind, just let me know, and we will see if we can make it happen. If anyone contacts me to get on that contact page with info on a gathering they want to put together, I will post the page on Note that we have already had nearly 2300 visits in the short 4 weeks we have had this site up. We're growing, and reaching car buffs. So make the most of it. Remember, this is your website.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The "Party"

Now that the cruise season has come to an end, the wonderful folks at Two Trails Fabulous '50's Diner in Standish threw us "car folk" a party last Saturday. There was plenty of free chow, free music, and even a trophy (went to Mike for his cherry, original Dodge SWINGER).

The place was full! There was chatter, laughter, and a general feeling of "the family is together". And a good time was had by all. Here's a sample.

It is truly nice when we feel appreciated, and the crew at TT Fab '50's Diner certainly did show they appreciated us car folks. And we would like them to know that we appreciate them, as well. That's the reason we are loyal to Gibby and his diner - it's a lot like "home".

Thanks, dear friend! We hope that next year a lot more of us "car folk" come and discover for themselves the warmth of your welcome, and the good food you offer. And I take this opportunity to encourage all to do just that.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Puttin' the Woody Away

Today's show in Stratham NH is the last one for me this year - I know there is a show on the 20th in New Gloucester, but the little woman and self are running away from home that weekend to a private place on 1st Connecticut Lake in Pittsburg NH. This will be our first real "alone time" in the 16 years of our daughter's life. So, it's time to put the Woody in the garage (no jokes, Ken) 'til spring. Kinda sad, in a way.

Stratham had a good show - about 200+ cars, and so many of them were near perfect. If this were a "points" show, it would have been extremely difficult to choose winners. And all of today's winners were exactly that - real winners.

The weather was OK, though the wind was rather chilly - a portent of things to come. A lot of our friends from Maine were there, and gave a good accounting. They represented our state rather well.

As you may have noticed, the HotKarz homepage has a new feature - links to a few special "candid camera" pix. Though this season is over, you can expect to see more of this when the new season arrives. A light-hearted look at this wonderful hobby. And when the camera catches you off-guard, don't say you were not warned :o)

We will be adding yet another new feature next year called "Profiles". With each car show or cruise we attend, we will attempt to interview a car buff, and feature him/her on the HotKarz site for that week. In this way, we will all have a chance to get to know others of "our kind". I would like to hear if you think this is a good idea. vote in our "poll" on this page, yet another new feature I figured out how to use. There will be new polls periodically, so HotKarz can truly represent what you, the folks, want.

My wife Robin, daughter Criss and myself want to take a moment to thank each and every person we have met this year, and with whom we have shared some fine moments. We thank you, we appreciate you, and if we do not see you again until next year, we will truly miss you. But we can, and will, try to keep in touch via this blog and the HotKarz site.

Until then, do take care, and God bless you.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Surprize! A PT Cruiser won the "Best Tuner" award at Shaw's Ridge today. The PT has dolphins etched on the windows, so I can only assume the voters thought they were tuna, and figured "Best Tuna" was close enough. Oh, well. No accounting for taste, I guess. (I can afford to poke fun at this, 'cuz the PT is my car :o)

OK, so here goes - at least 30 people approached me today to get my take on this show, and each of them offered their own comments. So, I will offer up what appears to be the general consensus. But it seemed most folks were in agreement about most things.

On the upside, the place was roomy - lotsa space for a lotta of cars. The hosts were super, friendly and fun. The food was good, with many amenities - including bathrooms that were actually hooked up to a septic system. A bakery, a restaurant, a DJ - all in all, a great place for a car show. And, of course, they did enough promotion, because a lot of cars showed up, which is always helpful when hosting a car show.

The consensus thu far was: This show, at this location, has huge potential. If they can iron out a few shortcomings, this could easily be one of the biggest and best shows in the region.

Which brings us to those shortcomings I mentioned. And I certainly hope no one takes offense, because I call 'em like I see 'em 'cuz honest criticism can be help something good to evolve into something better.

The Biggee: classifications. The few classes for this show were not distinct - such a generality as "Best Stock", or "Best Custom" is confusing, and makes it very difficult to judge. Since almost every vehicle on the field is competing in several categories, and the vehicles are all spread out, most voters had a tough time deciding what class this or that would be in, and had to walk the field numerous times in order to compare vehicles for a class. The stock '50's were over there. Stock trucks were over there. Stock antiques were somewhere else. In short, the categories were much too vague, and lent themselves to duplication - too many folks winning too many of the awards. It's like what happened at the Oxy show, where the classes were extremely general, and one person took home exactly half the trophies. Of course, he earned them, but that is not the point. The point is that classes should be distinct enough to avoid any one person taking home a bunch of awards. If there is an award for Best Mustang, then you can be sure a Chevelle will not take home that trophy.

So, if the hosts of this show were to revamp their classification system, it would not only be more fair to all, but would encourage more people to return the next year.

Next: Parking. I heard far too many people comment about how there was no system to the parking, and no one seemed to know who should park where. One fellow was directed to park in a certain area, after having asked someone else who said to "park anywhere". When he got there, someone else told him he needed to move to another area. He left the show, a bit steamed. Of course, the simple cure for this haphazard parking system is to have more distinct classes, and assign areas of the field to each class. Then there is no question as to where a car should spend the day. So, by reclassification, both of these problems would be solved.

