In the modern America, most of us are blessed so very much that we tend to take a lot for granted. We often fail to think about how good we have it. And then Mother Nature jars us back to reality.
The recent ice storm has put over a million homes without power, from Maine to Pennsylvania. And according to the power companies, we would be in a PollyAnna world to think we may have our power back by Monday. Some will - many will not.
Life without electricity in Maine, in December, can be a bit rough for most. Many are forced into crowded shelters. Others are sharing crowded space with relatives or friends. And some are simply "youghing it out", because they have no choice.
Without electricity, you cannot even pump water to flush toilets. And most heating systems require electricity.
And while you may think that folks like me, who have a generator, have it made, that is not entirely true, either. Generators require fuel, and the service stations do not have power, either, so getting fuel can be a chore in itself. An expensive chore.
So, we all get a small taste of what much of the world experiences every day. And as you ponder that, take a moment to be thankful for all this great country makes available to us in America. The next time you get angry, caught up in traffic, take a moment to be thankful you can even BE in traffic, because it could be worse - many peoples in other countries still travel by ox and cart - if they are wealthy enough to own an ox.
But reality also has a bright side. During periods that the jenny is down, cooling off to be refilled, we pop some corn, then our little family can sit around playing board games - something we have not done for a LONG time. We get to sit and talk. We play card games. We we break out the wax and wicks and make candles together. And in the evening, the little woman and I can be romantic by candlelight.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Hope all of you are well, and not too awfully inconvenienced by this little escapade.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Problems solved
Thought you might enjoy this solution to several of America's problems...
Most everyone concentrates on the problems we're having in this country: illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida.
Hereʼs a win-win solution to these problems:
Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.
Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levies, to protect from hurricans.
Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.
Voila! Now we need to work on the economy!!!
Most everyone concentrates on the problems we're having in this country: illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida.
Hereʼs a win-win solution to these problems:
Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.
Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levies, to protect from hurricans.
Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.
Voila! Now we need to work on the economy!!!
Christmas Humor
Courtesy of (you guessed it) "Funny Boy" Dale Chasse. Brace yourselves...
When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the Pre-Christmas pressure.
Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more.When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, Heaven knows where.
Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered.
Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drank all the cider and hidden the rum. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom.
Just then the doorbell rang, and irritated Santa marched to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said very cheerfully, 'Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?'
And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.
When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the Pre-Christmas pressure.
Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more.When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, Heaven knows where.
Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered.
Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drank all the cider and hidden the rum. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom.
Just then the doorbell rang, and irritated Santa marched to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said very cheerfully, 'Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?'
And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Lately, mostly because the season is over and there is little to write about concerning our hobby, I have been adding a lot of commentary in other fields, such as politics, the news, the global warming farce etc. Over the summer, many of you expressed that you enjoyed that kind of commentary, and many of you asked for more. I am happy to oblige....
However, two people have mentioned that it is not what they want to see at HotKarz - they come for car stuff. And I understand perfectly. So I have come up with a solution that should please just about everybody - I have started a new blog, specifically for the non-car-buff commentary.
For those who want political commentary, news, and other such stuff, you may now begin to find it at "Bill's Watching..."
Of course, I hope you realize this means a lot fewer posts at HotKarz over the winter, since there is little going on in the car world at this time of year. But this separation of topics should please both sides.
That is not to say HotKarz will be devoid of politics - not so. Some politics, mostly local, have a direct effect on us, such as the towns that try to take away our right to have parts cars for building rods. Or changes in how customs and antiques are registered. So, some politics will remain here, but only if it directly affects the people who come to this blog.
Fair enough?
However, two people have mentioned that it is not what they want to see at HotKarz - they come for car stuff. And I understand perfectly. So I have come up with a solution that should please just about everybody - I have started a new blog, specifically for the non-car-buff commentary.
For those who want political commentary, news, and other such stuff, you may now begin to find it at "Bill's Watching..."
Of course, I hope you realize this means a lot fewer posts at HotKarz over the winter, since there is little going on in the car world at this time of year. But this separation of topics should please both sides.
That is not to say HotKarz will be devoid of politics - not so. Some politics, mostly local, have a direct effect on us, such as the towns that try to take away our right to have parts cars for building rods. Or changes in how customs and antiques are registered. So, some politics will remain here, but only if it directly affects the people who come to this blog.
