Thursday, May 31, 2012

Calendar & Stuff

Y'all may have noticed the calendars for shows and cruise-ins have been updated. I realize it's a bit late this year, but show organizers have been slow to submit the info, and I just don't get out much to collect the info personally.

Many have asked why we have not been bringing the woody to the (very) few shows we do attend. Well, to make a long story short, Christi's car died two winters ago and she had to use the woody as a daily driver - and the winter took a harsh toll on it, so it is no longer in show condition.

I am slowly working on it when I am able to get up and about. I am also considering popping out the dark panels and replacing them with real teak wood. Not sure yet if I will...

I found a new mechanic (our old one has simply disappeared, no longer opening his shop). This new guy does very good work and his labor costs are the lowest I've seen in years. He operates about three miles from the house, and even has a flatbed tow truck. If interested in contacting him for any reason, just drop me a line at and I'll pass along his name & number. He replaced all control arm bushings in my truck, made a new strap for the gas tank, replaced a motor mount in Robin's car and replaced the stabilizer bushing and did some miscellaneous work - all for under $300!

Well, it's a nice day, and I am mobile today (so far) so I'm gonna get out and get some stuff done. Have a great season!


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