Finally: The only other complaints I heard more than once revolved around 1) half the trophies going to three people (again, this can easily be cured by a better system of classes for the cars) and 2) the length of the day - most car shows do the awards by around 2 pm, because many entrants have a long drive home, and like to get there for dinner. Most agreed that 8-4 made for a LONG day, and a lot of cars left before the awards. Fortunately, the hosts pushed up the clock a bit and everything was over by around 3-ish. But by then, many had long since left, with the impression it would go on until 4 or after.

Shaw's Ridge, as I stated earlier, has the potential to be a top show. And most of the folks I talked to agreed. But they also agreed it can only get there by offering a more structured environment (classes/parking) and understanding that many folks just cannot stay so late.

Tomorrow I am off to Stratham NH for the Boy Scout Show. Perhaps I will try to etch the word DOLPHIN on the windows, so they don't confuse them with tuna.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Withdrawal Symptoms

Man, what a BOR-ING week. All summer long we took in either a cruise or a show almost every day. All of a sudden, ZILCH. Shows on weekends, sure, but Monday-Friday is suddenly empty.

I realize I need to adjust for the next few months, and I will, to be sure. But it's like quitting the morning Cup o' Joe - there are withdrawl pains.

Normally, I would simply go out and work around the place to while away the hours. But to make matters worse, all we have had lately is rain. Lord, it's almost enough to make me want to go back to working for a living.

Well, not really.

Day after tomorrow is the show at Shaw's Ridge. We'll be there, fer sure! And shows on Sunday, too (take your pick). But all too soon, even the shows will be over. And you know what that means?

It means the little woman is gonna have me clean the workshop, put away all the outdoor tools, put the gardens to bed, cover the motorhome, and start stringing the Xmas lights (why wait until it's so cold out you freeze your digits?)

Perhaps this winter I will finally write that next book I have been meaning to write for the last two winters. Then again, maybe I'll just grab the Geritol, a bowl of hot oatmeal and sit back and watch reruns of Gunsmoke!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Good Day in Dover

We awoke early this morning to raindrops pattering on the windows. We were unsure if the Seacoast show in Dover (NH) would run or not, but Weatherbug said everything would clear, so we headed out in hopes that the show would not get cancelled.

It didn't! We arrived early, and we wondered if the early rain would keep folks from showing up. The weather did seem to have a dampening effect, even though it remained dry throughout the day -instead of the normal 300+ cars only around 200 showed.

Nonetheless, it was a very good show. A huge number of spectators came, and it was almost like a carnival atmosphere. There were vendors, and some offered a nice change from burgers and dogs, offering sausage, fries and ice cream (in addition to the burgers & dogs). I gotta say, compared to the Oxy show the day before, the prices at Seacoast were a bit high. But the sausage and fries were good, so it was easy to overlook the cost.

We were caught a little off-guard. For the first time this season, we were entered in a show and class that included other PT Cruisers. It is always exciting when you end up competing with "your own kind." One was Earl Adams' (Mr. PT) PT Cruiser "truck". The other PT was a very well done "New England Patriots" transport. Nice! The pix are already up in the gallery - and the 1st place winners pix are up in the Winners Circle.

A lot of great cars! It really was difficult choosing among them. As far as I am concerned, everyone who enters is a winner.

Next Saturday, we're off to Shaw's Ridge in Sanford (ME), for the Art of Transportation show. I am sure this will be interesting. I have it on good authority (thanx, Cheryl) that those who attend for the pure enjoyment of it will not be disappointed, but if you go primarily seeking a trophy, the classes may not please you. So, keep an open mind, and if you win, great! And if you don't win, great! Just have a good time.

For those of you who are interested, next Sunday there are two shows local to southern Maine - the York Beach (ME) Harvestfest, and the Stratham Hill (NH) Show, run by the Boy Scouts. We cannot go to both, so we have chosen Stratham Hill. If you go to York, I hope you will take and share pix with us.

Be seein' ya!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Metalworks/Oxy Show

Just got back from this Auburn (ME) show a couple hours ago. Have posted the pix on already. Please note that not only did we post show pix in the gallery, but we also posted a smoke show that was performed. And we posted shots of the winners, as well.

And we have added a new section in the gallery - the HotKarz Feature Car of the Month. Newly posted is a truly righteous '51 Ford Vicky owned by Pastor Joseph Mallozzi of Lewiston, ME. Hope you enjoy the pix!

The weather was great, and the people, as usual, were friendly. Metalworks hosted over 80 cars this year - they had a bit of trouble finding enough parking spaces.

Many of the folks I spoke with seemed to be less than ecstatic with the "classes". There were (6) classes, with (6) trophies (and Joe Mallozzi won three of them). The classes seemed terribly generic, and excluded about half the cars that entered. The classes were:

Best Paint
Best Interior
Best Truck
Best Import
Best Street Rod
Best of Show

With such limitations, many of the rides just did not qualify for any trophy. Yesterday I joked about the class limitation for the up-coming show at Shaw's Ridge, saying it would be a dud if one car took all the trophies. Well, that's nearly what happened at the Oxy show - one great car took three of the six trophies. And if his car were an imported street rod, he would have swept everything but "Best Truck".