Fair enough?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Merry Christmas To You, Too
Just received the following comment, apparently by someone who insists on missing the point:
"Since the season is over I feel it is time to speak out. This may come as a shock to you but some people go to a show for the event not just to win Trophys. We go to support our clubs and their charity,show our cars ,make new friends and go to new places.If you like the show you go back next year if you don,t like the way it is run STAY HOME it that simple.Did you ever think that maybe a club dosn,t want a 200 car show because all they feel they can handle is a GOOD 100 car show JUDGING dosn,t make a good show.The place makes up part of it ,Fairs ,outlet malls and food make up the restWe all have other hobbys and if it is included in a car show so much the better.I have said enought. THE HELL WITH TROPHYS, GO TO A SHOW AND HAVE A GOODTIME WITH FRIENDS AN STOP BITCHING AND IF YOU ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO GET A TROPHY AND YOU WEREN,T POLITICKING, THEN SOMEONE LIKES YOUR CAR ENJOY "
The problem with this anonymous person's comment is twofold:
First, I have NEVER said it was "about the trophies." What I often DID say, and I stand by it, is that if trophies are going to be awarded, it should be done honestly. Period. There is no fun in participating in something that is dishonest, unless you are the type of person who simply places no value on honesty. And, yes, judging IS an important part of a show - how many people would go to a show that is not judged?
Second, if something is not honest, or fair to ALL, the answer is not to ignore it. The answer is to FIX IT! Ignoring problems solves nothing, and dishonesty is a problem no matter where you find it. "If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem."
Here is a NEWSFLASH for this person: Most (not all) people ENJOY competition. That is why we go to shows. That is why we play baseball, basketball, football. It is why we race, swim and compete in the Olympics. Competition is both FUN and HEALTHY. The trophies at a car show are respresentative of that competition. And that is why they ARE important.
But whether or not you enjoy competition, competition is a natural part of life; of survival. We compete for jobs, food, mates. We compete in school, on the field, and in politics. Competion is what makes everything work. Get used to it. You do not have to like it, but you do have to accept it.
No, trophies are not the most important thing. But they are important. But even deeper than that is the competition must be HONEST. Otherwise, everyone loses.
So, if you do not want to compete, and you only want to socialize, don't register your vehicle! But I will bet anything that you do register. Why? Because you would like to win, too. And winning means something only if the competition is honest. If it is not honest, you may get a trophy, but you did not win it.
So, if it is your intention to piss and moan about the simple fact that a car show IS a competition, and you do not like it, then I suggest YOU don't go! As for me, I will go for several reasons: to see friends; to have a good time; and to compete. And if I am going to compete in anything, I think it should be a fair competition.
No, it's not about winning. But it's not about losing, either. It's about fun, honest competition among friends, just like a neighborhood ballgame. You go to have a good time playing ball, but you also try to win. But the fun evaporates if the other team cheats in order to win. But if the game is honest and fair, and then you do happen to win, you really do win, and that provides a certain satisfaction.
Your way? You go to a ballgame for the socializing, and the exercise. No point in playing, really, because winning is not important. And you don't play your best because winning is not important to you. And if you do not play your best, your whole team suffers. And if the other guy cheats to win, you would have us believe that is not a problem, and would not bother you.
To that I say, BS.
I'd LOVE to get you into a poker game! Winning is not important, and it's OK with you if I cheat. As long as you get to socialize, and have a few drinks, that's all you want. Fine. As for me, I STILL get to socialize just like you, I STILL get to have a few drinks just like you, but unlike you I can STILL win the pot.
Yes, I go to shows for the fun. I go for the socialization. I go for the picnic lunch. But my day does not end there, for I also go to compete. And competition is a GOOD thing, as long as it is fair.
HotKarz is simply trying to make it more fair, so that you are not the only one having a good time. Because believe it or not, you do not speak for everyone, and not everyone is willing to accept dishonesty in the competition part of the show. You may, if you wish. But don't impose warped values on the rest of us. There is no place for dishonesty, and that includes car shows.
Oh, and for any organizer that wants to limit the number of vehicles, all you have to do is specialize - only certain classes, or only a certain club, or only the first 100 cars. Or DON'T ADVERTISE. There is nothing that prevents an organizer from keeping his show limited, so your argument is absurd.
If you do not like competing, then don't. But don't you dare have the unmitigated gall to tell me or anyone else that we are wrong for enjoying honest competition - the operative word being "honest".
