Friday, January 16, 2009

Susan Collins Harms Our Hobby

According to news reports (see newspaper article here), our own Senator Susan Collins is actually a co-sponsor of the "cash for clunkers" bill that will irrevocably harm all of us who enjoy the hobby of classic or antique cars. Apparently, Senator Collins has not heard from enough of you! And because of that, she may be unaware of the horrific damage this bill will create, while providing little, if any, benefit.

And that, my friends, is OUR fault, not hers. So, you get just one more shot at protecting your hobby:

Contact Senator Collins TODAY, and let her know the problems with the bill, and that you are against it, and she should reconsider her position. And have everyone you know contact her, as well. You may email Senator Collins right here...

Please take note: if this bill passes, it will soon become impossible to find any parts, and those found will be prohibitively expensive. Furthermore, it will be YOUR TAX DOLLARS that is used to accomplish this.

In case you missed it, more info on this, collected from SEMA, can be found on our earlier blog at

Thomas Jefferswon once said, "Every person gets the government they deserve." If we fail to stand and be counted, then we deserve to have our hobby destroyed. We will have brought it upon ourselves, and that would be something to be ashamed of.

'Nuff said...I hope...


Thursday, January 15, 2009


No, this is not about Washington DC, though there is a lot of wild life down there. This is about God's little creatures of the wilderness.

Every morning, a large group of turkeys comes to our yard to feed. Every afternoon they return. And every evening, at dusk, six deer come to feed, and they return just before dawn.

They come because we share with our little wild friends. Each day I put out alfalfa, cracked corn, peanut hearts and black oil sunflower seed.

And every time it snows, and my neighbor sees me snow-blowing 250 feet out to the side yard, then clear a 100 foot circle so they have a place to feed, he thinks I've lost my mind. He still does not know why I plow way out there. He just thinks I like to blow snow.

So, yesterday as the winds drifted the snow and I had to go clear it, and he watched me blow snow some 250 feet from the house, he finally stopped to ask why, pray tell, do I snowblow my yard.

"How else can I get the tractor out here to mow the lawn", I replied.

I wonder if he is still wagging his head and mumbling to himself.


Monday, January 12, 2009

New Project Page

Hey, all! Hope you all are enjoying the winter.

We have just put up the second PROJECTS page. It contains about 70 pix of a '68 Mustang Convertible that is being restored. The car belongs to Connie Peacock, of Dresden, ME. The page shows pix of Phase I - tearing it down, then restoring many of the components.

Can't wait for Phase II, Connie. Better tell that lazy bum you're married to that he should get going...winter doesn't last forever, not even in Maine (though it seems like it at times).

Thanks for sharing pix of the project, Connie. Jim & Eric seem to be doing well. Bless y'all!