And that's the problem when the good folks who run a car show do not understand about classes, and they end up having classes that just do not make any sense, and exclude many entries. Hopefully, they will learn. Perhaps if they get feedback from all of us, the hosts of Oxy and Shaw's Ridge will put together a better class structure next year. I'm afraid if they do not, their annual shows will become defunct, as many enthusiasts will stop spending money to enter such shows. And if that happens, we all lose.

We all enjoy the shows, and most of us participate. As such, we owe it to the hosts, as well as to each other, to help them host the best shows possible. We should compliment them when they do something well, and offer suggestions when something does not click as it should. If we just stand by and do nothing, our pasttime will suffer, and everyone loses. So, don't be afraid to speak up.

Well, gotta get the camera charged for the Seacoast Show in Dover (NH) tomorrow. Maybe we'll see you there.

Friday, October 5, 2007

An Unusual Format

I have just received a listing of the "classes" that will be judged at the Art of Transportation Car Show (Shaw's Ridge Farm, Sanford, ME) on October 13. It strikes me as rather odd. So, I will go, and see how it shakes out.

But I suspect the "classes" are not classes at all. To understand that, take a look at the list:

Taxpayer's Best of Show
Children's Best of Show
Largest Club Participation
Farthest Distance Driven
Best Rust
Best Chrome
Best Engine
Best Paint
Best Antique
Best Classic
Best Custom
Best Hot Rod
Best Truck
Best Stock
Best Foreign
Best Tuner
Most Unusual

OK, so are these really "classes"? It sounds like the voters will receive a ballot with those classes, and they will choose from the field, rather than choose the best from a specific class. You would choose the car you find to be the most unusual of all the entries in the show, etc. So, it does not appear that the entries will choose a class to appear in - instead, would the voters choose your class for you? I could be wrong, but that is how it appears. My reasoning? Who in their right mind is going to put their car in a "Rust Bucket" class? And what if the owner of the "most unusual" car does not see his car as unusual, and enters it inthe CUSTOM class? And would their not be a lot of conflict if a truck is also stock, or a tuner is also foreign? And just what is considered unusual? Herman Munster certainly did not think his MunsterMobile was unusual. One man's tea is another man's poison! I just have a hard time getting my brain around this format.

My fear is that there may be an entry that is the most unusual stock foreign tuner that has the best paint, best chrome and best engine, is a member of the largest club in attendance, has driven the farthest and is chosen by the taxpayers and the children - and he will get all the trophies. (^.^) (I'm joking, of course)

Seriously, though - how do you award a trophy to the "largest club in attendance" - who do you give it to? Does everyone in that club get one?

So, I will be interested in seeing just what happens - an open field that should be judged by points, with classes that are not classes at all, judged by the participants.

I am sure this will be very interesting, to say the least. I just hope it will not be disappointing. In any case, you can be sure I'll be posting pictures!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Your Projects...

During the slow winter months, there isn't a whole lot of shows, cruises or events to write about. So, I have a suggestion that we might all enjoy.

Many of you will be spending the next several months working on new "projects", either building or rebuilding a vehicle. This blog, and the HotKarz website could be used to follow you through your project, and allow everyone to follow along.

If you are working on a project, please feel free to tell us about it, and submit pictures. We will post your submissions on this blog, and link it to your "before, during & after" pictures.

You do not have to submit anything on a regular basis - just update us periodically so we can all follow your progress, and maybe get a bit fired up to start projects of our own.

Even if you are not working on a project, I am sure that many of you have some great stories to tell - personal experiences you would like to share. Please do. Over these next several months, I'll need all the help I can get :o)

Killer Chrome - the jury is in

As promised, I have concluded my test on the new 3 Stage "Killer Chrome" paint product that claims to provide a chrome finish indistinguishable from real chrome.

I did not find this claim to be true. You may check out the pictorial results for yourself.

In theory, you first apply the Jet Black spray. And that does, indeed, make a beautiful gloss black finish by itself. Then you are supposed to apply the Killer Chrome paint. I did that, but it seems the black hue of the base continued to come through the finish. Perhaps if they provided more of the Killer Chrome spray, to insure complete coverage, the results may have been better.

Finally, after allowing the Killer Chrome to cure for 12 hours, you should buff it with the soft cloth (provided), and then add the clearcoat.

You can see the results for yourself (see link, above). The Killer Chrome ended up more like brushed steel or aluminum, rather than chrome.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Cool Wind Blowin'...

We are all too aware that the "car" season is coming to a close. Except for Shapleigh (ME) and HomeTown Mobil (ME), I know of no other cruises for 2007. And we only see a few shows left - we will be going to four more this year: Metalworks (Auburn ME), Dover (Foster's Daily Democrat, Dover NH), Shaw's Ridge (Sanford ME) and Stratham Hill (Stratham NH). There are a few others, and for those who attend them, we would appreciate pics and stories if you please :o)

In our EVENTS section, we have posted a show in Burlington, MA - we do not normally include shows outside northern New England, but we felt this was for a good cause - and it comes at a time when there are so few other events to attend. It is their first year, and they really need to make this a success if it is to become an annual event.

