Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kiwanis - Standish

The weather could not have been better for a car show today. We attended the Kiwanis show. While it does still have a few kinks, the show is improving, despite a rocky start this year, having to reschedule on short notice.

The free coffee upon registration was VERY welcome!

It was only one ballot per vehicle, and no bicycles won trophies ;o) It was a perfect day for the remote control ski-planes as they flew aerobatics over the lake. There was even a remote airboat with Woody (of Toy Story fame) in the driver's seat. Unfortunately, Woody took a nosedive into the water and had to be rescued by boat. Chants of "Breathe, Woody, breathe" were heard across the beach. The owner gave Woody CPR - by squeezing his head, water squirted out his ears.

The Bonny Eagle Pep Band showed up late in the day and played for us. Not bad!

The major complaint was the classing structure, which was a bit strange and inadequate. But I have been assured that will be fixed next year.

All in all it was a laid-back, relaxing day and it seemed everyone had a good time.

Next weekend don't forget the show at Charlie Beigg's in Windham. This is the show that was at WalMart last year. And on Sunday I believe is the always great New Durham show.

The season is winding down, the weather is beginning to chill and once again I must soon begin wrestling with those Christmas lights...but first, I have to put the garden to bed for the season. This year we gave away over 500 cukes, 75 pounds of tomatoes and lots of green beans. The only things left in the garden are pumpkins, squash and about 50 pounds more of tomatoes.

Hope to see our friends again before the season is over. I have been asked to take photos at the Charlie Beigg show, and will post all the winners. Good luck!


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