Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Great Cruise

Just got back from the C.H.O.P. Cruise Night. Wow! A total of 66 cars showed up, and they ran out of room early. Lots of great, fun folks, some we have not seen since last year.

As usual, the pizza was superb. And the cruise provided a new item for the HotKarz FUNNIES. And I have posted cruise pix here...

Quick note: the HotKarz 2009 CAR BUFF OF THE YEAR has been chosen. The announcement and award presentation will be held at the C.H.O.P. cruise next Tuesday, weather permitting, as the recipient of the award usually attends that cruise location. So, if y'all want to know who it is, or if you want to participate in the festivities (there will be cake), then we'll see you next Tuesday.


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