As many of you already know, Robin, Criss and I are planning to "build" another PT Cruiser - this one to be a custom panel truck. Today we got off to a good start - we purchased an '04 Platinum Series Turbo PT as the base car. Now the work begins...we hope to be finished by next August, but that may be tough, as there is much work and no small amount of $$$ involved. But when it is finished, look out Special Interest (^.^)

Meanwhile, if you know anyone else with a PT that needs any parts, it seems that we are building up quite an inventory of spare parts, including tires/wheels, grills, etc. Have 'em get in touch - they will go cheap, as I am running out of room (we only have 14 acres :o)

For those of you who may be interested, I am trying that new 3-stage special chrome "paint", to see if it actually looks like chrome. I'll post the results here, and will try to include pix.

Oh, and don't forget to check out the HotKarz classifieds (or add to them).

See y'all at the shows!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

To all the "Kids" Who Survived...

This has been around the Internet for awhile, but for those of you who may have missed it, you may get a chuckle from it - and a few memories...

To All The Kids Who Survived the 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's

First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us

They took aspirin, ate bleu cheese dressing, tuna from a can and didn't get tested for diabetes

Our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paints

We had no child-proof lids on medicine bottles

We rode our bikes and skated without helmets

We hitch-hiked

As children, we rode in cars without car seats, seat belts or airbags

We rode in the backs of pick-up trucks

We drank from the garden hose, and often shared one soft drink with four friends from one bottle, and no one actually died from this

We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and drank soda with sugar in it, but we were not obese because we were always outside playing

We would leave home in the morning, play all day, and did not come home until supper - no one was able to reach us all day - and we were OK

We would spend hours building go-karts out of scraps, then ride down the hill without brakes. After running into things, we learned to solve that problem

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, no video games, no 99 channels on cable TV, no video-tape movies, no surround sound, no cell phones, no computers, no Internet or chat rooms, no YouTube or MySpace - instead, we had FRIENDS, and went outside to play and spend time with them

We fell out of trees, broke bones and teeth - yet there were no lawsuits from these accidents because they were considered ACCIDENTS

We ate worms, mud pies and the white paste in school

We were given BB guns, made up games using sticks, and were told we would put someone's eye out - but most of us seem to still have both eyes

We rode bikes or walked everywhere by ourselves. We would walk right into their homes to see them, just like family

Sports had tryouts, and not everyone made the team. Those who did not had to learn how to actually deal with disappointment

Our parents actually sided with the law, and rarely bailed us out if we got in trouble.

Yet, this generation - YOUR generation - produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors that this world has ever seen

We had FREEDOM, FAILURE, SUCCESS and RESPONSIBILITY, and learned how to cope with it all

According to the government, and the liberals who incessantly want to protect us from ourselves, we should never have survived.

BUT WE DID! We survived because all those things made us stronger, smarter and more daring.

Makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn't it?

Show this to your children (or grand-kids) to show them how brave you were...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Tough Pill to Swallow

I had to give this post some very serious thought, because it is not one I want to publish. But if HotKarz is to maintain its integrity, I must.

Let me begin, if I may, by stating unequivically that the Bektash Shriners (Concord NH) have always held a special place in my life. My Dad was the Potentate of Bektash more than 40 years ago. And when my Mother passed away, the Bektash Temple helped Dad get through the difficult time. And I certainly appreciate all the good works they do. They are truly deserving of our support.

And I would like to mention that I have been to car shows in 28 states over the last 40 years, so I am rather familiar with them. I can usually pick out a true show car from contenders and pretenders.

Unfortunately, the judges at the Bektash show seem to know precious little about car shows. Hopefully, they will learn. The reason I say this is because they run an old-time show, one without classes, but they do not judge it that way. Every car on the field competes with every other car. In such a show, there is only one legitimate way to judge - the judges must know cars, they must adhere to a strict point system, and all bias and predjudices are left at home. Personal opinions and favorites have no place in such judging.

In short, in an open show like that, the most perfect cars are the winners. But that is not what happened today. Today, though we all had a good time, and the Shriners were really great hosts, the judging appeared seriously flawed. In a "points" show, where perfection is king, there is no excuse for awarding a trophy to an unrestored, rusted vehicle while near-perfect vehicles were completely ignored. And it raised more than a few eyebrows when several cars arriving at the last minute, in succession, were all awarded trophies, right down the line. Wouldn't you wonder just a little if you heard the announcer say "Car #72, #73, #74, #75, and #76"?

Certainly, some of today's winners really were winners, like the car that took People's Choice, Best of Show, the '67 Goat, the Mustang convertible and the silver 455. But many others were a far cry from being "points perfect".

Now, I will be the first to admit that my own car is definitely not a winner in an open, points show. It has too many little, yet obvious, flaws, dings etc. I go for the enjoyment of it, and to report on the days' events. And if I had won a trophy, I would have been even more disappointed than I already am. But some true show vehicles went home empty-handed while seriously flawed cars took home the gold, and as much as I love the Shriners, that is just plain wrong. I truly hope they will strive to do better next year. Otherwise, I will not be going back, as I would not feel right about supporting it.

Yes, I know this post sounds harsh. But when a show has such inherent problems, I think it is best to bring those problems to light, as that is the only way that they can be fixed. You can't fix something if you don't know it's broke! Earlier this year, we noted similar problems with a show in Center Conway (not to be confused with the show at Settler's Green). At that show, it raised more than a few eyebrows when an inordinate number of trophies ended up on the hosts' table. Maybe it was legitimate, but I should note that those same winners were also on the list of the show's sponsors. (And, yes, we won a trophy that day, so it's not a case of "sour grapes". I just report what occurs.)

