Saturday, July 25, 2009

Galleries - Gorham

All the picture galleries of the Gorham Show are now posted on HotKarz - Winner's Circle, the Show Gallery and the Best of...



Gorham Lions Show

Another good show by the Gorham Lions Club. But not without some discrepancies and disappointments.

The weather held - actually got hot. And everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Of the disappointments, only two can be laid at the feet of the hosts:

1) they failed to enforce the classes, and
2) at least one class was way over-stuffed

As for the former, they had a "foreign class" and a "VW class", yet a mini cooper and a VW were not to be found in either - they headed, instead, to Special Interest, as did a nearly stock '59 Chevy and a nearly stock (but my-t-fine) Nova. In the case of the Mini Cooper, he knew better - at first, he drove down to the foreign class, but when he saw how tough the competition was in that class, he jumped class to Special Interest, where he was able to literally steal 1st place. The Lions should not have permitted that. As for the owner of that car, he showed a lack of honesty, integrity and self-respect. If the trophy meant so much to him that he was willing to cheat to get it, then I hope he enjoys it. But he must know that he certainly did not earn it.

Altogether, there were 4 vehicles in Special Interest that did not belong there - and even worse, people voted for them, and two of them won. One TRUE special interest was a home-built electric car. He would have been the legitimate winner in a fair vote. But he did not even place, because cheaters took the awards home. And I find that reprehensible. We can only hope that sometime in the near future "the folks" will get the message that a vehicle out of its class does not deserve any votes at all. Only then will we achieve a place where the classes will be honest and respected. Until then, we will have something less. Here's a tip - if voting on the best doughnut, don't vote for a cookie. If it is out of its legitimate class, ignore it!

The latter problem - overstuffed class - was TRUCKS. There was only one class for all 2X and 4X trucks. That resulted in a huge class, where people were trying to compete with others that simply were not even in the same class. And that is as unfortunate as allowing class-jumping.

As an aside, a couple of classes were split - there we Special Interest vehicles in the Special Interest area and others in the area behind the trucks, a couple hundred feet away. And the mini-trucks were also split in different areas. This makes it difficult to vote in classes that are not "together".

With any luck, the Lions, who were perfect hosts, will divide the trucks up a bit next year, and will take a more active role in enforcing the classes. Then, instead of having a very good show, they would have a near perfect one.

There was one other great disappointment, but one over which the Lions had no control: "Buddy System" block voting. I noticed that a certain large group of participants used their collective power as a group to sway the results for their buddies in certain classes by voting as a block. That is just as reprehensible and dishonest as class jumping. It amounts to "rigging" the results. They know who they are. And now they know that I know. And like the class jumpers, if they want trophies that badly, then may they enjoy them - but they did not EARN them.

There is nothing anyone can do about abuse of the "buddy system" of voting. But we do not have to do anything about it, because eventually each of us ends up answering for everything we have ever done. And they will get their just desserts. Until then, we can find some solice in the fact that most of us are better than that. And when we see it happening, we can let them know that we disapprove.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

More on Acton

Received another letter concerning the Acton "Show":

"Sir Bill , I went over to the acton show , no it was a big cruise-in , Yes a guy ran by me and my car with a piece of paper with # s on it, never gave a look, these were the cars who would receive a door prize. They could just draw #s out of a hat and save all that running around . I hope they leave the gate open to the big apple so I can get a coffee and a hot dog with onions, that would be a good. They should hay or mow the feild , lots of bugs and fire risk,
ya it was a cruise-in. What happened to posting letters about show like you did last year? I liked that. Thanks Alan"

The LETTERS pages take a lot of time to do, and I have been busy this year. I hope to return to that format next season. For now, readers can either post their own in the COMMENTS link under each post, or send me an email and I will post it in the blog.



Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Standish Kiwanis Show; Panera Bread

The 3rd Annual Standish Kiwanis Beach Car Show is scheduled for August 8. We have posted all the info on the Events page along with the list of classes. Everyone had a great time last year, and I do not doubt it will be more of the same this year. And bring the family - the beach is open FREE all day.

And Charles Scribner reports that beginning August 5th, the cruise-in at Panera Bread (Biddeford Crossing Mall, Alfred Road) will be EVERY Wednesday instead of every other.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


While I have never been to any Acton show, based on the letters I have been receiving I doubt I ever will. Here is just one example of the letters that have come in:

"This was my first trip to the Acton Car Show. As far as a first impression, it was very confusing. There was no rime of reason for the parking of show cars. There were no classes and as far as trophies, well that seemed a story all of it's own. Seems they had some folks walking around and picking out cars to get a trophy. No first, second, or third place in any class, just a call out on the mic of your name and what you had for a car and for you to come get a trophy???"

While the Acton folks can certainly run their show any way they choose, it really does not sound like the sort of event that would be of any interest to me, as far as the show, itself, is concerned. I like a little organization.

One commenter states that the Acton show simply used an Open Field judging system that many folks do not understand - all vehicles on the field compete with every other vehicle. That is all well and good, and most seasoned show-goers understand that. But it leaves the door open to the question of the judging - are the judges actually qualified, and what makes them qualified? Did they check out ALL the vehicles, or just gravitate toward the styles they personally like? Are they locals, voting mostly for locals? From the sound of the letters I have received, these are valid questions that are as yet unanswered.

