Saturday, November 8, 2008


Just thought I would pass along that I am looking to obtain the following items. I will either buy outright (cash), or I have a few things for trade (such as a 14' Coleman canoe, 4' landscaping lawn aerator & 4' York rake, 150cc ATV, metal detectors, 2800 psi pressure washer, 2004 Chrysler Pacifica etc.)

Here is what I am looking for:

  • Good logsplitter - at least 12 ton
  • Rifle (not carbine) - prefer .270, .308 or 30-06, but would consider other, bolt or semi
  • Shotgun - prefer pump or semi, 16 ga preferred, would consider 12 or 20
  • Handgun - prefer 9mm or something in any 30 calibre such as .380, preferably semi-auto
  • Hot redhead, 18-24, single (just kidding....)

If you would like to trade many or any other items in addition to the above in exchange for up to $4,000 off the price of the Pacifica, let me know what you have (no vehicles, please)

Lemme know if you have anything I may be interested in.

And before some wiseguy asks, the answer is "No", I am not buying guns for this...

We are also still looking for a winner in this week's contest. And we now have a new gallery of FORDS available. The quality of the pix vary, as these are pix that were submitted by others.




Perhaps it is still too easy - so far, two people have guessed it correctly, but have chosen not to "win" because they already won shirts earlier. So, the contest is still on.

The two wiseguys who guessed it correctly are Steve Bragg of Sanford and Steve Thompson of Windham.

As a side note, we have a new Picture of the Week that can be reached from our homepage. And I will be putting up a new gallery sometime this weekend.

Have a nice weekend.

Friday, November 7, 2008

This Week's Contest

Howdy! For those of you anxiously awaiting the latest contest, I am hoping this one is a bit more difficult. I would not have to make them so tough if you guys were not so smart!

Here's the latest pick. First person to guess make model and year wins!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Heads Up!

Tomorrow (Friday) evening we will be starting the next contest. I guarantee, this one will NOT be so easy. To date, in the first couple of weeks of running these contests, we have sent out 7 HotKarz T-shirts to winners.

If you want in on the winnin', ya gotta be there to play! Contests will usually begin at around 8-9 pm on Fridays, so the maximum number of folks can be available to play if they wish.

See ya then!

BTW, the Rock n' Roll Diner in Scarborough is hosting their next "car buff dinner time" tomorrow from 5-8. I'll be there hoping to see some old friends, and to afford my enemies the opportunity to take shots at me. (For their benefit, I'll be the big fella that drives the GR8 48 Chevy :o)

BTW, that car, GR8 48, owned by Ken Matthews, is currently up for sale or trade in the HotKarz classifieds. It wins almost every show it enters.

And I have a very nice Pacifica up there, at well below book value, and will consider partial trade. The best, most comfy family car I have ever had, with good gas mileage. But we no longer need it, and we're lookin' to get a Mini Cooper for our daughter.

These are a couple of great values, folks! Check 'em out...


One Person At A Time

Yep - still pissin' off the world, one person at a time. But this time I am trying to outdo myself by pissin' folks off in BIG groups.

Here is my latest attempt - a personal letter that I sent to my state legislators. Now, I must warn you - at first read, this will offend a lot of people - not because it is a bad solution to a thorny issue, but because many folks already have taken a position on this issue and simply are not open to a solution. I hope my friends are a bit more open-minded than that, and take the time to think about the logic and sense behind it.

I would also state up front that I am not a proponent of gay marriage, because of religious beliefs. Nor is it necessary to be, under this solution. But I am a proponent of letting God decide such things. He has asked us to "judge not, lest ye be judged", so while I do not back gay marriage, I do back the premise that every human being should be entitled to the same legal rights, and the same right to choose their own destiny without requiring that others approve.

So, if you are interested, please read on. Think on it. And if it makes sense to you, and you want the great state of Maine to lead the way into the future, I would encourage you to email Senator Courtney at and/or Representative Sarty at and let them know you feel this is a good idea that needs serious consideration.

Let me know your thoughts - but please, folks, although this is an emotionally charged issue, let's keep the discussion thoughtful and civil, and remember that every human being is entitled to live their own life their own way, and that someday it may be someone you love who turns out to be gay. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Trust in God to be the judge - because He will be judging us all.

Thank you



It would behoove the state of Maine if it were to become a model for the rest of the nation in regards to a thorny issue that, until now, seemed to have no solution that would satisfy all parties. In short, Senator, the person/state to come up with a workable solution that almost all people could get behind concerning the gay marriage issue, well, that person/state would be national heros. Sooner or later, Senator, this issue - and the resulting turmoil - will come to Maine. We can head it off by taking the initiative, and create a model for the rest of the nation.