Another serious problem with the Bektash show - they appeared to have no interest except in how much money they could pull out of us. Instead of selling 50/50 throughout the day, they soild "different" batches each hour. The ones you bought at 9 am were no good for drawings after 10am, etc. So, if you wanted to play, you had to buy new tickets every hour - and that gets expensive. No other car show mistreats the participants with such abject greed. We spend $70,000 on a car, spend hours polishing it, and a lot of $$$ on gas to get there so THEY can make money from us. That's fine - but to bleed us is an entirely different story, and unacceptable. Car shows are supposed to be a symbiotic relationship - we use our cars to help them raise money, and they treat us right. It seems Bektash has no regard for the second part of that equation.

If they want to have successful shows that grow, and prosper, they need to do at least two things:

1) Make the judging much more honest, by people who know the difference between a 1940 Ford and a Tuner, and

2) Stop bleeding the very people who are helping them fund their pet projects.

Treat us fairly, and with respect, or you will lose us.

Again, it truly pains me to write unpleasant things, because I deeply treasure our "hobby". I only hope that by bringing such circumstances to light that our hobby can become even better than it already is.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life's Little Instructions

This piece is not about cars - but it should be taken seriously. If you follow these instructions, I guarantee your life will be sweeter and more fulfilling.

Life's Little Instructions

Sing in the shower. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated. Watch a sunrise at least once a year. Leave the toilet seat in the down position. Never refuse homemade brownies. Strive for excellence, not perfection. Plant a tree on your birthday. Learn 3 clean jokes. Return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank full. Compliment 3 people every day. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them. Leave everything a little better than you found it. Keep it simple. Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. Floss your teeth. Ask for a raise when you think you've earned it. Overtip breakfast waitresses. Be forgiving of yourself and others. Say, "Thank you" a lot. Say, "Please" a lot. Avoid negative people. Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards. Wear polished shoes. Remember other people's birthdays. Commit yourself to constant improvement. Carry jumper cables in your truck. Have a firm handshake. Send lots of Valentine cards. Sign them, "Someone who thinks you're terrific." Look people in the eye. Be the first to say hello. Use the good silver. Return all things you borrow. Make new friends, but cherish the old ones. Keep a few secrets. Sing in a choir. Plant flowers every spring. Have a dog. Or cat :) Always accept an outstretched hand. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life. Wave at kids on school buses. Be there when people need you. Feed a stranger's expired parking meter. Don't expect life to be fair. Never underestimate the power of love. Drink champagne for no reason at all. Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation. Don't be afraid to say, "I made a mistake." Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know." Compliment even small improvements. Keep your promises no matter what. Marry for love. Rekindle old friendships. Count your blessings. Call your mother.

by H. Jackson Brown Jr.


We had a lot of fun at Two Trails Fab 50's Diner cruise this evening. But the high point was the People's Choice trophy - everyone got together and voted for the hot Malibu owned by Deputy Sheriff Larry Cote. He never saw it coming (much like Nelson never saw the "horse's ass" award coming, last week :o)

Larry also happened to win the 50/50. First, he gave back the money, to have another ticket drawn. And his ticket was drawn again! I guess it really was his night!

As a side note, Larry's plate number is "TEN 33". That's fuzz talk for "high speed pursuit." As one of his friends commented, perhaps "TEN 44" would be more appropriate (cop talk for "mental subject").

The crowd at the Diner isn't often very big, but it is the one we look forward to the most because there is a lot of fun and laughter, and it's a lot like a "family gathering". It's nice. And I, for one, want to let all the regulars know that they hold a secure place in our hearts.

Enough of the mush. The folks at the Diner will be getting together again on Saturday evening for the final "cruise" of the season. And, as usual, there will be trophies, music, food and, above all, fun!

Hope to run into you there (not literally, of course - my insurance is high enough). We'll probably arrive a bit late, as we are covering the Bektash show in Concord, NH on Saturday, and my wife has to get our daughter, Criss, to the Bonney Eagle Homecoming Dance. But we'll make it, eventually.


Looking for car clubs is adding a new feature: we will be including a page that will list the various car clubs throughout northern new England. If you are in a club, please have your club president or other authorized official email us the info for their listing. The info can include any or all of the following:

Official Club Name
Any specific description, such as "Mustang owners only", etc.
Address (if any)
Contact info - phone, email address, web address (we will link the email and the web address so interested persons need only click on them)
Name of the current club president

Looking to hear from you. While is non-club affiliated, and may not be used to actively promote any club, it is a useful function of HotKarz to let its vistors know what clubs are available, and how to contact them.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Help Wanted!

With the season coming to an end in less than a month, I have been giving much thought as to how can continue to provide value to you until next season.

Of course, I can use the winter months to contact all the cruise and show sponsors, to make sure our 2008 calendar is as accurate and complete as possible. And I can attempt to find sponsors and advertisers for the site, so it can earn its own way. But those things do nothing to keep y'all coming back to HotKarz through the long, winter months.

So, I would like you to participate, and perhaps have a little fun doing it. For those of you looking to find a way to while away a few snowbound hours (days, weeks, months), I hope you will consider sending in your stories. All of us have a wealth of history inside ourselves. Let's share some of those funny, serious, heroic or other stories. Not only will it help us all to fill some hours, but it may bring some of us closer.

