Been pretty busy lately, and will be busy for a couple weeks, it looks like. I had a really, really bad tenant in one of our New Hampshire houses. He started violating the terms of the lease the same day he signed the lease 15 months ago. And in spite of all the breaks I gave that family, they just kept putting the screws to me.
Rent for a 3 bedroom home on two private acres in Deerfield runs an average of $1500 a month. I only charged them $1200. Then I reduced their rent another $200 a month in exchange for them caretaking the property. They took the money, but never lifted a finger to take care of the place. They screwed over the gas company, and could no longer get gas from them. They claimed poverty so I paid for new tanks from a different company, and paid $131 for the first 50 gallons. I paid over $220 for K-1 fuel when they were broke. I gave them three weeks free rent when they cried poverty. I even gave them an extra $200 last February when he said they had a choice between heat and food. I really did try to be a good landlord.
What I got: they trashed the place, inside and out. They did almost $1000 in damage to the heating system by putting #2 oil in a K-1 tank. They disconnected the propane tanks when they ran out, and hooked the house up to a 5 gallon propane tank used for BBQ grills. They stopped paying rent altogether in August. As for being in poverty - they bought a new car, a new truck and a motorcycle. So much for poverty - I should be that poor!
Well, they complained I was a lousy landlord when I served the eviction notice. They refused to leave, even though NH law says there is no other choice because the home is classed as "unrestricted property". So, I had to get a writ served by the sheriff. They ignored it. I took them to court - they told the judge what a rotten landlord I was, and what a rotten place the home was. The judge asked, "If they are as bad as all that, why have you refused to leave? Why are you fighting so hard to stay?"
The judge was familiar with the property in question, and new it was a nice place. So, he ordered them to leave or the sheriff would be ordered to arrest them for trespassing.
Well, they left last weekend (two months after the eviction), and I have been going to NH almost daily to do all the fixing up and cleaning. I mean, the place was TRASHED! Doors ripped off the hinges. Floors cruddy. Their dog ripped apart the screens. Gouges in the walls. Windows so dirty you cannot see outside. Ceiling tiles ripped out. Carpets ruined. And they stole the microwave. I'm surprised they didn't rip out the dishwasher, or steal the upright freezer (yeah, my homes are well-endowed).
The previous tenant was worse - did over $10,000 in damage. Took three months to get it ready to be rented again. Thinking about it, I think it would be more cost-effective to leave it vacant. So far, the last two tenants, covering three years, cost me nearly $19,000. I only collected just under $17,000 in rents.
Oh, it's fun being a landlord! Please bear with me if I slack off on this blog a bit until I get that place back in shape. I'll still write - just not as often.
Meanwhile, my family and I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. May you eat all you desire, and not gain a pound :o)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Weather Forecast
Taxpayer money at work: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration put out its winter forcast today. For the Northeast, it predicts we "will either be warmer or cooler than normal." It then goes on to say that it will either be "wetter, dryer or normal precipitation."
Now that's what I call a forecast. Can't possibly be wrong.
And to think, these are the folks at the Fed who keep telling us with certainty that there is global warming, and that it will get worse.
But they did state that, so far, this season is one of the coldest, and that there has been NO "global warming" since 1995. None. Nada. Zilch (if you recall, I have been saying that right along). And the U.N. council on climate agrees, begrudgingly. I'll bet that is why Gore and the other "chicken littles" have stopped using the phrase "global warming", and started using "climate change". And that is their new way of trying to fool us again. Because as any Mainer can tell ya, the climate will ALWAYS change.
Since there really is no global warming, and, in fact, there may actually be a global cooling, it makes one wonder why governments and environmentalist keep screaming for us to act quickly to avert global warming. Could it possibly be about $$$$? The government tends to throw an incredible amount of taxpayer money to those who convince us there is a "crisis" that needs to be fixed.
I think I have just found a place where we can cut some tax expenditures...
Now that's what I call a forecast. Can't possibly be wrong.
And to think, these are the folks at the Fed who keep telling us with certainty that there is global warming, and that it will get worse.
But they did state that, so far, this season is one of the coldest, and that there has been NO "global warming" since 1995. None. Nada. Zilch (if you recall, I have been saying that right along). And the U.N. council on climate agrees, begrudgingly. I'll bet that is why Gore and the other "chicken littles" have stopped using the phrase "global warming", and started using "climate change". And that is their new way of trying to fool us again. Because as any Mainer can tell ya, the climate will ALWAYS change.