"Since the season is over I feel it is time to speak out. This may come as a shock to you but some people go to a show for the event not just to win Trophys. We go to support our clubs and their charity,show our cars ,make new friends and go to new places.If you like the show you go back next year if you don,t like the way it is run STAY HOME it that simple.Did you ever think that maybe a club dosn,t want a 200 car show because all they feel they can handle is a GOOD 100 car show JUDGING dosn,t make a good show.The place makes up part of it ,Fairs ,outlet malls and food make up the restWe all have other hobbys and if it is included in a car show so much the better.I have said enought. THE HELL WITH TROPHYS, GO TO A SHOW AND HAVE A GOODTIME WITH FRIENDS AN STOP BITCHING AND IF YOU ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO GET A TROPHY AND YOU WEREN,T POLITICKING, THEN SOMEONE LIKES YOUR CAR ENJOY "
The problem with this anonymous person's comment is twofold:
First, I have NEVER said it was "about the trophies." What I often DID say, and I stand by it, is that if trophies are going to be awarded, it should be done honestly. Period. There is no fun in participating in something that is dishonest, unless you are the type of person who simply places no value on honesty. And, yes, judging IS an important part of a show - how many people would go to a show that is not judged?
Second, if something is not honest, or fair to ALL, the answer is not to ignore it. The answer is to FIX IT! Ignoring problems solves nothing, and dishonesty is a problem no matter where you find it. "If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem."
Here is a NEWSFLASH for this person: Most (not all) people ENJOY competition. That is why we go to shows. That is why we play baseball, basketball, football. It is why we race, swim and compete in the Olympics. Competition is both FUN and HEALTHY. The trophies at a car show are respresentative of that competition. And that is why they ARE important.
But whether or not you enjoy competition, competition is a natural part of life; of survival. We compete for jobs, food, mates. We compete in school, on the field, and in politics. Competion is what makes everything work. Get used to it. You do not have to like it, but you do have to accept it.
No, trophies are not the most important thing. But they are important. But even deeper than that is the competition must be HONEST. Otherwise, everyone loses.
So, if you do not want to compete, and you only want to socialize, don't register your vehicle! But I will bet anything that you do register. Why? Because you would like to win, too. And winning means something only if the competition is honest. If it is not honest, you may get a trophy, but you did not win it.
So, if it is your intention to piss and moan about the simple fact that a car show IS a competition, and you do not like it, then I suggest YOU don't go! As for me, I will go for several reasons: to see friends; to have a good time; and to compete. And if I am going to compete in anything, I think it should be a fair competition.
No, it's not about winning. But it's not about losing, either. It's about fun, honest competition among friends, just like a neighborhood ballgame. You go to have a good time playing ball, but you also try to win. But the fun evaporates if the other team cheats in order to win. But if the game is honest and fair, and then you do happen to win, you really do win, and that provides a certain satisfaction.
Your way? You go to a ballgame for the socializing, and the exercise. No point in playing, really, because winning is not important. And you don't play your best because winning is not important to you. And if you do not play your best, your whole team suffers. And if the other guy cheats to win, you would have us believe that is not a problem, and would not bother you.
To that I say, BS.
I'd LOVE to get you into a poker game! Winning is not important, and it's OK with you if I cheat. As long as you get to socialize, and have a few drinks, that's all you want. Fine. As for me, I STILL get to socialize just like you, I STILL get to have a few drinks just like you, but unlike you I can STILL win the pot.
Yes, I go to shows for the fun. I go for the socialization. I go for the picnic lunch. But my day does not end there, for I also go to compete. And competition is a GOOD thing, as long as it is fair.
HotKarz is simply trying to make it more fair, so that you are not the only one having a good time. Because believe it or not, you do not speak for everyone, and not everyone is willing to accept dishonesty in the competition part of the show. You may, if you wish. But don't impose warped values on the rest of us. There is no place for dishonesty, and that includes car shows.
Oh, and for any organizer that wants to limit the number of vehicles, all you have to do is specialize - only certain classes, or only a certain club, or only the first 100 cars. Or DON'T ADVERTISE. There is nothing that prevents an organizer from keeping his show limited, so your argument is absurd.
If you do not like competing, then don't. But don't you dare have the unmitigated gall to tell me or anyone else that we are wrong for enjoying honest competition - the operative word being "honest".
Officially, A Longer Winter
As you know, I have been predicting a long winter. But the latest bit of "news" took me by surprise - it really is official - this will be the longest winter since 1992.
The rotation of the Earth is always slowing (there is no such thing as perpetual motion). Because of that, every so often the world has to add a second to the atomic clocks. This time, that second will be added at midnight, New Year's Eve. So, this winter will officially be one second longer than most.