I will print the stories in this blog (giving the contributor credit). You may also submit supporting pictures.

I believe it is important that we remain connected during the off season. And I would like to be the platform for it.

Hope to hear from you!


Monday, September 24, 2007

Bektash Shriner's Show

This coming Saturday the Bektash Temple (Shriner's) of Concord NH will host their 4th annual car show at WalMart. The reason for this article is because the Bektash Shriner's run a different kind of show. They run their show a lot like the ones in "olden days".

They do not have "classes" or categories. All the cars come, park, and the judges make the rounds, judging each car using a point system. The top 20 cars receive a trophy. It's kinda like picking out the "Top 20 Best of Show".

In short, you really gotta have your wheels in top shape if you want to win a trophy - you would be competing with every car on the field - and last year there were over 350 of them! Ralph & Ulla Stowell know what that is like - their 1940 Ford Coupe took one of the awards last year.

Now that's what I call competition. As a side note, the Shriner's also present a few special awards, such as The Potentate's Award, The Potentate's Lady's Award, and Best of Show.

For those of you who plan to make the trip, we wish you the best. We will be there, too, to get pix, and to let New Hampshire in on the HotKarz website.

Well, gotta go - I have to start whipping the PT Woody into shape.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Good Time in Durham

Another fine day, and another great show! We headed out (far too early for my taste) to the Durham, ME show this morning. We did not know what to expect, as this event, hosted by the Yankee Cruisers, is one we had not previously attended.

And we were pleasantly surprised. The event was well organized, and the folks running it were very nice and accommodating. By noon, there were 244 cars, and by the time of the drawing, nearly $700 was raised in the 50/50. Not bad at all. It would have been just a little better if I had won it, though... :o)

I had my work cut out for me - so many sweet rides to take pix of. And about 40 1st place trophy winners to photograph. (By the way, the pix are already up at

At least I didn't pull the boner I pulled at the Jetport yesterday, when I ran down my battery and had to get a jumpstart. A bit embarrassing! To make sure that would not be a problem in the future, I now carry a booster pack in the PT Woody. So, if you ever make the same mistake, you will at least know where you can get a boost if I am around :o)

Next Saturday we plan to attend the Bektash Shriner's show at the WalMart in Concord, NH. I think it's time we got some pix of those righteous NH cars - and maybe put another NH trophy on a Maine mantle.

Wednesday we'll be at Two Trails Fabulous 50's diner (Standish) for their weekly cruise - especially since there are so few cruises left in this season. And maybe, just maybe we'll hit Hometown Mobil (Lebanon) on Thursday. And though Blast From The Past (Waterboro) has one last cruise this coming Friday, we'll have to miss it - we're going to the Deerfield (NH) Fair on Friday, and staying over for the Bektash show on Saturday.

I hope y'all enjoy the pictures posted at the website. If we don't get to see you again this season, may God bless you and keep you well until next season.

New Features at HotKarz

Just so you know, we are adding a "maps" feature to HotKarz. Wherever possible, listings for shows, cruises and events will include a link to a map, showing the location, courtesy of Google Maps.

Another new feature making its debut for next season: an interactive calendar. Simply click on any date, and a page will pop up listing all cruises, shows and events held on that specific date in all three states. This makes it easy to figure out a schedule that you can live with.

Let me know if you think we can make things easier or better - is YOUR site. Feel free to help customize it to suit your needs.

Bill, Robin & Criss

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Jetport Show

Today we took in the show at the Portland Jetport, hosted by the Gorham & Deering Lions clubs. The day started out rather foggy, and the sun did not make its debut until it was time to leave.

There were several teams of 20 people, each trying to pull a FedEx airplane, which they were able to do. I was surprised until I noticed the runway was tilted slightly downhill :o)

The pix are posted at - if you were at the show, you may see yourself.

We are hoping that someone who attended the Two Trails Cruisers show in Limington will send in pix and a brief story, if possible. If you know someone who took pix in Limington, please have them get in touch.

Gotta keep this post short - we're off to the Durham (ME) show early in the morning. I expect it to be a pretty big show, and the weather is supposed to accommodate. We'll see!

Oh, and the pix from the cruise last evening at Blast (Waterboro) are also posted at


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ocean Garden Cruise

Well, tonight was the final cruise of the season at Ocean Garden (Gorham ME). We had a pretty good turnout, and the weather could not have been better.

Once again we brought free veggies from the garden to share. Last week, Marilyn joked that we should have brought dip for the carrots. This week, we did (^.^) That got a chuckle from the crowd!

The 1941 Plymouth pick-up took home the trophy this week. She sure is a beauty, and deserving of the prize.

Peter passed around a sign-up book. It seems they may be planning to get together with everyone sometime during the winter. That would be nice.

Well, tomorrow we're off to the cruise-in at Blast From The Past, in Waterboro (ME). I suspect there will be a big crowd - I'll guess about 80-100 cars. We'll see. I know we will be there, even though we must head out early Saturday morning for the show at the Jetport (Portland). Of course, I know many will be doing the Two Trails show on Saturday in Limington. I just hope that one of those will send pix to put up on HotKarz. After all, I can't be everywhere :o)

Until then, keep the chrome shiny and the tank full...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Of Cheeseburger Melts and Good Times

Tonight we made our weekly trek to Two Trails Fabulous 50's Diner on Rte 25, Standish ME for the Wednesday Nite Cruise-In. They will continue at least through September, and all are welcome, so stop by if you get the chance.