And such a solution is available - please bear in mind that you may need to read this a couple of times before the simplicity of it shines through.

Solution to the Gay Marriage Issue

If we are to resolve the issues revolving around gay marriage, we must first accept two simple facts:

1) Marriage is a religious rite, not a "state right".

2) The state unlawfully co-opted marriage by licensing it - they breached the wall of separation between church and state when they took control of the religious rite that has always been an integral part of the church

If we accept these two indisputable historical facts, and the Constitutional "separation of church and state" concept, the solution then becomes both obvious and simple.

First, ban the state from infringing on marriage, by recognizing and respecting its religious roots, returning marriage to the church from which it sprang. The state would then need a legal method of uniting couples for LEGAL purposes, alone, to take the place of marriage as a state sanctioned union.

To that end, the state would offer and license state-sanctioned Civil Unions for ANY couple of legal age (couples, only), regardless of their lifestyle preferences, and every couple united in a civil union would receive all the legal rights now conferred upon married couples, but they would not be "married", as that is a religious rite effected only by recognized religious institutions. Any couple of legal age may enter a Civil Union.

If a couple ALSO wishes to be united in the sight of God (marriage), they would then petition their church for permission to be wed, as was once the custom. If their church does not have an issue with a marriage between them, then the church may marry them. For example, if their church has no issue with gay marriage, then gays may marry in that church. If the church does not accept or condone gay marriage, then they cannot marry in that church.

The state of marriage - and the rules for marriage - should be determined by the church. The Catholic church already denies certain heterosexual marriages if either party is divorced. So, marriage, or its denial, would be strictly up to each church according to its own tenets.

All legal rights come from the state sponsored Civil Union. Marriage does not instill any rights outside of the church. Marriage can only be effected by a recognized church. Civil Unions would be performed by any Justice of the Peace, or appointed state officials, or church pastor/priest/rabbi etc. who shall be authorized to perform civil unions. Marriage, however, can only be performed by a church leader, in a church, and with the blessing of the church according to its tenets. The church may refuse a joining in marriage to ANY couple that is deemed to be unqualified according to the tenets of the church. If the tenets of a church do not permit gay marriage, the church may refuse to perform the civil union, as well, if the church so chooses. The couple may then be united by an appointed state official or JP.

In short, since marriage is a religious rite, only the churches have the right to accept or deny any marriage between its members, whether they be gay or not. In this way, the following concerns, which are the primary issues, are adequately addressed and dismissed:

1) EVERY couple of legal age may unite in a legal, state sanctioned ceremony and may enjoy all the legal rights now provided by marriage

2) Each church may retain the sanctity of marriage as they see fit, within the tenets of that church

3) All who object to gay marriage based on religious beliefs will have to defer to their church for making that determination

All marriages prior to the date that is chosen to begin this system shall retain their original flavor, and shall automatically be considered as both a Civil Union for legal purposes, and a marriage for religious reasons.

Frankly, Senator, we must all realize that, sooner or later, this issue is going to be a driving force in the politics of every state, even here in Maine. The state that first finds a good, workable compromise that satisfies most people will have taken the initiative and removed the teeth from the monster, putting this issue to rest once and for all, and without the need for Constitutional Amendments, court interference or all the angst and hatred that grows out of the controversy.

Think about it, Senator. It is "thinking outside the box", but that is the only true solution. And it is based on the Constitution - separation of church and state.

Let us show the nation that Mainers are "problem solvers", and do not wait for issues to get out of hand before finding solutions.

Bill Vaughn
Limington ME 04049


NO! If you are a regular reader of this blog, you already know that I made certain predictions, all of which have proved accurate so far.

Prediction #1: The stock market would continue to have losses through the election, due to the economic threat of an Obama presidency

Prediction #2: After the election, if Obama wins, the market would take additional serious hits immediately, before smoothing out

Prediction #3: Obama would lead from a very far left position, not from the center as his supporters believe

The first has already come to pass. The second has also come to pass, with nearly a 500 point drop yesterday, and today it is already hovering at a near 400 point drop. The largest 2 day drop in 21 years - roughly 12% of the entire value of the stock market.

As for the third prediction, it may be too early to be certain, but considering Obama's very first appointment - Rahm Emmanuel as Chief of Staff - bodes badly for any hope of a centrist government. Rahm is famous for being the farthest left of any known politician today, and is another Chicago politician. Making him #3 in the White House indicates Obama has no intention of being a centrist.

