Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Gloucester

I really did not want to go out before sun-up, amid the October frost, and outfit the car with the surfboard. Darn near froze my fingers! Then, once we arrived, I darn near froze my knees as I polished the wheels and bumpers. It was 10 O'Clock before I warmed up again.

But it was a great show, and a lot of fun. To be sure, it had some of the "old" problems, as it seems the organizers may not be up to speed on the need to enforce classes. But as for everything else, it was just, plain fun, though a little cramped. We really enjoyed the company of all the folks.

Norm (Gray) was celebrating his 78th birthday, and a whole bunch of friends gathered to celebrate, complete with lots of cake. I can't get over Norm - 20 years my senior, and I wish I was in as good shape. Happy Birthday, Norm!

One of the high points for me was when the MC announced that, upon leaving, all drivers should turn to the right. I realized immediately how difficult that would be for some folks - it's hard for some Democrats to go to the right for anything. It just goes against their grain :o)

Well, that will do it for us this year, as far as shows are concerned. But we are already working toward next season - I have already begun redesigning the website, trying to make it even easier to navigate. And over the winter months, HotKarz will be having contests and will continue the blog. I hope to make it both entertaining and thought-provoking. And I have several hundred as yet unpublished pix to put up, hopefully a new gallery each week or so.

Before I go today, it may interest many of you to note that I just received an email from the organizer of the Belgrade Fire Department show. I'm sure you recall the go 'round earlier this year. Well, Scott says he has been reviewing a lot of things, and is really intent on making the Belgrade show one of the best in the state next year. I suspect he just may do that - simply by acknowledging problems and wanting to correct them is 90% of the battle. So, I think we will all have one more good show to enjoy next year. The more, the merrier.

Well, gotta grill the burgers - see ya!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Now We Know What Happened to the Class Clowns

Well, the great United States Supreme Court Jesters, apparently made up of class clowns and village idiots, have done it again.

The Ohio Secretary of State has broken Federal law by refusing to do what the law requires, as far as checking for voter registration fraud. She claims she "doesn't have the time" to do her job.

The Ohio GOP sued, to force her to adhere to the law. The Appeals court agreed - she should do what the law - and her job - requires of her.

But then it gets to those clowns in the Supreme Court, and rather than rule on it, they throw the entire case out because they don't think the GOP is the right entity for bringing suit!

How dumb is that? Call me old fashioned, but where I come from the courts are supposed to insure that the lawbreakers are held to account, and that justice should prevail. And any citizen could file a complaint against a lawbreaker, and any citizen could sue.

Personally, I think it's time someone fired the entire Supreme Court and started from scratch. Believe it or not, the Constitution gives the President the right to do just that. It was done only once before in this country's history.

I think that would shake things up enough to force justices to get a Reality Check. They have become far too cocky and complacent, falsely believing that they answer to no one.

It's time we corrected them on that!

Update On Poor Joe

Well, the folks on the left are really in a tizzy about "Joe the Plumber". His point has become so hot that the liberals are tripping over themselves (and tripping over the truth) to discredit Poor Joe. That's how important this is.

So, they spread the word that "Joe is a phony - his name isn't even Joe." Well, the truth is, his name IS Joe. But not his first name, which is Samuel. Joe doesn't care much for his first name, so like millions of other folks, he goes by his middle name. So this is just a red herring being tossed out by desperate liberals.

Then they claim that Joe the Plumber is not licensed. Actually, that's not quite true, either. He WORKS for a licensed plumber, and as such does not require any license. But the left won't tell you about that, either. Remember, they will say anything to discredit this guy.

They said Joe is not a registered voter. However, he is, and he even voted in the primary. Some in the media even said that Joe is a McCain plant - but they could not explain how that is possible, since it was Obama that walked into Joe's neighborhood, unexpectedly, and approached Joe. Not vice versa. And here is the lowest - a left-wing blogger that said McCain "planted" Joe because he is the real father of Bristol Palin's baby. That is lower than the slime on a snake's belly. But it is what we now expect from the whackos on the far left.