But imagine the implications! I have already been reading blogs where the far-left loonies are complaining - really - that it gives Bush more "time" in office, and the second should not be added until after the inauguration on January 20th. Talk about the ridiculous pettiness of whackos.
And then there is New Year's Eve, itself -will "The Ball" have to be momentarily suspended one second before midnight?
I swear, some folks waste a lot of time finding stuff to bitch about! I do it, myself, but I try not to be absurd about it. Those complaining folks were actually serious, and in some cases, angry. Quite a few even blame the slowing rotation of the Earth on the Bush administration. And silly me thought they had gone too far when they blamed him for Katrina!
We can certainly blame Bush for many things, but this ain't one of 'em.
As for me, I think 2008 has already been long enough - and though 2009 does not promise to be much better, I'm still hopeful.
My favorite month is February - with only 28 days, there is less time for things to go wrong. A friend of mine was born on a leap year February 29th. He has a birthday once every 4 years. He'll be 84 before he'll be old enough to drink alcohol. And 260 before he'll be eligible for Social (in)Security.
Well, it's late. Actually, it's 12:40 AM, so it's early, not late. Gotta go.
The rotation of the Earth is always slowing (there is no such thing as perpetual motion). Because of that, every so often the world has to add a second to the atomic clocks. This time, that second will be added at midnight, New Year's Eve. So, this winter will officially be one second longer than most.
But imagine the implications! I have already been reading blogs where the far-left loonies are complaining - really - that it gives Bush more "time" in office, and the second should not be added until after the inauguration on January 20th. Talk about the ridiculous pettiness of whackos.
And then there is New Year's Eve, itself -will "The Ball" have to be momentarily suspended one second before midnight?
I swear, some folks waste a lot of time finding stuff to bitch about! I do it, myself, but I try not to be absurd about it. Those complaining folks were actually serious, and in some cases, angry. Quite a few even blame the slowing rotation of the Earth on the Bush administration. And silly me thought they had gone too far when they blamed him for Katrina!
We can certainly blame Bush for many things, but this ain't one of 'em.
As for me, I think 2008 has already been long enough - and though 2009 does not promise to be much better, I'm still hopeful.
My favorite month is February - with only 28 days, there is less time for things to go wrong. A friend of mine was born on a leap year February 29th. He has a birthday once every 4 years. He'll be 84 before he'll be old enough to drink alcohol. And 260 before he'll be eligible for Social (in)Security.
Well, it's late. Actually, it's 12:40 AM, so it's early, not late. Gotta go.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Another One Bites The Dust
"CHICAGO (Dec. 9) - Federal authorities arrested Illinois Democrat Gov. Rod Blagojevich Tuesday on charges that he brazenly conspired to sell or trade the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by President-elect Barack Obama to the highest bidder."
Can anyone say "More Chicago Politics"? But he's a democrat, so he will likely receive some sort of award, or get elected to the Senate, himself, and get the chairmanship of some important committee.
Rep. Fosselli, of NY (a Republican) was busted for DUI and is going to jail for it, and is giving up his congressional seat.
Of course, when Patrick Kennedy (D) got involved in a DUI accident, the cops only drove him home - no court, no jail, and he is still a Congressman. Like his Uncle, Teddy, who drove drunk, drowned a girl and became one of the most powerful Democrativc leaders in the country.
Can anyone say "double standard"?
Speaking of double standards, when Don Imus called some gals "Nappy-Headed Hos", Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other liberals insisted he be fired, which he was. But when Reverend Wright (Obama's paster) said in his sermon this last Sunday that Elizabeth Hasselbeck was a "dizzy dumb broad", no one from the liberal side seems to have a problem with that - including Jackson and Sharpton.
Can anyone spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e-s?
If I ever get caught doing something wrong, I'm gonna tell the cops I'm a Democrat. Better yet, a Democrat from Chicago. Even better, a Democrat from Chicago named Kennedy who goes to Wright's church.
Naw, better not. They might elect me President or something. And I have enough problems already...
Can anyone say "More Chicago Politics"? But he's a democrat, so he will likely receive some sort of award, or get elected to the Senate, himself, and get the chairmanship of some important committee.
Rep. Fosselli, of NY (a Republican) was busted for DUI and is going to jail for it, and is giving up his congressional seat.
Of course, when Patrick Kennedy (D) got involved in a DUI accident, the cops only drove him home - no court, no jail, and he is still a Congressman. Like his Uncle, Teddy, who drove drunk, drowned a girl and became one of the most powerful Democrativc leaders in the country.