Since there really is no global warming, and, in fact, there may actually be a global cooling, it makes one wonder why governments and environmentalist keep screaming for us to act quickly to avert global warming. Could it possibly be about $$$$? The government tends to throw an incredible amount of taxpayer money to those who convince us there is a "crisis" that needs to be fixed.
I think I have just found a place where we can cut some tax expenditures...
According to the "news", and I use the term loosely, hunger in America has increased 50% in the last year. Yeah, I know - more BS from the liberals who want an excuse to take our money and redistribute it to those who won't go out and earn their own.
But I am not knocking that some folks may, indeed, go hungry. What I AM saying is that it is completely unnecessary - if a person in America goes hungry, it is by choice. Let me explain.
In 1989 and 1990 I was homeless. For awhile, I lived in the woods. Yet, in spite of being penniless, I did not starve. Certainly, I missed some meals, but that does not constitute "hunger". You see, in third world countries hunger is when you haven't had much sustenance in days, with little else in sight. In America, hunger is when you are late for work and miss breakfast.
In every community throughout America there are soup kitchens, public food panties and church pantries that all give out food. And then there are food stamps, WIC and assorted other programs. So, no matter what your circumstances, there is no need of anyone actually going HUNGRY in America.
But what really gets my goat are the people who claim to be hungry, living in poverty. As an example, I was on an Internet board that was discussing hunger in America. A Whopping 21% of them claimed to be without enough food to feed their poor little urchins. And so I noted - and mentioned - that it was strange they cannot afford to feed their kids, but they can afford a computer plus $40 a month for Internet service so they could waste hours on end posting on these blog sites, instead of getting out there to earn money. Can't feed their kids, but by God they can spend a small fortune playing on the Internet!
And while I was the manager of New Hampshire's largest homeless shelter and food pantry in Manchester, it never ceased to amaze me that the same faces I saw in the food bank line I would also see in Pizza parlors, movie theaters and even at concerts. Can't feed their kids, but they sure can afford to go to a Kenny Rogers concert!
As a side note, it is nature for everything that lives to go hungry every so often. Famines, droughts, winters...hunger is supposed to be a part of life. Today in America, we are "fortunate" that we have been able to avoid nature. An abundance of everything, not minutes away. But hunger is a necessary part of survival. Hunger drives us. Periodic hunger makes us stronger, tougher. Hunger, known as "fasting", used to be a required tradition in most cultures, because it detoxifies the body, to help maintain health.
More folks should go "hungry" more often. I don't mean starve. I mean go without any substantial food for a day or so each month, so the body can "unclog". Some religions require one day of complete fasting each week. It is difficult to find any obese people among them, and they seem trim and fit.
Imagine a fat 20-something laying around playing computer games. Suddenly, the world is hit with a global disaster, making food scarce. Now, as a rule, there would be one of three outcomes for that fellow:
1) He could just give up, and therefore die
2) He could be unqualified in the game of "survival of the fittest" and go down struggling, and still die.
3) OR, he would struggle and survive. He would fight. He would scrounge for food, and battle for it, if necessary. He would know hunger, and it would drive him. And in short order, that fat kid would be a lean, mean fighting machine.
As a modern American with little direct knowledge of real hunger, he is unfit. As a hungry man seeking food, he becomes fit. Hunger makes that happen.
Many of those who claim "hunger" say they are obese and unhealthy because they are forced to eat "cheap foods" like fast food. Pardon me, but fast foods are not cheap - if you made the same thing at home, it would cost half as much and be twice as healthy. More important, good, nutritious foods often cost the least. Take eggs, for example. One of the most nutritious foods, they are high in protein, which means an ounce of eggs fills you up as much as two ounces of carbohydrates, such as bread, chips etc. And you can get a dozen eggs for less than the cost of a Big Mac.
So I don't buy into the "I'm obese because I'm poor" crap, either. They're obese because they don't WANT to eat right. They prefer the junk, because it is tastier. They just don't have the will to eat right.