I have to admit that I am hooked on their cheeseburger melt on rye. My wife and I usually go with Ralph & Ulla Stowell, and we all have the same thing. They're good! Maybe too good - I got so involved in the burgers that I forgot to take pics, and by the time I got the camera out again, it was getting dark.

Nelson won a trophy for his VW (see pix) - the famous "horse's ass" trophy :o) Nelson is a great guy, much loved by all, and we just could not resist this opportunity to have some extra fun.

The People's Choice trophy, won almost unanimously, was presented to Bob Patten for his absolutely perfect '54 Merc. I looked under it, and even the frame is perfect - looks as good as the body, painted and glossy! Bob's car was a real hit, and we thank him for coming by and sharing with us.

Of course, Wednesday nites just would not be the same without the incorrigible Frank Howard and his lovely wife Janey (who got a ride in the Merc).

Tomorrow we expect to be at the final cruise at Ocean Garden in Gorham. Saturday its the show at the Jetport, and Sunday we're off to the Durham show. No rest for the weary!

Hope to see you there.

A Fading Season...

Well, it is a bittersweet time of year. Monday evening we enjoyed the hospitality of Sonny's Convenience Store in Lyman, ME for their final cruise of the season. Before it was over, everyone in attendance had won a prize. Of course, the hot dogs were great!

This last evening we took in the final cruise at CHOP (Cumberland House of Pizza, Cumberland ME). You could feel the difference, since the usual pace is one where folks spend a lot of time sitting. But this time, everyone seemed anxious to mill about, talking with one another as if to say, "It may be spring before I get to enjoy your company once more."

There are precious few cruises left this year. Two Trails Fabulous 50's Diner on Rte 25 in Standish (ME) will run through September at least (maybe into October) and Low's (Rte 22) on Wednesday will hold their last one this week, and Shapleigh Corner store in Shapleigh (ME), which goes year 'round. And in Waterboro, the final cruise at Blast From The Past will fall this Friday.

At we will spend the winter months figuring out how to make our website more valuable to those who visit. We'll be collecting info on the cruises, shows and events for '08 throughout northern New England, and see what improvements we can make for y'all.

And if you get to feelin' just a wee bit bored when the snow hems you in (or any time, for that matter), please feel free to participate in this blog, sharing your stories, thoughts and memories of a time long past. You can do that by using the COMMENTS link, or sending your stories to me at


Sunday, September 16, 2007

OOB Car Show

A beautiful day! By 7:00 am the cars were already rolling in at Old Orchard Beach for the 14th Annual Car Show. Rained out the day before, it is unfortunate that many would not return today, but the turnout was still very good - about 250 cars (the OOB Cruise on Friday had about 380 cars - see pics of the cruise, the show and some of the winners at

The DJ, known throughout southern Maine for doing car shows with the oldies (he always does Blast From the Past, Waterboro), kept the music lively and sweet. I tried playing "Stump the DJ", but was only able to stump him once.

Cars came in from all over New England, and even from Canada. The atmosphere was festive, and local folks came out in droves to check out the Righteous Rides.

Since pictures are worth 1000 words, I'll cut this short and invite y'all to check out the pics at If you were there, it's a good chance you will see your car, and/or recognize friends! Enjoy.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

OOB washed out

Well, it looks like the show at Old Orchard is postponed until tomorrow. Since we did not want to take a chance on misleading anyone, we traveled down to OOB this morning, just to be sure.

So, we'll be there tomorrow, and hope you all can make it, too. I guess that means we will be missing the Rye Lions Club show on Sunday. But if any of you go to the Rye show, we would certainly appreciate any photos, info or stories. Just email them to

Meanwhile, maybe we'll take a spin over to Two Trails Fabulous 50's Diner tonight, on rte 25 in Standish. They have a Saturday nite cruise and 50's street dance - if it doesn't get rained out :)

WANTED: "Local Talent"

It is a bit obvious that, with all the car events throughout Maine/New Hampshire/Vermont that I cannot be at them all. So, we are looking for car enthusiasts from all three states who would be willing to provide pics and info on the events they attend, to fill the pages at for the benefit of all. We will make sure you get credit for your entries.

While it may be impossible to post everything we get (we have limited disk space), we will do our best to post what we can, when we can. Pics from shows, cruise-ins, and pics for the Winner's Circle are always welcome.

And if you know of a cruise, a show or other event that we have overlooked, please, please let us know, and provide the necessary info.

We will also consider publishing kool stories related to our hobby, or other info, in this blog.

So, if you have ever wanted to be a bigger part of the "car world", here's your chance. Pics and stories can be sent to But please be kind - keep pic sizes reasonable, so it won't take me until next season to download 'em.


Art of Transportation Show

Some of you may have a flier for the Art of Transportation Car Show to be held at Bug Light Park in South Portland on October 13. But a more recent flier indicates that the show has been moved to Shaw's Ridge Farm, in Sanford (1/4 mile north of the John Deere dealership).

Just thought ya should know! At first, I thought there might be two shows that day, both sponsored by Max Enterprises LLC. But an email to the one at Bug Light came back as being invalid, so I suspect there have been changes resulting in the new location at Shaw's Ridge.