Then they claim he is a deadbeat because he owes property taxes. But what they do not tell you is that this is the case with many Americans struggling to pay their bills. But more important, the left-wing media conveniently avoids the fact that it is said Martin Nesbitt, the treasurer of Obama’s campaign, has tax liens. So do his companies.

You’d think that matters more than the tax liens of Joe the Plumber, wouldn’t you? But good luck finding a Big Media story about Nesbitt’s liens. They won't say a word about that.

And THAT is the real injustice here. We should be able to depend upon the media as being objective, and seeking the whole truth. But that is no longer the case. The media has turned into an arm of the Democrat party. The only truth they will tell you is the part that they want you to hear. It is a case of lying by "cherry-picking" the facts they choose to present - and how they choose to present them.

I have not purchased a newspaper in several years because they will not tell the whole story. Nor do I watch network news - all three, including their hundreds of local subsidiaries - except to be able to see for myself how they slant their news with a bias that favors liberals.

The way they hold back facts and distort the truth to vilify "Joe the Plumber" is just one small example of their "business as usual." And I am sick of it!

If Joe really is a phony, then present all the facts, and not innuendo. I'll believe the truth. But to call him a phony when he is not, simply to push an agenda, is unacceptable.

Attack On The "Average" American

"Joe the Plumber" has become something of a celebrity these last few days. An average American, living on a modest income with dreams of something more. And because he had the audacity to ask Senator Obama how his tax plan would affect his dream, the liberal Democrat attack machine is tearing away at the average guy.

If you don't believe it, you have insulated yourselves. I have read numerous newpapers and blogs, watched the "Obama" commericials, and listened to the liberal media. In almost every instance they are trying desperately to discredit Joe.

EXAMPLE 1: Most are claiming Joe is not a licensed plumber. By making this statement, they hope to cast seeds of doubt in people's minds. But what they conveniently neglect to say is that Joe WORKS for a licensed plumber, and a plumber's apprentice or assistant is not a licensed position. But the liberals won't tell you that part. They would prefer to mislead you.

EXAMPLE 2: Joe is behind on his property taxes, so he is not a good example of an average American. This tends to plant seeds in empty minds that Joe is a deadbeat. What they do not tell you is that one in every five homeowners let their property taxes slide once in awhile, in order to feed their families - especially in these hard times. Or haven't the liberal elites in their ivory towers noticed that these ARE hard times. And the fact is, Joe really IS the average guy on the street, struggling desperately to keep his head above water. But to the liberals, that just makes Joe a deadbeat. They are wrong!

This is not the first time Obama and his minions have attacked average Americans. Remember Obama's speech about how we "cling to our guns and Bibles" because we, the "little people" are ignorant? Or how about Michelle Obama saying she was "never proud of my country until now."

I can tolerate a lot from the liberal spin srtists. But when they start attacking the average guy on the street simply because he has the audacity to question the Great Messiah, Obama, then that's where I draw the line, because it was not long ago that I was "Joe the Plumber". Anyone who has read my books, or know of my history know that I climbed out of homelessnes and scratched and clawed my way up to a postion of some wealth. That is the American Dream. That is the dream that Joe has. It's the dream that most American's have.

And for the Democrats to attack Joe, they are attacking that dream. Where the dream has always been, "If you work hard, you will get ahead", Obama and his crowd are trying to change that to, "If you work hard, we'll take it from you so OTHERS who have not worked as hard can get ahead at your expense."

That is not America. In fact, that is the principle of Marxism - communism.

Maybe liberal Democrats like Obama don't want to believe that a sweating working stiff, living in a modest home on a modest income, a little behind on his taxes (which, by the way, Democrats want to increase) and dreaming of something better is the "Average American". Maybe they don't think so because they live in penthouses, and make millions each year. And maybe they think that earning $250,000 a year means you are "rich". But they need a reality check.

In today's world, putting just one child through college costs upwards of $100,000. The average home costs $250,000. And $250,000 in 2008 is the equivalent of only $30,000 in 1960, when "millionaire" meant you were rich. So, if $30K in 1960 was not even close to "rich", then $250,000 today is not close, either.