Can anyone say "double standard"?
Speaking of double standards, when Don Imus called some gals "Nappy-Headed Hos", Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other liberals insisted he be fired, which he was. But when Reverend Wright (Obama's paster) said in his sermon this last Sunday that Elizabeth Hasselbeck was a "dizzy dumb broad", no one from the liberal side seems to have a problem with that - including Jackson and Sharpton.
Can anyone spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e-s?
If I ever get caught doing something wrong, I'm gonna tell the cops I'm a Democrat. Better yet, a Democrat from Chicago. Even better, a Democrat from Chicago named Kennedy who goes to Wright's church.
Naw, better not. They might elect me President or something. And I have enough problems already...
Monday, December 8, 2008
A lot of the news media is making tremendous noise over the 6.7% unemployment rate. And while I realize that someone who is unemployed is 100% unemployed, here is a little perspective on unemployment rates:
1949 (Truman) - 7.9%
1961 (Kennedy) - 7.1%
1975 (Ford) - 9.0%
1976 (Ford) - 7.9%
1977 (Carter) - 7.6%
1982 (Reagan) - 10.8%
1992 (Clinton) 7.8%
All of a sudden, 6.7% doesn't look all that dire. But I suspect it will get worse in 2009.
But here is a little snippet that the media is NOT saying:
The 6.7% unemployment rate means 12 million Americans cannot find work. BUT...there are 12 million+ illegal aliens working in America. If those illegals were not here, the 12 million unemployed Americans would all have jobs to go to. And unlike the illegals, who send $40 billion back to Mexico, those Americans would be pumping that $40 billion right back into American products and services, which would create approximately 1,000,000 new jobs.
My question: Will some liberal who thinks the illegals are not a problem, and are an asset please explain that to the 12 million Americans who cannot find jobs?
1949 (Truman) - 7.9%
1961 (Kennedy) - 7.1%
1975 (Ford) - 9.0%
1976 (Ford) - 7.9%
1977 (Carter) - 7.6%
1982 (Reagan) - 10.8%
1992 (Clinton) 7.8%
All of a sudden, 6.7% doesn't look all that dire. But I suspect it will get worse in 2009.
But here is a little snippet that the media is NOT saying:
The 6.7% unemployment rate means 12 million Americans cannot find work. BUT...there are 12 million+ illegal aliens working in America. If those illegals were not here, the 12 million unemployed Americans would all have jobs to go to. And unlike the illegals, who send $40 billion back to Mexico, those Americans would be pumping that $40 billion right back into American products and services, which would create approximately 1,000,000 new jobs.
My question: Will some liberal who thinks the illegals are not a problem, and are an asset please explain that to the 12 million Americans who cannot find jobs?
Looking For Team Members
Winter can be boring. Not only that, but winter can be boring.
Here is a chance to spice it up a bit, if you have what it takes. HotKarz is looking for a few contributing editors. Those chosen will be able to post entries directly to this blog, just as I do. It would be like a newspaper, where different folks would cover specialized topics of their choice.
For example, if you participate in the lawmaking process, or you get involved in protecting the interests of car buffs at the state house, you might want to be part of the HotKarz team, and post the latest news items, or pass on important info. If you have a history of putting on a good car show, you could be a show editor, and provide stories and info on putting together a show. If you want to be able to report on the shows you go to, fine. And if you are good at building custom cars, you could be a contributing editor on that aspect.
No, you need not post often - only as often as you wish. But your expertise would be shared unto all our readers, and would add substantial value to HotKarz.
Now for the qualifications:
1) You need to be knowledgeable in the aspect you choose to write about
2) You need to keep it clean - this is a family site
3) You need to be able to write complete sentences - I don't have much time to edit, though I will do light editing as necessary. But the post should be yours - I will not rewrite it
4) A sense of humor is helpful
5) Try to stick to your area of expertise
So, think about it. Then let me know if you would like to be a part of this. Again, you would not be sending your posts to me - you would be given permission to post directly to this blog, just as I do. So I will be looking for responsible persons who can add valuable content.
If interested, email me at
Here is a chance to spice it up a bit, if you have what it takes. HotKarz is looking for a few contributing editors. Those chosen will be able to post entries directly to this blog, just as I do. It would be like a newspaper, where different folks would cover specialized topics of their choice.
For example, if you participate in the lawmaking process, or you get involved in protecting the interests of car buffs at the state house, you might want to be part of the HotKarz team, and post the latest news items, or pass on important info. If you have a history of putting on a good car show, you could be a show editor, and provide stories and info on putting together a show. If you want to be able to report on the shows you go to, fine. And if you are good at building custom cars, you could be a contributing editor on that aspect.