Hunger in America? No, not real hunger. In fact, America needs a lot more hunger if we are to be fit enough to survive in the world of Natural Selection. If history shows us little else, it shows that cultures that become fat and happy end up going down the tubes. The Greek Empire, The Egyptian Empire. The Roman Empire. Then the British Empire. In France, the common folks rebelled and beheaded every one of the rich, fat elites of the aristocracy. Russia did the same.
Wake up, America, and feel the hunger...
But I am not knocking that some folks may, indeed, go hungry. What I AM saying is that it is completely unnecessary - if a person in America goes hungry, it is by choice. Let me explain.
In 1989 and 1990 I was homeless. For awhile, I lived in the woods. Yet, in spite of being penniless, I did not starve. Certainly, I missed some meals, but that does not constitute "hunger". You see, in third world countries hunger is when you haven't had much sustenance in days, with little else in sight. In America, hunger is when you are late for work and miss breakfast.
In every community throughout America there are soup kitchens, public food panties and church pantries that all give out food. And then there are food stamps, WIC and assorted other programs. So, no matter what your circumstances, there is no need of anyone actually going HUNGRY in America.
But what really gets my goat are the people who claim to be hungry, living in poverty. As an example, I was on an Internet board that was discussing hunger in America. A Whopping 21% of them claimed to be without enough food to feed their poor little urchins. And so I noted - and mentioned - that it was strange they cannot afford to feed their kids, but they can afford a computer plus $40 a month for Internet service so they could waste hours on end posting on these blog sites, instead of getting out there to earn money. Can't feed their kids, but by God they can spend a small fortune playing on the Internet!
And while I was the manager of New Hampshire's largest homeless shelter and food pantry in Manchester, it never ceased to amaze me that the same faces I saw in the food bank line I would also see in Pizza parlors, movie theaters and even at concerts. Can't feed their kids, but they sure can afford to go to a Kenny Rogers concert!
As a side note, it is nature for everything that lives to go hungry every so often. Famines, droughts, winters...hunger is supposed to be a part of life. Today in America, we are "fortunate" that we have been able to avoid nature. An abundance of everything, not minutes away. But hunger is a necessary part of survival. Hunger drives us. Periodic hunger makes us stronger, tougher. Hunger, known as "fasting", used to be a required tradition in most cultures, because it detoxifies the body, to help maintain health.
More folks should go "hungry" more often. I don't mean starve. I mean go without any substantial food for a day or so each month, so the body can "unclog". Some religions require one day of complete fasting each week. It is difficult to find any obese people among them, and they seem trim and fit.
Imagine a fat 20-something laying around playing computer games. Suddenly, the world is hit with a global disaster, making food scarce. Now, as a rule, there would be one of three outcomes for that fellow:
1) He could just give up, and therefore die
2) He could be unqualified in the game of "survival of the fittest" and go down struggling, and still die.
3) OR, he would struggle and survive. He would fight. He would scrounge for food, and battle for it, if necessary. He would know hunger, and it would drive him. And in short order, that fat kid would be a lean, mean fighting machine.
As a modern American with little direct knowledge of real hunger, he is unfit. As a hungry man seeking food, he becomes fit. Hunger makes that happen.
Many of those who claim "hunger" say they are obese and unhealthy because they are forced to eat "cheap foods" like fast food. Pardon me, but fast foods are not cheap - if you made the same thing at home, it would cost half as much and be twice as healthy. More important, good, nutritious foods often cost the least. Take eggs, for example. One of the most nutritious foods, they are high in protein, which means an ounce of eggs fills you up as much as two ounces of carbohydrates, such as bread, chips etc. And you can get a dozen eggs for less than the cost of a Big Mac.
So I don't buy into the "I'm obese because I'm poor" crap, either. They're obese because they don't WANT to eat right. They prefer the junk, because it is tastier. They just don't have the will to eat right.
Hunger in America? No, not real hunger. In fact, America needs a lot more hunger if we are to be fit enough to survive in the world of Natural Selection. If history shows us little else, it shows that cultures that become fat and happy end up going down the tubes. The Greek Empire, The Egyptian Empire. The Roman Empire. Then the British Empire. In France, the common folks rebelled and beheaded every one of the rich, fat elites of the aristocracy. Russia did the same.