Here is the Obama plan: 12 year old Bobby goes out and works up a sweat mowing lawns, while his lazy brother, Johnny watches TV and plays ball. Bobby takes his earnings to the store and buys the things he worked so hard for. Johnny cries because he does not have all those great things. So dad takes some of Bobby's hard earned goods and gives them to Johnny to make him stop whining, and Johnny goes back to watching TV. Dad figures he will have equality if he redistributes the wealth. Equality, yes. Fairness, no.

Now, if you are Johnny, you would like Obama's plan because it allows you to have everything without having to earn it or pay for it - "equality" is more important than "fairness". A free ride. But if you are the AVERAGE American - Bobby (or Joe, the Plumber) - then you would have a big problem with that plan, because you believe fairness is more important than equality.

And so do I.

It is important that every American has equal opportunity. But if they are unwilling to take that opportunity, or unwilling to put in the effort, then they are not entitled to an equal share of the wealth. If you want an equal share of the wealth, that's fine, but you must then put in an equal share of the effort - get educated, work hard, think straight, and use your assets wisely. If you do not do what the successful person does, you cannot expect, and do not deserve, what the successful person has. Period!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This Could Burn Me Up

On the way to dinner at the Longhorn in Portland this evening, we drove past a crematorium in Gorham. My dear wife said, "I think that is where I will have you cremated."

WHOA!!!! Where did THAT come from? My first reaction was, "Can I assume you will wait for me to die?"

I explained I was not exactly comfortable with a conversation that starts with the presumption of me being dead. But I did mention to her that there did not seem to be much parking for mourners. And I mentioned that, just maybe, a bunch of the "car show" folks might want to attend. Some, to pay their respects. Others, like the Sanford Elks or the Belgrade Fire Department, to make sure I was really gone and wasn't coming back.

Robin thought for a moment, then replied, "You know, you may have something there, Honey. If we choose a place with lots of parking, we could hold a car show at the same time as your wake. We could even have a 50/50 raffle to help pay for the funeral." I thought, what does she mean by "we"?

Right about then I thought about canceling my life insurance policy, to eliminate any financial inducement to rush me into an urn on the mantle. This whole conversation was (caution, bad pun ahead) getting me burned up.

But I know my Sweetie loves me. And she wants me to stick around for awhile. She's just being practical. But in the future, I have requested she be practical in a less vocal manner. Go ahead and plan for my demise, but just don't include me in the conversation.

And to think, all my other ex-wives only divorced me!

Under My Skin

Well, it's official: car shows and cruises have really gotten under my skin. I know this because we were invited to a party with friends, and my first questions were, "Do you have a Special Interest class? Are there trophies? 50/50? "

Yup! It's about time to take a break from shows for another year. New Gloucester will be it for me this year.

(I hope y'all realize I'm kiddin'....)

We hope to see you all at New Gloucester. If we miss you, it is sincerely hoped that you have a warm and prosperous winter. For those of you who do show up, please make a mental note that it will be the last chance to get a HotKarz T-shirt this year (unless you win one of our contests this winter). And I will only be bringing enough print copies of "The Complete Car Show" for those who email in advance that they want one.

And, no, I still do not have the Xmas lights up...

A Book To Keep Away From our Children

If you have children or grandchildren, work with children at church, or you have neighborhood children whose parents you know, please take note of the information below and pass it along to others. Schools are distributing this book to children through the Scholastic Book Club.

I am not a religious fanatic, but I am religious, and understand the value and need for moral terpitude if our society is to survive. Our morals - a belief in right and wrong - are what separate us from animals.

The name of the book is "Conversations with God". James Dobson talked about this book twice this week. It is devastating. Parents, churches and Christian schools need to be aware of it. Please pass this information on to church/e-mail addressees, Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins,friends.

Please pay special attention not only to what your kids watch on TV, in movie theaters, on the Internet, and the music they listen to, but also be alert regarding the books they read. Two particular books are, "Conversations with God" and "Conversations with God for Teens", written by Neale D. Walsch. The titles are intentionally deceptive, to allow these books to worm their way into Christian homes, and plant seeds of secular pressiveism into the young minds of Christian families. The books have been on the New York Times best sellers list for a number of weeks, but don't judge this book by its cover or title.