No, you need not post often - only as often as you wish. But your expertise would be shared unto all our readers, and would add substantial value to HotKarz.
Now for the qualifications:
1) You need to be knowledgeable in the aspect you choose to write about
2) You need to keep it clean - this is a family site
3) You need to be able to write complete sentences - I don't have much time to edit, though I will do light editing as necessary. But the post should be yours - I will not rewrite it
4) A sense of humor is helpful
5) Try to stick to your area of expertise
So, think about it. Then let me know if you would like to be a part of this. Again, you would not be sending your posts to me - you would be given permission to post directly to this blog, just as I do. So I will be looking for responsible persons who can add valuable content.
If interested, email me at
They Just Don't Get It!
Here is a quiz, of sorts.
Picture yourself as a small business owner, with several hundred employees. You make a good profit, and as a good businessman you build a contingency fund to help get you through the bad times that always eventually come. You establish a line of credit to pay for inventory and supplies.
Along comes a union, and infests your business. They tell the workers that YOU are making too much. They require you to pay your employees more than the average wage, and demand you provide better-than-average benefits. Well, there go those extra profits for building a buffer for bad times, and for expansion.
Now the economy starts to sag. Orders drop by 20%, so you are short of cash. This shortage results in paying the bank a little late for the inventory and supplies because the union has taken your "buffer" contingency fund. So now the bank cuts off your line of credit.
Now you have a business to run, but a) your business is down 20% so you do not need as many employeees, since you cannot afford to pay people to NOT produce, and b) your credit has been cut off because you no longer have a contingency fund. Your inventory and productioon costs must be limited to available cash on hand - and in a recession, that can be scarce.
So, you have no choice - you have to lay off employees. The unions put you in a precarious position, and the banks took away your ability to buy supplies.
Along come a bunch of powerful, bleeding heart liberals who tell you that if you lay those workers off, you have to give them all "golden parachutes" - a huge severance pay, plus continue paying for their benefit packages. In other words, you are now being put in the position of having to lay off even more people, because you simply cannot provide welfare to those people you already laid off (pay them to NOT work).
These people, and the high powered politicians supporting them are making YOU the bad guy, even though it was the union and the bank that caused the problem. The union took your "excess profits", and when the economy faltered, the bank walked out on you. But YOU are held up as the bad guy.
Well, that is happening all over the country. And in the case of one Chicago business, Obama, Jesse Jackson and other "rabble rousers" are supporting the laid off workers, and blaming the business for laying them off. If they were HONEST, they would put the blame where it belongs - on the unions and the banks.
We all know that unions are famous for getting their members higher than normal pay, and better than normal benefits. They have no qualms about milking the employer to the max. But when the economy sours and the employer no longer has anything that can be milked, the unions cry foul, and go on strike, hurting the very business that has been supporting families very well for years.
The poroblem lies in the simple fact that people like Obama and Jackson don't have a clue, but like to think they are God's gift. Neither has ever run a production shop. Neither has ever had employees depending upon them. Neither has ever been forced to pay homage to a union. And neither has ever been dependent upon a line of credit for inventory. So, neither of them has a clue what the problem is. So, they make the business owner the scapegoat, because they owe too much to the unions and banks..
I suggest that they refrain from taking sides until they have tried running a job shop. Until then, they are merely ignorant fools trying to play bigshot.
But the problem runs deeper - Obama and many other powerful democratic leaders owe their positions of power to the unions and the banks. So there is little hope that those "leaders" will ever place the blame where it belongs.
But short of putting blame where it is due, the least Obama and his minions can do is to simply refrain from putting their weight behind those who are wrong. Stay out of it. Leave the business owner alone - he has done nothing wrong. Like the rest of us, he is just trying to survive until the good times return. If you keep kicking him when he is down, he will stay down longer - and so will the economy.
By the way - the bank that pulled the credit line? You guessed it - our old nemesis, Bank of America. What is really outrageous is that Bank of America was the recipient of a HUGE amount of bailout money, provided by the taxpayers. And this is how they repay us for our help. Once more - if you are doing business with Bank of America, you should be ashamed. Yes, the bank will likely backtrack, because of public outcry, and because the Governor of Illinois has hammered them. But if they give in, it's not because they are a "good bank". It's only because they are trying to avoid a really bad PR moment.