Wake up, America, and feel the hunger...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Too Funny - Almost
If it were not so pathetic, this would be funny. ZOGBY released the results of a new poll today, taken from only those people who voted for Obama. Here are the questions, and results:
1) Before this last election, which political party controlled both houses of congress?
36.5% of Obama voters said "Republicans", 12.9% said "neither" and 8% said "not sure". That's 57.4% who got it wrong - it was the Democrats
2) Which Candidate could not say how many houses they own?
81.3% said "McCain" which is correct
3) Which candidate said they could see Russia from their house?
86.9% said Palin. However, it was actually Tina Fey, doing her Palin routine on Saturday Night Live
4) Which candidate had to quit a previous political campaign for plagiarizing a speech?
81.8% guessed wrong - it was Biden
5) Which candidate won their first election by getting all opponents kicked off the ballot?
82.6% got it wrong - it was Obama
6) Which candidate wore clothes that their party reportedly spent $150,000 on?
86.3% guessed right - Palin
7) Which candidate has a pregnant teen daughter?
93.8% guessed correctly - Palin
8) Which candidate said Obama would be tested in his first six months with an international crisis?
46.7% guessed wrong - it was Biden
9) Which candidate claimed to have campaigned in 57 states?
76.6% guessed wrong - it was Obama
10) Which candidate said their energy plan would bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket?
88.4% got it wrong. It was Obama.
11) Which candidate said he should redistribute the wealth?
81% got this one right - it was Obama
12) Which candidate started their political career in the home of two former members of the Weather Underground terrorist group?
56.1% guessed wrong - it was Obama
The reason I say this is pathetic is because it virtually proves that more than half - and in some cases more that 80% - of Obama voters got their "news" from left wing media and websites, comedy shows and celebrities. They never bothered to check the facts, or get news from legitimate sources.
It also goes to prove that most "mainstream media" in America were in the tank for Obama - they gave him a pass on tough issues, but incessantly slammed Palin and McCain on issues that had nothing to do with the campaign. If the media were doing their job, and had been "fair and balanced", most of the folks would have gotten most of the answers right. As many would have known about "making energy rates skyrocket" (issue) as knew Palin had a pregnant teen daughter (non-issue).
And I suspect a lot fewer voters would have voted Obama.
If folks want to vote for a candidate, that's fine. But if they do, then they really have an obligation to find out who they are voting for. They are voting for the direction and actions of the most powerful nation the world has ever known, with 360 million people's lives at stake. It's not a stupid game. They need to either be informed, or stay the Hell out of the voting booth.
No, I am not advocating some people should not vote. I am advocating that voters need to be informed. If they are not willing to get informed, they should not cast an uninformed vote. There is far too much at stake to have this country's direction chosen by fools, idiots and fanatics. Look at it this way - there is no difference between an uninformed voter and a chimpanzee. Do you really think monkeys should run our country? On second thought, most Obama voters were wrong 80% of the time. Monkeys, just by the odds, would only be wrong 50% of the time.....Hmm-m-m....
1) Before this last election, which political party controlled both houses of congress?
36.5% of Obama voters said "Republicans", 12.9% said "neither" and 8% said "not sure". That's 57.4% who got it wrong - it was the Democrats
2) Which Candidate could not say how many houses they own?
81.3% said "McCain" which is correct
3) Which candidate said they could see Russia from their house?
86.9% said Palin. However, it was actually Tina Fey, doing her Palin routine on Saturday Night Live
4) Which candidate had to quit a previous political campaign for plagiarizing a speech?
81.8% guessed wrong - it was Biden
5) Which candidate won their first election by getting all opponents kicked off the ballot?
82.6% got it wrong - it was Obama
6) Which candidate wore clothes that their party reportedly spent $150,000 on?
86.3% guessed right - Palin
7) Which candidate has a pregnant teen daughter?
93.8% guessed correctly - Palin
8) Which candidate said Obama would be tested in his first six months with an international crisis?
46.7% guessed wrong - it was Biden
9) Which candidate claimed to have campaigned in 57 states?
76.6% guessed wrong - it was Obama
10) Which candidate said their energy plan would bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket?
88.4% got it wrong. It was Obama.
11) Which candidate said he should redistribute the wealth?
81% got this one right - it was Obama
12) Which candidate started their political career in the home of two former members of the Weather Underground terrorist group?