The author purports to answer various questions asked by kids using the 'voice of God'.

However, the 'answers' that he gives are not Bible-based and go against the very infallible word of God. For instance (and I paraphrase), when a girl asks the question 'I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I marry him?'

His reply is, 'Who are you sinning against? Not me, because you have done nothing wrong.'
Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply 'I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the rule is ''judge not lest ye be judged.'

Here is a quote from the book:

"Author: But those who have taught me all about the rights and wrongs, the dos and don'ts, the shoulds and shouldn'ts, told me all those rules were laid down by You—by God.

God: Then those who taught you were wrong. I have never set down a "right" or "wrong," a "do" or a "don't." To do so would be to strip you completely of your greatest gift—the opportunity to do as you please, and experience the results of that.... To say something—a thought, a word, an action—is "wrong" would be as much as to tell you not to do it.... To prohibit you would be to restrict you. To restrict you would be to deny the reality of Who You Really Are. I do not love 'good' more than I love 'bad.'
Hitler went to Heaven."

Are you kidding me?

In other words, there were no 10 Commendments. No Beatitudes. No parables. According to this secular progressive jerk, God wants us to "do as we please - there is no right or wrong." If this is the nonsense being taught to our children in schools and the liberal media, it is no wonder that kids murder kids in school. They are taught there is no sin. They can do what they want - lie, cheat, steal, kill, boundaries accoring to Neale Walsch, the liberal author of this tripe. And Scholastic Book Club and our schools are promoting this garbage.

Not only are these books the false doctrine of the devil, but in some instances quote (in error) the Word of God.

And the list goes on. These books (and others like it) are being sold to schoolchildren through The Scholastic Book Club, and we need to be aware of what is being fed to our children. Our children are under attack. So I pray that you be sober and vigilant about teaching your children the Word of God, and guard against their exposure to worldly mediums, because the devil is the Great Deceiver, and roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). We know that lions usually hunt for the slowest, weakest and YOUNGEST of its prey.

The left wing of our society is intent, by any means, to indoctrinate our children to their beliefs so that they may take over our society and finally have the lifestyle they adore - to be able to do whatever feels good, without guilt or repercussion. Liberals do not want to have to turn from temptation. They do not want to have to control themselves. They want to be completely unfettered, in a world where there is no "right and wrong", or any moral fabric to act as a barrier to their "fun". In liberal Vermont they sey child molesters free, to molest again. In Massachusetts it's the Man-Boy Love Association. In CT and CA it's gay marriage. And in every liberal stronghold, they are doing away with Christmas, Easter and trying to eliminate Christianity altogether. They use the schools to introduce kindergarteners to sex and the gay lifestyle, and in CA some 1st Graders were brought to City Hall to participate in their teacher's lesbian wedding. Here in Maine, they now provide condoms to 11 year olds in school, without consent of the parents.

Make no mistake about it - there is a concerted effort to turn our society into a more permissive and chaotic society of anarchy, where anything goes and people no longer need to worry about temptation because everything will be acceptable. Sound familiar? Reminds one of Sodom & Gomorrah.

According to Walsch's "God", there is no right or wrong and we should all do as we please. But what about those who "please" to rape? Murder? Molest children? If there is no right or wrong, then all things become acceptable. And that is exactly what the liberals want. They want to be guilt-free when they fail to show any self control. When they molest a child. Beat a spouse. Sleep around. They do not want to be hampered by religious mores and ethics. As they once proclaimed in Sodom & Gomorrah, "Religion just plain gets in the way of our carnal desires and PARTY TIME!"

We should consider boycotting the Scholastic Book Club, since they take pride in reviewing books they offer. So, they must have been aware that these books use deceptive titles to worm their way into Christian homes. We can no longer trust Scholastic Book Club to look out for the interests of our children.