I don't have a problem with an open field system - it is what I am used to, having lived in the larger metro areas of Atlanta, New York (White Plains), Phoenix (actually, Sedona) and Long Beach. However, the system should never, ever be used except when truly qualified, unbiased judges are available, and they use a valid points system and give every vehicle a thorough going over. Otherwise, it is just a sham.

I do not know the answers to those questions as far as Acton is concerned - it is for the attendees, themselves, to determine.

If you attended the Acton show and wish to post an opposing view, feel free to send the details and I would be happy to post.


OOB registration

Someone who sounds like they are with the OOB show, presumably, commented that the OOB price increase is because of increased costs, and is indicative of other shows. While I do not doubt the increase in costs associated with shows, it seems well out-of-line with most shows in the area - most do well enough with a mere $5 fee - some stretch it to $10. But $15 is absurd - I know of no other similar show that charges that much. It reminds me of the government's method of dealing with income vs expenses. In Government, their answer is never to find ways to cut costs, but to increase revenues.

A businessman does the opposite. Over the last 18 years of running my own business, I have never once had to increase prices because I look for ways to become more efficient and cut costs. I think OOB could do the same if the desire was there. For example, they are old enough and big enough to not have to advertise as much anymore, and much of their advertising can be done free, as it is on, which reaches most of the car buffs in the area. And they can develop other income streams by incorporating things like a silent auction. There is no need to milk the very people who make the show possible - the car folks.

But more to the point is the simple fact that OOB has chosen to increase its fees substantially AND reduce the number of trophies by 33%. Together, I find that to be nothing more than greed, making more money on both ends. If they keep that up, their show will become a lesser show and maybe even eventually die out, as the folks will begin to feel "used" and choose not to attend. I, myself, am having second thoughts about attending. And I have heard the same from several others.

I understand that folks can still get in for $10 if they pre-register. But many will not, because in years past they paid to pre-register, and OOB refused to give back the money when the show got rained out and some participants could not attend on the rain date. So, OOB cut their own throat on that issue. Other shows will either let you pre-register without pre-paying, or will reimburse you if the show gets canceled or postponed and you cannot attend on the new date.

I think OOB should give serious thought to the unintended consequences before they do things that will make their show less relevant, and less "participant friendly". Certainly, they need to cover costs. But you cannot cover costs if the folks stop coming.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Let Us Pray...

We have a really fun weekend coming up, provided the weather cooperates, so let's all hope and pray for fair weather.

On Saturday, the Gorham Lion's Club show, which received a lot of letters of praise last year. This is only their second show, but we expect it to be at least as good as their first.

On Sunday, we are looking forward to the Mackworth Island show. Had a great time there last year, and enjoyed walking the coastline along the wooded trails.

For those of you who are a bit further north, the Belgrade show is also this weekend, as are shows in Bucksport, Calais and Corinth. While it is true they got slammed by many last year, the organizer assures me they have taken steps to improve, and I trust things may go better this year. For those of you who do attend Belgrade, please let us all know your comments on it.

Meanwhile, I'm planning on Gorham and Mackworth because they are reasonably close to home and both are great little shows.


Best of the Best

I got a call today from an individual who took a 1st place at a show, but we are not allowing anyone to cast votes for him.

So, for the benefit of all, I will explain.

He did not stick around to have his picture taken with his vehicle and provide us with his name & info. So, his pic could not be included in the "Best Of" line-up for that show. If his vehicle does not appear in the line-up, people cannot legitimately vote for his car.

I explained to him that this is not a personality contest, where people vote for the person. Instead, it is a contest of the VEHICLES - which ones are the best. People should be voting for the vehicles, and that is why it is essential to have your picture (with your vehicle) entered in the line-up.

If your vehicle does not appear in the line-up, and someone votes for you, anyway, they are not voting for the vehicle - they are voting for the person. And that is not what this is about.

I realize that there will always be those who vote the "buddy system", regardless (and I find that disturbing, since it is dishonest). That cannot be stopped. But we CAN reduce it as much as possible, and one way to do so is to disqualify any winner who does not stick around to get into the line-up.

So, as we have been saying at every show we have attended, if you are a 1st place winner and want to be eligible for the "Best of the Best" awards, stick around after the awards and get in the line-up for your pic to be taken. If you choose not to, that is fine, but you then become ineligible for votes (for that show).

Any questions - just ask.

Now, someone else asked if they could provide pix & info of 1st place winners at shows HotKarz does NOT attend, if they would be eligible. The answer to that is "YES", provided you provide the pix (winner & vehicle) and info (owner's name & make/model/year of vehicle) even if you are not among the winners, and provided you get the MC to let you advertise it, as you have seen me do, over the PA system. If you give every 1st place winner the opportunity to join the line-up, and provide the pix and info, I will post them and folks can vote. Just make absolutely certain that you provide the names & info in the SAME ORDER as the pictures you took, so the correct info can be posted with each vehicle.