56.1% guessed wrong - it was Obama
The reason I say this is pathetic is because it virtually proves that more than half - and in some cases more that 80% - of Obama voters got their "news" from left wing media and websites, comedy shows and celebrities. They never bothered to check the facts, or get news from legitimate sources.
It also goes to prove that most "mainstream media" in America were in the tank for Obama - they gave him a pass on tough issues, but incessantly slammed Palin and McCain on issues that had nothing to do with the campaign. If the media were doing their job, and had been "fair and balanced", most of the folks would have gotten most of the answers right. As many would have known about "making energy rates skyrocket" (issue) as knew Palin had a pregnant teen daughter (non-issue).
And I suspect a lot fewer voters would have voted Obama.
If folks want to vote for a candidate, that's fine. But if they do, then they really have an obligation to find out who they are voting for. They are voting for the direction and actions of the most powerful nation the world has ever known, with 360 million people's lives at stake. It's not a stupid game. They need to either be informed, or stay the Hell out of the voting booth.
No, I am not advocating some people should not vote. I am advocating that voters need to be informed. If they are not willing to get informed, they should not cast an uninformed vote. There is far too much at stake to have this country's direction chosen by fools, idiots and fanatics. Look at it this way - there is no difference between an uninformed voter and a chimpanzee. Do you really think monkeys should run our country? On second thought, most Obama voters were wrong 80% of the time. Monkeys, just by the odds, would only be wrong 50% of the time.....Hmm-m-m....
A Wee Bit From Big Mike
I do not ordinarily do this sort of thing, but I'm bored, and the Holidays are fast approaching. So, here is a letter from Big Mike:
Dear Valued Customer
Just dropping a line to let you know about some new additions to our product line that you may find interesting!
1.) Custom designed business cards: We can design a business card using your ride (or any other picture) as a ghosted bckground or focal point picture.
2.) Gift Certificates: Available in any denomination, good towards any BMD product! (perfect for the carnut on your holiday gift list!)
3.) Custom Vehicle photography and posters: How cool would a 24x36" poster of your ride look?!
4.) You asked and we listened! We now offer any of our display sheet designs on sturdy, 3/16" PVC plastic- Thats right, HARD DISPLAY BOARDS! These boards are attractive, light-weight and fully washable! As a special offer to you, our valued customers, we are offering discounted prices for those of you who wish to "upgrade" to a Hard Display Board.
As a bonus, take an additional $5.00 off your order (excludes gift certificates) when you order before December 1, 2008!
We are always looking for new product ideas for our line, so check our website frequently: If you have any questions, please email, or call 207-482-9785
Hope you and yours have a safe & happy holiday season!
Big Mike
Dear Valued Customer
Just dropping a line to let you know about some new additions to our product line that you may find interesting!
1.) Custom designed business cards: We can design a business card using your ride (or any other picture) as a ghosted bckground or focal point picture.
2.) Gift Certificates: Available in any denomination, good towards any BMD product! (perfect for the carnut on your holiday gift list!)
3.) Custom Vehicle photography and posters: How cool would a 24x36" poster of your ride look?!
4.) You asked and we listened! We now offer any of our display sheet designs on sturdy, 3/16" PVC plastic- Thats right, HARD DISPLAY BOARDS! These boards are attractive, light-weight and fully washable! As a special offer to you, our valued customers, we are offering discounted prices for those of you who wish to "upgrade" to a Hard Display Board.
As a bonus, take an additional $5.00 off your order (excludes gift certificates) when you order before December 1, 2008!
We are always looking for new product ideas for our line, so check our website frequently: If you have any questions, please email, or call 207-482-9785
Hope you and yours have a safe & happy holiday season!
Big Mike
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
New Stuff
Just kiddin'. Nuthin' new.
Actually, there is a little something - a new pic of the week. You should get a chuckle out of it.
And, yes, I did finally get the outside Christmas lights up. The older I get, the bigger a chore it becomes. But it is a chore I dearly love! I feel really bad for folks who do not get the Christmas spirit. It is what makes life truly worthwhile.
Well, it sounds like President-elect Obama and the Democrat Congress plan to tighten up on gun ownership - particularly handguns. As many of you already know, I really appreciate fine firearms. I enjoy shooting, though I rarely hunt. So, I've been stocking up, making all those long-overdue purchases.