Obama owes a lot to the very far left. That is where most of his funding and base support came from. He cannot afford to turn on them, and govern from the center. Yet, if he governs from the far left, he will very quickly lose favor among the folks, the majority of whom still tend to be just right of center.

This is why I believe that my next prediction will also ring true: Obama will only serve one term. In 2012, if the republicans have finally managed to cobble together a conservative center-right platform, they will sweep everything. If they do not, then I think 2012 will be a mixed bag that will not serve anyone very well, but in either case, Obama will be going home in four years - not because he is a "bad" president, but because no matter what he does, he is going to anger and alienate a very large portion of those who swept him in earlier this week. He will be the Democrat version of George W Bush, only worse, because of all his grand promises that will not bear fruit.

And another prediction: Governor Palin will run for Presidsent in 2012, and IF the Republican party actually gets around to cobbling together a real platform, she will win handily. The only real faults anyone could make stick on her is her lack of experience in national or international affairs (though she had more than Obama). So my final prediction for today: Palin will spend the next 2-3 years building that weakness into a strength. She is a quick study, and she WILL be ready in 2012. With a vengeance! I am not saying this will be good or bad. I am simply saying, "IT SHALL BE".


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ain't It The Truth

Sent in by Steve & Irene Bragg:

Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6am. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG).

He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA). After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA) he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today.

After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) filled it with GAS from Saudi Arabia and continued his search for a good paying JOB . At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (Made In Malaysia), Joe decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE ) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in AMERICA......



To say the election results were disappointing is something I believe to be true. But something is happening that I find far more disappointing.

As I read blogs, I see some Republicans acting the same way the Democrats acted against Bush. I find that troubling. Historically, Republicans have tended to be the more civil, and willing to give people a chance to either step up to the plate, or fail, all on their own. And I find it disgusting that Republicans say that they will never support Obama.

That is wrong. Every President should have the full support of all Americans, at least until he has proven himself unfit and unworthy.To all fellow Republicans, I urge you to give a better shake to Obama than the Democrats ever gave to Bush. We are supposed to be better than that. If you are going to lower yourself to those standards, then you become the people you hate.

We have had 8 years of "I hate the Bush Administration". Let's not have 4 years of "I hate the Obama Administration." Don't do that. Let him sink or swim. But give him the opportunity.

Support the President, whoever he or she may be. If he screws up, call him to account. But until then, he deserves the support of every American.

Done deal - Where To Now?

Well, we have a new President-elect, and I wish him well. But I sincerely do not believe in the liberal direction he wants to take this nation. But one thing is certain - since the Democrats now hold all three parts of the Excecutive Branch, anything that goes wrong in the next four years will lay solidly at their feet. There will be no doubt where the fault lies.

But I can also guarantee two other things:

1) Whatever may go wrong, they will still try to blame the Republicans, and
2) It won't wash - the folks will know better.

The Republicans lost because they happened to be in power when things went wrong, and the folks held them accountable. And they will now hold the Democrats accountable for the problems that ensue over the next four years.

And mark my words - with such far-left liberals as Pelosi and Reid, they will not be able to contain themselves. They will push a far-left agenda the likes of which this country has not seen since the New Deal of FDR and the Great Society of LBJ, both of which expanded government ten-fold, and the budget accordingly. Well, folks - you wanted change. Good luck.

But what I really find amazing is Pennsylvania Democrats. Frankly, if my congressman were to go on TV and call me a racist and a redneck, as John Murtha did, he would never get my vote again, regardless of party. Not even if he was my brother! But they re-elected that clown all the same. I guess some folks just enjoy being insulted and abused.

And, sorry to say, I see the same thing here in Maine. Everywhere I go - and I get around a lot - I hear folks complain about the excessive taxes; terrible roads; poor, over-crowded schools with substandard education; businesses leaving Maine; our youth leaving for greener pastures, etc. Yet Maine keeps electing the same clowns into office that are causing all the problems.

The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result. So, it is insane to keep electing those same idiots that do all the damage.

The problem lies in the fact that too many people vote party lines, regardless of the harm it may cause. They cut off their noses to spite their face. But I vote the same way that I hire employees - by results! If they do not produce the right results, they get fired. If they do produce results, they get promoted.

It is time, friends, to stop going into the voting booth as a Republican or a Democrat. Instead, go in as an employer who makes choices according to results. If the current party in power did a good job for Maine, fine - re-elect them. But if they have not, then perhaps it is time to change.

The party in power in Maine for the last two decades have not done right by us, and we all know it. But nothing will change until YOU are wise enough to set party affiliation aside and vote according to results. Don't vote for Democrats, or Republicans, or even Independents. When you are in that voting booth, you should be voting for Maine. Sure it's nice to have your party in power, but not if they are harming us. Quality of life in Maine is a helluva lot more important than any party!

