Thursday, January 1, 2009


As I grow older, I often find myself thinking back on past events, and even relationships. Today I was reflecting on some of the great gals I have known.

Margaret - ah, sweet Margie! So cross-eyed she could stand on Wednesday and see both Sundays.

And I'll never forget the wild times with Raelene. Rae was so fat that when she sat around the house, she sat AROUND the house. But a heart of gold, like none other.

And then, of course, there was Edna. Eddie was really something. She was so ugly that I took her with me everywhere I went, just so I wouldn't have to kiss her goodbye.

But those days are past. Now I am very happily married to an absolutely wonderful little gal. And since she is reading this over my shoulder, I will say no more, except that I never had it so good.



In 60 years I have never made a New Year's resolution. Us perfect people do not need to (^.-)

But this year I will make some resolutions, as follows:

1) I will be more tolerant of liberals, secular progressives and atheists

2) I shall not use profanity at any time, nor for any reason

3) I will exercise more and eat less

4) I will become more "green", and submit to the environmentalists

5) Most importantly, I will break each of these resolutions before the sun comes up

But here is one resolution I will keep - it is something I have always tried to live by, so it will come easy:

I will not go to bed at night until I have done at least one random act of kindness that day.

Imagine if everyone were to have such a resolution - and kept it!


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year...

Mentioned this evening on "The Fox Report" (FoxNews), the following quote by (guess who?):

"The optimist stays up to see the New Year in. The pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves."

Bill Vaughn

Congress's Plan To Destroy Our Hobby

Under the guise of the Economic Stimulus Plan to be proposed on January 6, Speaker Pelosi will introduce the "Cash for Clunkers" proposal that will severely damage, if not destroy, our hobby. It is important for each and every person involved in our hobby to contact Speaker Pelosi's office (info below) to let her know that the "Cash For Clunkers" proposal is not a viable solution to anything, and will actually harm the economy, since so many individuals and businesses spend tens of millions of dollars each year in this hobby.

Please, folks - it only takes a minute or two for you to stand and be counted. If you do not, then it is likely that the source of parts for our cars will dry up, and at the very least, become far more expensive as supply dwindles. And to add insult to injury, they will use YOUR tax money to accomplish this travesty.

From the SEMA website at

Urgent Action Alert
Oppose Federal Vehicle Scrappage Program

Washington lawmakers are drafting a large economic stimulus package to help create jobs and rebuild infrastructure. They want to include a nationwide scrappage program which would give U.S. tax dollars to consumers who turn-in older cars to have them crushed, as a misguided attempt to spur new car sales. The lawmakers need to scrap this idea.

The stimulus package is being drafted right now. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wants to introduce the bill on January 6 and have it approved by Congress by January 20, so that President Obama can sign it into law after he is inaugurated. Contact House Speaker Nancy Pelosi IMMEDIATELY To Oppose Cash for Clunkers!Call: 202/225-0100Click here to send an electronic message:

Talking Points Oppose the Use of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars for Cash for Clunkers

• I am [calling/writing] to urge lawmakers not to include a “Cash for Clunkers” provision in the economic stimulus bill. Owners who turn in vehicles for crushing would receive a "minimal" payment to purchase a new car. This is a misguided attempt to spur car sales and claim that the country’s air quality or fleet fuel mileage is being improved.
• “Cash for Clunkers” programs threaten enthusiasts nationwide with the loss of valuable parts and parts-cars for repair, restoration, and customization projects. The programs also risk destroying classic, historic and special-interest vehicles, our American heritage.
• Cars turned in for scrappage often barely run, or are rarely-driven second or third vehicles that have a minimal impact on overall fuel economy or emissions.
• “Cash for Clunkers” programs will reduce the availability of affordable transportation and repair parts used by low-income drivers. It will also compete with the Salvation Army, the Purple Heart and other charities that rely on vehicle donations to raise money.
• “Cash for Clunkers” ignores better policy options. If Congress wants to act, support for repair and upgrade is a better choice and a win-win for consumers, dealers, manufacturers and repair shops. Significant emissions and fuel economy improvements can be achieved in older vehicles through relatively simple and inexpensive means: repaired/replaced exhaust systems, tune-ups, etc.
• We hope we can count on you to reject “Cash for Clunkers.” Thank you for your consideration on this very important matter.

Please send a quick note and/or a copy of your message to Speaker Pelosi to: E-mail:
Fax: 202/783-6024

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Something For The House

After an evening on the town, Joe stumbles into the house.

"Why are you coming home half drunk?' asks his wife.

"I ran out of money."

"What do you mean? What happened to the rest of the money?" the wife retorted.

"I bought something for the house."

"Oh, that's nice, Joe. What did you buy for the house?"

"A round of drinks..."

Happy New Year, All!