For all you liberals out there, you might want to make a note: I have not shot anyone lately. It's not us honest, good-natured peaceful folks you need to fear. It's the criminals - you know, those guys that your liberal judges keep putting back on the streets.
Maybe if judges stopped putting the crooks back among us, we would not have a desire to be so well armed.
Thanksgiving is upon us, and I have much to be thanful for (not counting the election results). Business is still capable of supporting my girls in the style to which they have become accustomed. Plenty of good, healthful food. A full oil tank. And a ton of dear friends that we treasure.
I hope you will all take the time to stop and think of your blessings. And while you are at it, if you have any blessings at all, please take just one more moment to pray for those in need of your prayers - Larry, Janey, Rachel, Rick, and any others that you may know who are afflicted with cancer or other debilitating disease. Medicine is OK, but prayers are better. I have seen them work wonders.
Wes (and Ken), we thank you for your nice letter. And HotKarz was happy to participate.
Frank, get to work on that Studebaker, for cryin' out loud!
Robert (SlowPoke) is going in for surgery on Thursday - so your prayers would be welcome. He expects to be laid up for 8 long weeks - but at least its not during car show season. So you see, even Robert has something to be thankful for :o)
Seldon & Polly - we luv ya! Have a great Thanksgiving. Though you are richer than God, you have managed to remain good, sweet, fine folks. Glad to know ya! Please remember me in your will (^.-)
Dale - keep those jokes coming. They are always appreciated.
Before I sign off, I would like to take a moment to express a special thanksgiving wish - to all members of the Sanford Elks, we at HotKarz sincerely wish you a happy holiday season. In fact, I would like to offer you a free copy of "The Complete Car Show". Just email me for a copy :o)
Before you buy Gift Cards for Christmas, please take into consideration the possibility that they may not be redeemable, as soo many stores will be closing very soon. Thank Tammy Matthews for the following list of possible closings:
Watch those store money cards and gift cards.. and credit slips! The following stores informed the Security Exchange Commission of store closing plans between October 2008 and January 2009. PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS.
Circuit City stores... most recent (? how many)
Ann Taylor- 117 stores nationwide are to be shuttered
Lane Bryant,, Fashion Bug ,and Catherine's to close 150 store nationwide
Eddie Bauer to close stores 27 stores and more after January
Cache will close all stores
Talbot’s closing down all stores
J. Jill closing all stores
GAP closing 85 stores
Footlocker closing 140 stores more to close after January
Wicks Furniture closing down
Levitz closing down remaining stores
Bombay closing remaining stores
Zales closing down 82 stores and 105 after January
Whitehall closing all stores
Piercing Pagoda closing all stores
Disney closing 98 stores and will close more stores after January 2009
Home Depot closing 15 stores 1 in NJ (New Brunswick)
Macys to close 9 stores after January
Linens and Things closing all stores
Movie Galley Closing all stores
Pacific Sun ware closing stores
Pep Boys Closing 33 stores
Sprint/ Nextel closing 133 stores
JC Penney closing a number of stores after January
Ethan Allen closing down 12 stores
Wilson Leather closing down all stores
Sharper Image closing down all stores
K B Toys closing 356 stores
Loews to close down some stores
Dillard's to close some stores.
Actually, there is a little something - a new pic of the week. You should get a chuckle out of it.
And, yes, I did finally get the outside Christmas lights up. The older I get, the bigger a chore it becomes. But it is a chore I dearly love! I feel really bad for folks who do not get the Christmas spirit. It is what makes life truly worthwhile.
Well, it sounds like President-elect Obama and the Democrat Congress plan to tighten up on gun ownership - particularly handguns. As many of you already know, I really appreciate fine firearms. I enjoy shooting, though I rarely hunt. So, I've been stocking up, making all those long-overdue purchases.
For all you liberals out there, you might want to make a note: I have not shot anyone lately. It's not us honest, good-natured peaceful folks you need to fear. It's the criminals - you know, those guys that your liberal judges keep putting back on the streets.
Maybe if judges stopped putting the crooks back among us, we would not have a desire to be so well armed.
Thanksgiving is upon us, and I have much to be thanful for (not counting the election results). Business is still capable of supporting my girls in the style to which they have become accustomed. Plenty of good, healthful food. A full oil tank. And a ton of dear friends that we treasure.
