Saturday, August 9, 2008

Yellowstone Show

I have mixed feelings about the Yellowstone Campground show in Sanford - that last word being the key, of course.

When we arrived, just about the first thing that happened was that someone approached us and simply stated there was no way we could win anything. When we inquired as to why, we were told the Sanford Elks had their fingerprints all over this show, and they had not gotten over their grudge.

Fair enough, we figured. We now knew that we would not win, even if we had brought a mint '36 "Duesy". As long as we knew what to expect, we had no problem with that. But that did not mean there was no problem. It is always a problem when folks allow their personal feelings to get in the way and destroy their credibility and integrity. It's like watching someone self-destruct: it does not affect us, but it is sad to watch.

And we did have to watch. As the judges made the rounds, looking over all the cars carefully, we noted the judges simply walked passed our PT Woody without so much as a glance. It made me chuckle under my breath to watch such obvious slighting, and to know what was going on, but it also hurt a little to watch people toss their integrity out the window for something so minor and dumb. What a waste!

As for the show, itself, it was pretty darn good. Less formal than most, without classes. And small. But well done, with good organization. In general, it was a relaxing atmosphere filled with good folks, laughter, and (believe it or not), SUNSHINE! We applaud Yellowstone for a good time. Unfortunately, since it has been made known that there is little point for us to attend this show (our car will be ignored), we doubt we will be coming back.

But it is a good show, considering its informal structure, and we encourage all to attend next year - we think you will enjoy it. We did!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Shaw's Ridge Cruise-in Update

The following email was received from Frank Svatek:

"Hi Folks,

Please update your calendar concerning the Hot & Cool Cruise-In at Shaw's Ridge Farm. Effective immediately it is moving from Tues. evening to Sunday afternoon. Beginning Sunday August 10th the Cruise-In will be from 4 to 6 PM. Stop in for BBQ and Ice Cream on your way home after your weekend of shows. Wouldn't you rather relax than go home and cook? Thanks again for all your help."
Frank Svatek

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Surf City

I gotta tell ya, the ol' yella surfboard we've been hauling around is showing its age. It needs to be replaced. I have always wanted a nice wooden surfboard like they had 40 years ago, but the new ones cost in multiple thousands, and even used ones cost a fortune due to the ship cost of "oversized" material. And I am not enthusiastic about spending $400 for another foam board. So...

I have decided to take on the insurmountable task of building a wooden surfboard. With only one minor obstacle, I should be able to put together a pretty nice board. (That "obstacle" is that I have no idea whatever as to how to build a wood surfboard).

From what I can gather, it takes hundreds of hours to build a surfboard, and no small amount of skill. I have the time. The skill I will have to fake. I can do that.

If you see us show up with a nice wooden board, you will know I succeeded. If we still have the yella board at the end of this show season, you can assume I blew it!

Yeah, I know - it looks simple. Just a board, right? Wrong! There is an internal skeleton of spine and ribs, each a different thickness and length, to provide the bow and taper, as well as the keel. Then ya gotta cut thin hardwood strips, glue 'em up, then adhere them to the skeleton, bending them as you go along. And then you need to laminate and bend the side rails. And then there's the fin(s). Total cost - less than that of a foam board (I hope)

Piece of cake.

But if I succeed, we will certainly miss "Ol' Yella".

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kiwanis Show, Standish

As most of you know, the Kiwanis Show, Standish ME is this coming Sunday. Since the Kiwanis flier did not include any contact info, several folks have asked me about the classes.

I am hoping we can convince the Kiwanis folks to "upgrade" their classing structure for next year, because this year's structure is lacking in several respects. But here are this year's classes:

Hot Rods (I think they mean street rods)
Antiques thru '45
Work in Progress
Special Interest
Rat Rods (not sure what criterion they use to differentiate this from hot rods)

As you can see, there is a class for "work in progress", though very few, if any, ever show up at a show, while 100 years of trucks are all in one class. There are other problems with this years' structure, but you get the point. So, when you get to the show (to get your HotKarz trophy :o), you may want to pull a Kiwanis staff member to one side and suggest they improve the classing for next year. I'll be doing the same. If enough of us make the suggestion, they would find it difficult to ignore it.

Here's a thought - what do you think of the idea of show organizers including a SUGGESTION BOX with forms, so y'all can let 'em know what changes they may want to consider. Let me know by voting on it (above left).


Monday, August 4, 2008

Response to Gas Prices

Have you seen yet? Kinda cute. But it's ticking off the Saudi's.

Well, like a dummy I left the shed door open this spring for a few days, and a robin nested in there. For weeks, every time I tried to get in the shed she would fly in my face. Very disconcerting.

She and her brood have finally moved on, and once again I can claim dominion over my workshop area.

Crazy weather, eh? Sun was shining, so I went out to weed some gardens. After about 5 minutes, it began raining, so I had to quit. Sun came out, ground dried a bit, so out I went to weed some more. 'Bout 5 minutes later, guess what? Sure enough - it rained. This scenario took place four times today. But the worst part lies in the fact that this sort of thing is becoming a daily occurrence in Maine and New Hampshire. I've not seen anything like it, and I've been in New England most of my life. It reminds me of the Seattle area - always raining. Funny thing is, Seattle has been much drier than normal. I hope that does not mean the weather pattern has shifted permanently.