If anyone should discover differently, please let me know, and I'll pass the word.

Friday, September 14, 2007

OOB Cruise-in

The word is WOW! The Friday cruise-in and parade at Old Orchard Beach (which precedes the OOB car show on Saturday) was an absolute hit. I stopped counting cars after 300.

We knew many of the fine folks that showed, but there were just as many new faces (at least new to us). And some of the most righteous cars. We'll be getting pics up on Monday, I hope, on our site at Check in after Monday. (I would get 'em up Sunday, but we expect to be at the Rye (NH) Lions Club car show on Sunday.) For those who are interested, it is held at Parson's Field, on Washington Rd (just off Rte 1 in Rye).

Back to the OOB Cruise...

After being parked around the corner at the top of the hill last year, this year we arrived early and parked in the first row, so we would be there as all the cars came in. And every one was pure eye candy to anyone who loves cars!

The entire event was so well organized, everything went off without a hitch. As the parade began at 8:00, hundreds, perhaps thousands of people lined the streets of Old Orchard to cheer us on.

Some people ask why anyone would spend so much money on cars, and spend so much time showing them. Well, if they could see all the happy faces, hear all the laughter, and see the astonished faces on the children, they would know why we do it! Sure, we get a lot of joy out of building 'em and gathering with others who enjoy the same hobby. But the real kicker - the true joy - comes when you drive by someone and they point, and smile. And you know you have brightened someone's day.

Well, enuff for now - gotta get my beauty sleep because the OOB car show starts at 8:00 am...Hope to see y'all there! And remember, if it really rains, the rain date is Sunday (which would mean we would have to miss the Rye show).

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Kiwanis Show (Concord NH)

Last Saturday we went to the Kiwanis Car Show at the Planetarium in Concord, NH. We went with another great couple, Ralph & Ulla Stowell of Standish. As many of you know, Ralph & Ulla have a righteous 1940 Ford coupe. Our own car, an '02 PT Cruiser Woody Wagon, was able to keep up with Ralph, in spite of his lead foot.

The weather was hot, but the show went very well. It seems like nearly 300 cars showed up (maybe more), and it was a thrill to see so many great cars we had never seen before. We met a lot of nice folks (as usual). And a woman from South Paris, Maine, walked away with People's Choice.

The competition was stiff - in our own class (mild customs) there were 18 cars. Though we did manage to squeek out a third place trophy, it was close - there were some really fine rides there. For example, one fellow had a '57 Chevy Nomad that had been cut into an El Camino. A very sweet, professional job, though it is hard to believe anyone would do that to a '57 Nomad!

On the long ride home, we all decided to swing over to Kennebunk for the Coastal Cruisers' last cruise nite of the season. A lot of folks showed up, as usual, but it was almost sad, knowing it would be their last cruise until spring.

We would have gone to the Windham show on Sunday, but the rain washed out those plans. Here it is, Tuesday, and it is still raining. But we are looking forward to the cruise and show at Old Orchard Beach this coming weekend! It's always a good time. Meanwhile, perhaps we'll see some of y'all at Two Trails Fabulous 50's Diner cruise-in tomorrow, or at Ocean Garden (Gorham,ME) on Thursday.

Monday, September 10, 2007

End of season

It is mid-September, and in northern New England that usually means that Cruise Nites are winding down. Most have already ended their 2007 season, but a few are still limping along. The cruise night at Shapleigh Corner Store, in Shapleigh, ME, runs year 'round, on every other Monday. A hearty bunch, those Shapleigh folks!

Car shows, on the other hand, are still going strong at this time of year. In Maine we have the Old Orchard Beach show, Two Trails Cruiser show (Limington), Durham Car show, Bug Light Park show (S. Portland), and shows in Ellsworth, Winterport & New Glouster. In New Hampshire, it's the Bektash Shrine Show (Concord), Raymond Fall Classic car show, Northlander Car Show (Twin Mountain), Rye Lions Car Show, Show of Dreams (Anheuser-Busch, Merrimack), Shaker Village (Canterbury) show, and the Stratham Hill Show. And in Vermont there is the 41st Annual Bennington (where Hemmings is located) show & Swap Meet, the British Invasion show (Stowe), and the Better Late Than Never show, in Bristol.

So, keep those rides polished, and maybe we'll see you at the shows.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


I would like to welcome all car enthusiasts throught Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, for whom this blog, and was created. Of course, everyone, everywhere, is welcome to read and enjoy this blog or visit our website,

It may take a little time for this blog to get up and running smoothly, as it is new, and only a few folks even know about it. This blog will hopefully become a "meeting place" for those it serves. Anyone, of course, can participate simply by choosing to comment (at the end of a post, click on COMMENT link). Comments will not appear immediately, as this blog is moderated to insure it is not abused, but comments will normally appear within a few hours.

Comments may not include any kind of SPAM, advertising, foul language, or unflattering diatribe that some might find objectionable or hateful. We must insist that this to be a fun, friendly, family-oriented meeting place.

So, with that said, please note that you may also visit us at That is the website where car enthusiasts from throughout northern New England can include their stories, events, pictures, or even advertise their products/services. Although I just began creating the site today, there is already a fair amount of content you may find interesting. Please stop by, and feel free to make suggestions, or send in your pics, events etc.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Bill, Robin & Criss Vaughn