Pass this on to every Believer you know. God bless! And, if you are in doubt, check out the books yourself.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Getting Things Done

TODAY'S SHIRT: I'm sick of being my wife's arm candy

FYI: We have new pix up in the gallery from the Oxy show and DaVinci's, courtesy of Tammy Matthews.

Some folks find it difficult to get everything done when needed. Others find it hard just to get started, or to finish. Whatever it is that keeps you from getting things done and move forward toward your goals, you may want to take a look at my system. It works for me.

First, keep a pocket-sized notepad and writing instrument handy at all times (or some electronic gadget that can take notes). Every time a task that needs to be done rears its head, and you cannot do it right now, make a note of it. All too often we try to rely on our memory to get things done. That will almost always result in things not getting done, causing frustration and stress.

Now, before you go to bed each day, choose those tasks that are most important and those that must be done soonest. Choose more than you believe can be accomplished the following day - that way, you will not waste part of the day without accomplishing something. Also, make sure you include something that you enjoy, and include at least a couple of breaks - they are worth their weight in gold.

Now schedule this list, as follows: The very first task should be the most difficult, dirtiest job on the list. By doing that first, you take greatest advantage of being fresh and having your most energy of the day. And by getting that out of the way, you benefit from the reduced stress of not having that dirty job to look forward to all day. The day gets easier as you go along.

Of course, the second worst task should follow the first, ensuring your day does get easier. During the day, make certain that the most important tasks are taken care of at the earliest convenience, or according to any necessary schedule. If necessary, postpone less important tasks and reschedule them in your notebook.

Whatever you do, make certain that you schedule part of each day for your own enjoyment and relaxation. All work and no play will make you a bore, and will age you before your time. Use this time as a reward for having accomplished so much during the previous day. Before retiring for the evening, go over the list of things you accomplished during the day. By doing this, you strengthen your sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

All too often we fail to take inventory of a job well done, or a day well spent. If you do not take a few moments to notice the strides you have made and the small successes of the day, you could easily become discouraged. The main idea here is to not go to bed until you know that you have taken at least one positive step toward your long-term goals.

Hear this: there is only one reason we even bother trying to accomplish anything - we are striving for happiness. But you will never find happiness if you do not take the time to appreciate what you have done. Some call it "smelling the roses along the way". Then, after realizing you have done well, put together tomorrow's list of tasks, starting with the hardest, dirtiest job first.

Monday, October 13, 2008

An Open Letter From A Reader

"Hey bill, I'm writing this for your blog as a response to some things I heard today that need to be made right. Please do not edit any of the following, and keep my name at the bottom, as I don't want any confusion as to where this came from."

An Apology
"Some friends talked to me today and pointed out that my language has really gotten out of hand lately. This is something that people have discussed with me in the past, and something that I've tried to curtail in the last year or so.

"As a few of you may know, I've gone through a divorce this summer, as well as the ensuing financial upheaval. This, along with problems at my job due to the economy and an increasing workload with less pay ... well you get the picture.

"I'm not saying any of this is an excuse, but I haven't been paying as much attention to what has been coming out of my mouth as I should be lately. For this I apologize to anyone that I've offended. These shows and the people I've met and become friends with are my sanity and one of the only bright spots in my life lately.

"That being said, I would like to thank my friends, who came up and discussed this with me LIKE ADULTS- it is appreciated and I will do my best to improve on this. As for everybody else, who choose to smile to my face and run their mouths when I'm not around- you know who you are and I have a feeling so do I."

Big Mike

Punish The Hard Worker

Obama was taped today telling a plumber in Ohio that as President, he would increase the guy's taxes. He stated, "I believe that spreading the wealth around is good for everyone." Looking at the guy's face, I don't think he felt that way. I don't think he felt having his hard work unrewarded was good for him. The only ones it is good for are those who won't go out and earn their own.

Well now - all these years the Democrats have been trying to convince us that their increasing of taxes is not a redistribution of wealth. Punitive taxes.

Here's the problem: If a farmer has to turn over more of his "seed money" to the government, he cannot grow as many crops next season. Can't feed as many people. Won't make as much money, so the government won't get as much, either. And everything spirals downward.