As a side note, one of those laid off workers, unable to even speak English, was complaining because she could no longer afford her $1800 per month mortgage. Imagine how much her employer must have been paying her if her home, alone, was costing over $20,000 per year! I'm well off, and a business owner and my mortgage is less than that! You can see how the union was bleeding the employer if his employees could all have such expensive homes. For years those employees were all too willing to take, take, and take. More pay! More benefits! Longer vacations! And now that it's time to pay the piper, they cry foul, and blame the guy who supported them very well all those years (35 years). They sound like a bunch of spoiled ingrates. Bt in any case, they are punishing the wrong person - they should be venting their anger at the union that weakened the company, and the bank that pulled the rug out from under them.
Picture yourself as a small business owner, with several hundred employees. You make a good profit, and as a good businessman you build a contingency fund to help get you through the bad times that always eventually come. You establish a line of credit to pay for inventory and supplies.
Along comes a union, and infests your business. They tell the workers that YOU are making too much. They require you to pay your employees more than the average wage, and demand you provide better-than-average benefits. Well, there go those extra profits for building a buffer for bad times, and for expansion.
Now the economy starts to sag. Orders drop by 20%, so you are short of cash. This shortage results in paying the bank a little late for the inventory and supplies because the union has taken your "buffer" contingency fund. So now the bank cuts off your line of credit.
Now you have a business to run, but a) your business is down 20% so you do not need as many employeees, since you cannot afford to pay people to NOT produce, and b) your credit has been cut off because you no longer have a contingency fund. Your inventory and productioon costs must be limited to available cash on hand - and in a recession, that can be scarce.
So, you have no choice - you have to lay off employees. The unions put you in a precarious position, and the banks took away your ability to buy supplies.
Along come a bunch of powerful, bleeding heart liberals who tell you that if you lay those workers off, you have to give them all "golden parachutes" - a huge severance pay, plus continue paying for their benefit packages. In other words, you are now being put in the position of having to lay off even more people, because you simply cannot provide welfare to those people you already laid off (pay them to NOT work).
These people, and the high powered politicians supporting them are making YOU the bad guy, even though it was the union and the bank that caused the problem. The union took your "excess profits", and when the economy faltered, the bank walked out on you. But YOU are held up as the bad guy.
Well, that is happening all over the country. And in the case of one Chicago business, Obama, Jesse Jackson and other "rabble rousers" are supporting the laid off workers, and blaming the business for laying them off. If they were HONEST, they would put the blame where it belongs - on the unions and the banks.
We all know that unions are famous for getting their members higher than normal pay, and better than normal benefits. They have no qualms about milking the employer to the max. But when the economy sours and the employer no longer has anything that can be milked, the unions cry foul, and go on strike, hurting the very business that has been supporting families very well for years.
The poroblem lies in the simple fact that people like Obama and Jackson don't have a clue, but like to think they are God's gift. Neither has ever run a production shop. Neither has ever had employees depending upon them. Neither has ever been forced to pay homage to a union. And neither has ever been dependent upon a line of credit for inventory. So, neither of them has a clue what the problem is. So, they make the business owner the scapegoat, because they owe too much to the unions and banks..
I suggest that they refrain from taking sides until they have tried running a job shop. Until then, they are merely ignorant fools trying to play bigshot.
But the problem runs deeper - Obama and many other powerful democratic leaders owe their positions of power to the unions and the banks. So there is little hope that those "leaders" will ever place the blame where it belongs.
But short of putting blame where it is due, the least Obama and his minions can do is to simply refrain from putting their weight behind those who are wrong. Stay out of it. Leave the business owner alone - he has done nothing wrong. Like the rest of us, he is just trying to survive until the good times return. If you keep kicking him when he is down, he will stay down longer - and so will the economy.
By the way - the bank that pulled the credit line? You guessed it - our old nemesis, Bank of America. What is really outrageous is that Bank of America was the recipient of a HUGE amount of bailout money, provided by the taxpayers. And this is how they repay us for our help. Once more - if you are doing business with Bank of America, you should be ashamed. Yes, the bank will likely backtrack, because of public outcry, and because the Governor of Illinois has hammered them. But if they give in, it's not because they are a "good bank". It's only because they are trying to avoid a really bad PR moment.