Almost every day our weather has come from the north, or northwest. If this pattern continues, we can expect a long, cold and and snowy winter - again!

Hard to believe the summer is nearly gone. In three weeks the kids are back in school. In 4 weeks it will be Labor Day - end of summer. Would not be so bad if we actually HAD a summer :o)

I have cukes coming out of my ears. If you're passin' by, stop in for some. The corn should be ready soon - it measures over 8' high this year - haven't seen any that is higher. Dunno about the tomatoes - they need more sun than rain, and we have had the opposite, so it doesn't look good for many extras - none have ripened as yet (we give away extra veggies at the cruises we attend).

I was going to raise chickens, but I had to give up on that. I bought 100 chicks. A few weeks later, I bought 500 more. A month later I bought 1000. The guy selling me the chicks said I must be doing very well. I told him that I would be doing much better if I could figure out how deep and how far apart to plant them.

Weather looks dry for tomorrow, so we'll be able to go cruise-in. Maybe Cumberland, maybe Rock n' Roll. We'll see.

Been quite a few letters on the recent shows - mostly positive. Check 'em out.


Long Arm of the Law

I got my license when I was 16. But I got my first speeding ticket when I was 14.

When I was 17, I got drunk for the first (and last) time, on gin. I had been at the Community Center dance. Walking (stumbling) home that night, a state police officer named "Smokey" Stover stopped me, and accused me of being drunk.

Not being one to take that lying down (or barely standing up), I quickly retorted, "When I was 7, I was in a car accident that left me paralyzed. For the last 10 years I have been at Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center (Greenfield NH), learning how to walk again. And you have the gall to accuse me of being drunk just because I walk funny!"

Well, he said that was the most original and imaginative excuse he had ever heard, so he was going to give me a pass - this time. Had I been sober, I would have remembered he knew me, and knew my story was bogus - Smokey was dating my sister.

When I was 35, my van broke down late at night on I95 near Salisbury MA. I got out and started walking. Another state cop pulled me over (always being pulled over when I am walking!!!) and the dumb SOB gave me a ticket for walking on the Interstate (this jerk was not dating my sister). What did he expect me to do at 2 in the morning - go trudging off into the woods in an area I was unfamiliar with? What's worse, I ignored the ticket as being stupid and irrelevant - and they took my license. Imagine, losing your license because you were NOT driving! how dumb is that?

Some cops are great. Others are far from it. When some idiot kid caused a problem for our daughter, Cumberland County flatfoot Larry Cote was right on the spot. Got everything made right, quickie, quickie. Very professional. Larry became a friend that we trust implicitly.

On the other hand, we have had occasion to call York County Sheriff's office 4 times. And every time they either never showed up at all, or blew off the problem. Once, it was people firing off fully automatic weapons at night. When the Sheriff discovered the guy had money, and his friend that was shooting with him was a fellow officer, the incident got swept under the rug.

Another instance, a friend of mine asked me to check on his house while he was in New Orleans helping people rebuild after Katrina. Someone broke into his house, so I called York Co. Sheriff, and was told, "Sorry, we cannot do anything. It's not your house. Only the victim can report that." WHAT???? A crime is only a crime if reported by the victim??? Are these the Keystone Cops? So, if you kill someone, a York Co deputy cannot do anything about it because the victim is dead and cannot file the complaint.

Still another incident involved a car accident. Someone swerved off the road near our house, and smashed through a neighbor's stone wall and hit her spruce tree. We called York Co. again. That was over two months ago, and they STILL haven't shown up! I'm tired of waiting - I'm going home.

Finally, there was the incident last month concerning bombs being exploded. Really! These explosions rattled windows more than a quarter mile away. Once every hour. We called York Co. (you'd think we would have known better by now). We even told them the exact address here in Limington, and the time that the next one would go off (every hour, almost exactly). Sure enough, in one hour, another blast. And no cops. I called to find out what happened. The dispatcher (obviously a Bonny Eagle graduate) said it was turned over to Oxford Co because the address was on rte 160 in Porter. No, I said - I know where I live (most of the time) and I had given him a Limington address on rte 25, and Limington is York, not Oxford. So, the cops were hanging around on 160 in Porter while bombs were going off in Limington. Impressive police work.

I feel bad for anyone who ever has to count on York County cops. But Cumberland deputies seem to be right on the ball. And I'm sure Oxford cops are probably great, too - if they are not still waiting around on rte 160. I hope they billed York County for the wasted time.

The ONE time when we actually got a York cop to actually do something resembling his job and it was a study in banality. We were in York, looking for York Wild Animal Park for the first time (back in the early 90's), and some overly eager cop ticketed us doing 38 in a 35. Honest!

Don't get me wrong. Normally, I have the utmost respect for law enforcement officers. Some of my friends wear blues. And I respect that they risk their lives to protect us all. But let's face it - not all officers are worthy of respect. There are lousy cops just like there are lousy priests, or lousy politicians. And so far, York County's selection of law enforcement officers are not exactly inspiring. I am sorely disappointed in them. Of course, I am certain there are good, conscientious officers on the York Co. force. I only wish one of them had been there when needed.