Every business is a farmer, of sorts. And their excess profits are their "seed money" for hiring help, buying supplies and inventory, manufacturing product and contributing to the growth and wealth of the nation. Democrats have difficulty understanding that - they do not seem able to extrapolate things out to their ultimate conclusion. They simply see they can help the poor by taxing the rich. It's a myopic view of economics.

Obama also said in that video that, "We have to consider the needs of those below you." In other words, if a person works really hard and succeeds, Obama wants to take a chunk of your success and just give it to folks who have not worked hard. In most cases, the money would go to people who refuse to work, or refuse to get an education.

I feel for the people who are at the bottom of the economic "food chain." I really do. And that is why we have charities, churches and community organizations to assist them. But it is 100% wrong to arbitrarily force people to help others, even before they are allowed to help their own families. Before you can put food on your own table, the Democrats want to take your money out of your paycheck and put food on the tables of those who do not work.

Who is Barak Obama to say how much I do or do not need? He does not know what my bills are? He does not know how many kids I have to put through college, or how many people and charities in my community I contribute to. So how can he say that just because I make "X" number of dollars, all I need is "Y" dollars, and he can take the rest?

That is unconstitutional, for one thing. Just as importantly, it is economically dangerous and morally wrong.

Let's say Obama figures that all I need for my own needs is $250,000 a year (less the current 52% in combined taxes for that bracket). He taxes me an extra $40,000 a year because I am "wealthy" in his view. I cannot afford to just lose $40,000. I have to try and recoup that. So guess what I will have to do? You guessed it - I have to lay off one or two employees.

Now multiply that by the 8.9 million small businesses in the U.S. That's a lot of folks out of work, uninsured, and collecting entitlements from the public teat. Less money going in to the Treasury, and more going out. Or, at the very least, I will not invest $40,000 into companies so they can grow and hire more of the poor, and give them health insurance. I will not spend that $40,000 on products made by those companies. (If you think the poor would, think again. A huge portion of their entitlements are used to buy alcohol, drugs or "other" services such as prositution and gambling).

But regardless of the severe damage that Obama's taxes would do, it is just plain wrong! I would ask you (and Obama): "WHY should I work hard to succeed? If I just sit back and watch soaps all day, the government will take care of me." Why work my butt off, just so Obama can take the rewards of my hard work and give them to some lazy bum?

I was manager of New Hampshire's largest homeless shelter. And 91% of the people in the shelter were there either because they were alcoholics, drug addicts or criminals. And because they were so "poor" and unemployed (by choice), every one of them collected hundreds of dollars a month in federal entitlements (food stamps, SSI etc.). And every dime would be used for alcohol or drugs, or other things the taxpayer should not be paying for, like attending strip clubs or paying prostitutes.

Then add in the thousands per month in free medical care, courtesy of taxpayers. They drink themselves into a stupor, and you and I must then pay the medical bills to get them back on their feet so they can do it again. And we must pay for those things even before we can collect our paycheck and feed our own families. And now Obama wants to give them even more money....

That is socialism. And we saw the results in the USSR. Workers had no incentive to do any more than absolutely necessary. No point in trying to invent a new product - the government would just take the profits and give them to others. No point in producing more. No point in trying. No point in thinking. No point! Because no matter what, you will have the same as everyone else, through income redistribution.

Socialism has detroyed, or is currently destroying every nation that took that road. And I must ask - what if Obama later decides the poor need even more help? So he starts taking "excess income" from everyone? You, your parents, your kids...right now, the limit is $250,000. But that figure is bound to change, especially with a bad economy, and a growing population and unrestrained illegal immigration.

And we are well on the road to being the next "union of socialist states". America will be no more. Freedoms will be but a memory. The American Dream - believing if you work hard you will get ahead - will become the Obama nightmare where working hard produces nothing for you except blisters and the contempt of others.

Great idea, Obama! Penalize the very people whose money pays salaries and healthcare. Stick a tax spigot into the very people who create all the wealth in this country so they are unable to create any more.

