Monday, September 8, 2008


For those of you who kept asking, such as it is, the "new" surfboard is finished. It was a bit tougher than I thought it would be, and I gotta tell ya I worried big-time about the glassing. But all came out reasonably well, as you can see here.

We have received several letters about the recent shows - mostly positive, but each had some difficulties as pointed out by those who went, and wrote letters.

We'll be going to C.H.O.P. tomorrow for the cruise, so a reminder - the C.H.O.P. cruise now runs from 5-7 for the remainder of their season. And they are having a show at the fairgrounds later this month - but we cannot go, since they will only be accepting antiques - vehicles that are at least 25 years old. Antique drivers do not count :o(

But I will give them much credit - unlike some shows, they are not going to take our money under false pretenses, as was done at Shawnee Peak earlier this year.

Anxious for this weekend, at OOB. That is just about the best "cruise" on Friday, and a darned good show the next day. It is one of the highlights of the season. Hope to see ya there!

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