As a side note, one of those laid off workers, unable to even speak English, was complaining because she could no longer afford her $1800 per month mortgage. Imagine how much her employer must have been paying her if her home, alone, was costing over $20,000 per year! I'm well off, and a business owner and my mortgage is less than that! You can see how the union was bleeding the employer if his employees could all have such expensive homes. For years those employees were all too willing to take, take, and take. More pay! More benefits! Longer vacations! And now that it's time to pay the piper, they cry foul, and blame the guy who supported them very well all those years (35 years). They sound like a bunch of spoiled ingrates. Bt in any case, they are punishing the wrong person - they should be venting their anger at the union that weakened the company, and the bank that pulled the rug out from under them.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Today Senator Chris Dodd said the CEO of GM should step down because he was not competent. Strange comment from someone on the Banking Committee that was supposed to oversee banking and prevent this from happening. And he got a sweetheart mortgage in the process, and received a lot of money from Fannie Mae. Oh, and he helped block efforts to regulate Fannie Mae in 2005 and 2006.
Maybe Dodd is right - if someone is incompetent, and is a part of the problem, they should step down. So, Mr. Dodd - when are you leaving?
Senator Dodd is as crooked as an Irish walking stick, and most folks know it. Why he is even in Congress is something I cannot comprehend. I guess some voters really need to get lost on their way to the polls, because they are apparently lost when it comes to electing competent, honest people.
Like the coal mining folks who voted for the guy who said he would put coal companies out of business. And the folks who re-elected the man who called them racist rednecks. But that happens when the "mainstream media" conveniently "forgets" to cover such news items because it does not favor their agenda. If the folks don't KNOW a politician is going to screw them, you can't expect them to vote him out.
So, while Dodd should certainly be put out to pasture in disgrace, he should take the CEO's and execs at the New York Times, NBC and MSNBC with him, because they make it possible for such people to get elected.
Don't believe it? Ask yourself how many of you got detailed news reports from ANY of those sources about Obama saying he would destroy the coal industry and put energy prices through the roof? Or that Murtha call his constituents "racists & rednecks"? Or that Barney Frank was busted in the '90's for running a "boy brothel" out of his apartment? Or that Senate Majority leader Harry Reid was video-taped telling Congress that the American taxpayers visiting Washington DC were the "great unwashed", and smelly people?
Unless you watch Fox News (or read my blogs), it is unlikely you heard any of those things. But you got an endless recounting of the $150,000 the RNC paid for Palin's clothes. And that Palin's daughter was pregnant. And that Palin could "see Russia from her house" (which, by the way, she never said - that was a comedy line by Tina Fey).
Yeah - Dodd, Frank and Schumer have to go. But so do the bigwigs in the mainstrean media. As long as they refuse to give us the UNBIASED news, both sides, then we are going to be led by liars, thieves and bigoted elitists who think the world revolves around them, and the only use they have for us is to get our votes.
Maybe Dodd is right - if someone is incompetent, and is a part of the problem, they should step down. So, Mr. Dodd - when are you leaving?
Senator Dodd is as crooked as an Irish walking stick, and most folks know it. Why he is even in Congress is something I cannot comprehend. I guess some voters really need to get lost on their way to the polls, because they are apparently lost when it comes to electing competent, honest people.
Like the coal mining folks who voted for the guy who said he would put coal companies out of business. And the folks who re-elected the man who called them racist rednecks. But that happens when the "mainstream media" conveniently "forgets" to cover such news items because it does not favor their agenda. If the folks don't KNOW a politician is going to screw them, you can't expect them to vote him out.
So, while Dodd should certainly be put out to pasture in disgrace, he should take the CEO's and execs at the New York Times, NBC and MSNBC with him, because they make it possible for such people to get elected.
Don't believe it? Ask yourself how many of you got detailed news reports from ANY of those sources about Obama saying he would destroy the coal industry and put energy prices through the roof? Or that Murtha call his constituents "racists & rednecks"? Or that Barney Frank was busted in the '90's for running a "boy brothel" out of his apartment? Or that Senate Majority leader Harry Reid was video-taped telling Congress that the American taxpayers visiting Washington DC were the "great unwashed", and smelly people?
Unless you watch Fox News (or read my blogs), it is unlikely you heard any of those things. But you got an endless recounting of the $150,000 the RNC paid for Palin's clothes. And that Palin's daughter was pregnant. And that Palin could "see Russia from her house" (which, by the way, she never said - that was a comedy line by Tina Fey).
Yeah - Dodd, Frank and Schumer have to go. But so do the bigwigs in the mainstrean media. As long as they refuse to give us the UNBIASED news, both sides, then we are going to be led by liars, thieves and bigoted elitists who think the world revolves around them, and the only use they have for us is to get our votes.
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