Meanwhile, the folks in Augusta in charge of collecting the exhorbitant taxes from its citizens recently sent me a notice that I did not pay more than $7,000 in income tax to Maine in 1994. I had to point out that I did not move to Maine until 1995, so I really did not feel obligated to pay Maine anything for 1994. Next year, I move back to New Hampshire. I'm sure Maine will still try to tax me.

Enough for now - it's late, and I have a busy day on the 'morrow. See ya!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Is The Economy "Bad"?

Everywhere we turn, the media is telling us how bad the economy is. To hear them tell it, we're all on the verge of foreclosure and bankruptcy. And because they keep saying it over and over, the "folks" are believing it - even if it is not affecting them.

Most people polled think we are in a recession and a poor economy. But most of those same people say that they feel fortunate that it is not affecting them very much. We have all been led to believe it is "the other guy". Why?

Well, let's take a lookie.

Gas is high. Food is more expensive. Homes are going into foreclosure. Yep - sounds bad. Until you look more closely.

Yes, gas is expensive - but as a rule, not to the point of a dire circumstance. Most of us simply offset it by using less. Lord knows we waste a lot! As for food, it is increasing in cost only because of two things: gas is high (food must be transported and processed), and too much of it is being used for ethanol, which has been proven to be more detrimental to the environment than fossil fuels.

As for the foreclosures, that is mostly confined to those greedy clowns who bought more home than they could afford, and used dubious "sub prime" loans to do it. If you do not count those foreclosures, the foreclosure rate has not changed substantially.

So, where does that leave us? For most of us, it is nothing more than an inconvenience. We could get a handle on gas prices if Congress would stop playing politics and actually DO something for a change. And while they are at it, they should outlaw ethanol - at least, any that is made from a food crop! That is just stupid - "Hey, let's burn our food instead of using it to feed people."

The economy is not bad. The problem is not with the economy - it is with us. We waste everything. We burn too much fuel. We insist on total comfort at all times. We buy things we cannot afford. We use too much credit. We let Congress pass laws that mandate we burn our food. We let Congress get away with stalling on important issues.

If we remove gas, food and the sub-prime mortgage debacle from the equation, the economy has never been stronger. But the FEAR that the media is creating is causing massive harm. Because people believe the media, people are getting laid off, and production slows as the worry increases.

So, why would the media want to do so much harm?

It's an election year. And most of the media are liberal. If they can convince the nation that the economy is poor, they can take the focus off the Republican strong suit (Iraq, Pakistan, War on Terror) and put the focus on the Democrat's strong suit (domestic issues). And if the focus stays on the economy, the Dems will likely win.

This is a case where any "recession" is being caused by media fabrications. They use three things - gas, food, sub-prime mortgages -to "prove" the entire economy is in the tank.

Meanwhile, most of us are not in any fear of going broke anytime soon. We just think the OTHER guy is.

As a side note, many liberals are all upset because Americans are losing their jobs - we have a paltry 5.7% unemployment rate. They say we need to create more jobs. But at the same time, those same liberals are up in arms because ICE raided a meat processing plant in Iowa, captured over 400 illegals, and is deporting them. This, of course, opened up 400 jobs for Americans (and Americans did fill them), but those same liberals are crying over the illegals. (NOTE: They did not cry for those Americans when they were unemployed.)

QUESTION: Why is it OK to let illegals have those jobs, but it's not OK to let Americans have them?

ANSWER: somebody wants the voting bloc of 20 million immigrants who will feel obligated to the party that gives them a free ride. Make 'em legal, give 'em free medical, and give 'em the jobs and schooling, and 20,000,000 more will vote for you. And they will bring in their families, and that's even more votes.

And you thought it was because liberals have big hearts!

New Additions to Letters

Our new letters page now has comments on three new shows - Parsonsfield, Andover and Waterville. If you want to know what you missed, or what others thought about them, check it out.

I did not get to any shows again today (sigh). My wife, Robin and our daughter Criss went to the Soul Fest concert at Gunstock on Saturday and got home very, very late - and tired. I just didn't have the heart to wake them early to go to a show.

I probably would have gone to Kingston, and it's just as well we didn't. From the look of the weather map, they got rain much of the day.

Well, there's always next week! And I can't miss the Kiwanis Show at Kiwanis Beach in Standish, since that is where HotKarz is supposed to be awarding the trophies for the HotKarz Super Cruise.

And remember - there are 108 vehicles that received votes for the Super Cruise awards. And you must be present to win (or have a rep pick up your trophy), because votes were by registration number, and we may not know who you are. So, be there - it will be the place to be on August 10th.

We are awarding 6 great trophies this year, to the 6 vehicles that received the most votes. And one of the winners only showed up for two of the cruise locations, so even if you did not get to many cruises, you might still win.

After the awards ceremony, HotKarz will post a list on of all vehicles that received votes, and how many they received.

Good luck!

As a side note, if you have pix of any of this weekends shows, or want to comment on the shows, we encourage you to do so by emailing us at