Meanwhile, yesterday the same old crowd got voted into office, so don't expect to see any changes for the better. And don't waste your time bending my ear complaining about the taxes, schools, jobs or anything else that we brought upon ourselves.

I voted for change - but it is apparent that most did not. So, if things are not well in Maine, don't blame the politicians - blame those who elected them!

I will commend Mainers on their national choices, however. As you already know, I am not a fan of Susan Collins, but she is a far better choice than the alternative. At least she has an independent mind. Like me, she does not always follow party lines. She looks for results, as we all should. Tom Allen has a record of 100% party line voting, so in my book he is a loser. That's one of the reasons I voted McCain - while he voted party line 90% of the time, Obama voted party line 98% of the time. McCain would be more apt to set aside party in favor of doing the right thing. I never vote for a party-liner, because no one is right all the time. If a politician will not go against his party when they are wrong, he is worthless as a leader.

The short take: Republicans are not always wrong, and Democrats are not always right, and vice versa. So anyone who votes by party rather than by common sense is being foolish. We should be electing those who do the right thing by us, regardless of party.

In a couple years, we will once again have the opportunity to make Maine a better, more affluent place to live. Whether or not that happens will depend on how many people vote for results, and how many just blindly follow the party line regardless of where it leads.

In closing, I would ask: if you wanted to take a trip west, and you got on a road that headed to the west, but then it turned and headed north with no change in sight, would you still follow it, even though it is no longer taking you in the right direction?

Think of that the next time you pull the curtain behind you in the voting booth, and maybe - just maybe - we can turn things around in Maine.

Sorry if I offend some people - but like my dad used to say, life is like a can of paint - if you don't stir things up once in awhile, it goes bad on you.


Monday, November 3, 2008

They Just Won't Stop

Even at this late stage, the far-left loonies are STILL using smear tactics against McCain and Palin - and this one takes the cake!

The following "news" story was run by AOL:

"Nostradamus Predicts McCain Win".

The story goes on to say that Quatrain 78 of Century X goes like this:

"At the war’s end:
The Feeble Kept One will strike down the Night
And his Imbecile Queen will rise from the snow
Bedecked in finery and the pelt of a wolf."

According to them, The Feeble one is McCain, the "night" is Obama, and the "imbecile Queen" is Palin.

This is so utterly moronic. Even if it weren’t a stretch to interpret it that way, that isn’t even the REAL text of Quatrain 78, Century X. That real text reads:

"Sudden joy to sudden sadness
It will occur at Rome for the graces embraced
Grief, cries, tears, weeping, blood, excellent mirth
Contrary bands surprised & trussed up. "

I don't think there is a single word that is correct in the AOL "quatrain". It is completely bogus, and proves the left-wing slant of AOL and the media. And their only purpose for pushing this "story" is a last-minute smear attack. Attacking a candidates' shortcomings is fine, but using such vile, personal smear tactics is unworthy of even the lowest of low-lifes.

It's About Time (Almost)

Some of you have been asking how I am coming along with stringing the outdoor Christmas lights. I am very happy to say that yesterday afternoon I actually began stringing them. But...

About 5 minutes into it, Ralph & Ulla called, wanting to go out to dinner at Mulligan's. Not one to pass up a good meal and good company, I immediately dropped what I was doing to go and change for dinner.

So, yes, I began stringing the lights, and no, I didn't get very far. And I know I should be out there doing it now, but I'm hoping someone else will call....

It's also about time to elect a new leader. And in spite of all the rumors about the candidates, and in spite of the economy, party lines or political ads, when I get into that voting booth tomorrow, I am only going to ask myself the most important question:

If a guy holds a gun to my kids head, do I want someone around who will SHOOT the SOB, or someone who would try to talk him to death? After all, only one thing is really certain - our enemies still want to kill us. And they WILL try. I will cast my vote for the person I think will fight hardest to protect my family. Because when you get right down to it, the economy, party lines and political hype mean absolutely nothing when you're dead! I'd rather be broke and alive, than rich and dead. "Broke" is a temporary condition, easily corrected. But you cannot fix "dead".

But there will be yet another question I'll consider, though it is nearly one in the same. Whoever we elect will likely get to chose at least one or two new justices for the Supreme Court. Do we want a court that will continue to erode our rights according to their liberal "world view" and "open" concept of the Constitution, or a court that will preserve our rights by strict interpretation of the Constitution?

Whoever we elect tomorrow will be able to permanently change the direction and rights of America. Let us be very careful in choosing what that direction will be.
