Tuesday, June 3, 2008


In spite of me showing up a week early, Cumberland House of Pizza finally had their first cruise of the season. The threat of rain kept some folks at home, but those who did venture out were treated to the friendly fun that we have come to associate with the good folks who put on this cruise.

It did rain, near the end, but that did nothing to dampen spirits. And balloting for the Super Cruise went off without a hitch. A lot of votes were cast, and we thank everyone for their participation.

The Preacher showed up, with his famous "Betty Lou", the sweetest '51 Ford I've ever seen. Unfortunately, he is scheduled for surgery tomorrow, so let's all take a moment and pray for him.

Is it my imagination, or does it seem like every year at least one of the "50/50 Girls" at C.H.O.P. is on crutches? They sure must play rough over there in Cumberland :o)

Remember, folks - weather permitting, there will be balloting at Buffalo Wings n' Things on Thursday. And just so you know, the owner of BW n' T also gives a trophy at each cruise, as does the Fabulous '50's Diner every Wednesday (which is where I'll be tomorrow, if'n it don't rain).

Well, I gotta go and tally the votes, and put them on the chart. So far, it looks to be a real contest.


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