Sunday, June 28, 2009

More on Harrison

The Harrison show seems to have built a base of fans for their first show, in spite of the weather. This from Dale Chasse:

"Bill & Robin, Missing your presence at the latest waterlogged shows. Be needing your surfboard soon to stay afloat!!! I thought the Harrison show was great considering the weather. Quite a few cars showed and the staff was very pleasant and helpful with parking. Nice area with the lake nearby and such. Facilities were the real kind with flushes and everything. Wonderful variety of food at reasonable prices. Even had a personal "thanks for coming" on our way out. (always a nice gesture). Plan on attending again next year.

Headed to Fort Kent next weekend for my 30th High school reunion. Where has the time gone. Coming home on Sunday the 5th after a stop in Houlton for the show at the fair. Planning to take pics and share. Take care, stay dry. Dale."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill, Long time no see! I think I'm growing webbed feet. For there first show the Harrison Lions Club die a great job. You could not tell it was there first one. They had plenty of help, well set up parking etc. All the food areas, prizes etc. where ubder large covers to keep you out of the rain. Everbody I talked to thought they did a great job too. I told them that if they have good weather next year they will be swamped with cars!
As for the Sanford show it was a large improvement from what I heard about last year, They had clearly marked category's, people to patk you and the ballots where easy to use and a live band. Right at the reg. booth they had a sign that voting would be done at 10:10 and trophy's at 11:00. The biggest complaints I heard was they should have 3 trophys per class and a mopar class. They had over 10 of them. They would make moe money I think if more people had a chance of winning something! I will be going back to both shows next year. Hope to see you soon, Jim