I hope you will all take the time to stop and think of your blessings. And while you are at it, if you have any blessings at all, please take just one more moment to pray for those in need of your prayers - Larry, Janey, Rachel, Rick, and any others that you may know who are afflicted with cancer or other debilitating disease. Medicine is OK, but prayers are better. I have seen them work wonders.
Wes (and Ken), we thank you for your nice letter. And HotKarz was happy to participate.
Frank, get to work on that Studebaker, for cryin' out loud!
Robert (SlowPoke) is going in for surgery on Thursday - so your prayers would be welcome. He expects to be laid up for 8 long weeks - but at least its not during car show season. So you see, even Robert has something to be thankful for :o)
Seldon & Polly - we luv ya! Have a great Thanksgiving. Though you are richer than God, you have managed to remain good, sweet, fine folks. Glad to know ya! Please remember me in your will (^.-)
Dale - keep those jokes coming. They are always appreciated.
Before I sign off, I would like to take a moment to express a special thanksgiving wish - to all members of the Sanford Elks, we at HotKarz sincerely wish you a happy holiday season. In fact, I would like to offer you a free copy of "The Complete Car Show". Just email me for a copy :o)
Before you buy Gift Cards for Christmas, please take into consideration the possibility that they may not be redeemable, as soo many stores will be closing very soon. Thank Tammy Matthews for the following list of possible closings:
Watch those store money cards and gift cards.. and credit slips! The following stores informed the Security Exchange Commission of store closing plans between October 2008 and January 2009. PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS.
Circuit City stores... most recent (? how many)
Ann Taylor- 117 stores nationwide are to be shuttered
Lane Bryant,, Fashion Bug ,and Catherine's to close 150 store nationwide
Eddie Bauer to close stores 27 stores and more after January
Cache will close all stores
Talbot’s closing down all stores
J. Jill closing all stores
GAP closing 85 stores
Footlocker closing 140 stores more to close after January
Wicks Furniture closing down
Levitz closing down remaining stores
Bombay closing remaining stores
Zales closing down 82 stores and 105 after January
Whitehall closing all stores
Piercing Pagoda closing all stores
Disney closing 98 stores and will close more stores after January 2009
Home Depot closing 15 stores 1 in NJ (New Brunswick)
Macys to close 9 stores after January
Linens and Things closing all stores
Movie Galley Closing all stores
Pacific Sun ware closing stores
Pep Boys Closing 33 stores
Sprint/ Nextel closing 133 stores
JC Penney closing a number of stores after January
Ethan Allen closing down 12 stores
Wilson Leather closing down all stores
Sharper Image closing down all stores
K B Toys closing 356 stores
Loews to close down some stores
Dillard's to close some stores.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Another Super Garage
HotKarz has just posted pix of yet another "Super Garage", this one in Buxton ME. Though small in size, it's a really sweet set-up.
Well, the rain finally appears to be over, but the wind is wild, and winter is in the air. That said, you might be well advised to fill your oil tanks by about mid-December. I predict sometime between then and January the price of oil will go back up - probably to about $100 per barrel. The reason: OPEC, who would normally be scheduled to get together next year has decided to have a meeting on December 29th. Pushing the meeting up can only mean they are concerned with the 50% drop in oil prices, and will likely reduce production to get the price back up.
Which the condition of the economy is weak, and OPEC won't push TOO hard, you can almost bet they will, indeed, push. And that means speculators will get back in the game, and drive prices back up.
Just my opinion. But it's based on what is actually happening on the ground.
Well, gotta get to work. See ya later!
Well, the rain finally appears to be over, but the wind is wild, and winter is in the air. That said, you might be well advised to fill your oil tanks by about mid-December. I predict sometime between then and January the price of oil will go back up - probably to about $100 per barrel. The reason: OPEC, who would normally be scheduled to get together next year has decided to have a meeting on December 29th. Pushing the meeting up can only mean they are concerned with the 50% drop in oil prices, and will likely reduce production to get the price back up.
Which the condition of the economy is weak, and OPEC won't push TOO hard, you can almost bet they will, indeed, push. And that means speculators will get back in the game, and drive prices back up.
Just my opinion. But it's based on what is actually happening on the ground.
Well, gotta get to work. See ya later!
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