When I put my "excess" money into the stock market, companies use that money to grow. To hire. To pay insurance benefits. That does more good for the poor than anything else. It provides jobs, health care, security. And at the same time it makes me even more money to invest, so those companies can hire even more people.

But Obama wants to stop all that growth with punitive taxes. Instead of "allowing" me to invest in growth, he would rather take that money away from me and just give it away to people who will do nothing to contribute to growth. And at the end of the day, those people will still be poor, and we will have to do it all over again tomorrow.

Let's be perfectly clear. There is truth to the ancient adage "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. But if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." I would add the following: "If, after teaching the man to fish he chooses not to, but rather to lay around in the sun, then let him go hungry, because that is his own choice." We owe him nothing further.

Or, as the Bible so aptly put it, "The Lord helps those who help themselves." If it's good enough for the Lord, it's good enough for me. I'll give a man a hand up, but not a hand-out.

And a final point - if, instead of giving people more entitlements we should instead give much, much less, I contend a lot of those people will suddenly start working, and contributing to the growth of the country. They would have to. And I know that would be the case because the Welfare Reform Act of the Republican Congress in the 90's did just that - and people went to work.

Obama, your economic and tax plan is foolish and dangerous, and proves you have no concept of what is good for the economy or the people.

So, what is a better plan? The plan supported by sane people like Gingrich, Forbes, Huckabee, Boortz, and many others. The "Fair Tax". With the fair tax, we the People decide what we will support. Congress would no longer have control of the purse strings. They would have no control over how much goes into that purse. So, they could no longer buy votes. Lobbyists would have to go out and find real jobs. There could be no more "pork" spending. And we, the People, would benefit from lower taxes and better government. And politicians would have to actually get elected on issues.

Check out the fair tax at It is our only hope of taking back our contry, and making it strong once more.

'Nuff said.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Book

More and more show organizers are requesting copies of "The Complete Car Show." I think that is a good sign for next year. Perhaps we will see more great shows, and fewer slip-shod events.

Wouldn't you know it - now that the season is about over, we get lots of gorgeous weather. Go figure! But I am still bettin' we have a long, rough winter. Of course you realize, any stretch of 3 consecutive days where the temp is not over 70 is what I call a long, rough winter.

I told friends at the coffee shop this mornin' that McCain would win by 54%. One fella said his more accurate calculations say McCain will only get 52%. I then explained to him that I was counting all the votes from those 7 extra states Obama found during the primaries when he said he had already campaigned in 53, with only 4 more to go.

Isn't it comical to see the politicians scurrying to fix a crisis they don't even comprehend. I guess no one told them you cannot "fix" investors' fear of impending socialism. As proof, every time Congress passed new socialist acts like the bailout, or buying up banks, the markets would tank another few hundred points. And the politicians just don't understand...Oh, well. After all, they ARE just politicians. The definition of "insanity" is to keep doing the same thing, and expecting a different result each time. DUH!

I see that Maine's democratic legislature has decided to use taxpayer money to induce college kids to stay in Maine, by offsetting the interest on their college loans if they stay. More of the same stupidity. So, using OUR money, they think they can induce a smart, educated kid into staying in a state where there is no opportunity and excessive taxes in return for saving a couple hundred bucks. Frankly, any kid dumb enough to fall for that is not worth keeping here.

I also find it to be elitist and discriminatory - if you are smart, and have a college education, we want you to stay, and will even pay you to stay. But if you are not so fortunate to be smart, or wealthy enough to be college educated, the line for leaving the state is to your right...please waste no time leaving. What a bunch of bigots in our legislature. I guess no one told them that our state was built on the backs of the "everyman", the sweat of the average Joe on the street. But I do not see the politicians offering any incentives for them to keep Maine running.

It is uncertain if car enthusiasts will be able to preserve their hobby in Maine. The future looks doubtful, as we are not getting any word of folks taking action to preserve our rights. It looks like this will be yet another case of lost freedoms because the people will not fight to protect those freedoms. As Thomas Jefferson once said, "Everyone gets the government they deserve." Meaning, if we do not stand for our rights, then we deserve to have a government that takes those rights away.

Oh, well - at least the sun is shining today....