That's what some folks wonder when they come to HotKarz. And I realize that many of you do not know much about me. And that's a good thing.
Still, perhaps I should give a brief accounting of who the Hell Bill Vaughn is.
I was born when I was very young. My mom was there, so she could attest to that. Always a runt, and always a loner, I preferred hunting, fishing and camping over intramural sports. I guess it was because I could eat the fish and the venison, but I couldn't eat a basketball.
Although I maintained straight A's in high school, I kept getting suspended because I refused to cut my hair and shave my beard. Honest! They would not let me attend my graduation with a beard, so they mailed my diploma.
Married once. She passed away in a fire one night at the age of 19, while I was working 3rd shift. Got depressed for awhile.
Wasted seven years in colleges and universities. Seven years and $80,000 later, all I had was two pieces of paper that said I blew $80,000 in seven years getting a great education I would likely never use (and that turned out to be correct).
Married again. Betty. Lasted 9 months before she decided to live with someone of the same sex. I figured that I was lucky not to have wasted more than 9 months. She was a great guy!
Worked as a machinist during the week, and played steel guitar in a band on weekends. So much for that education - not much need for Voltare or Einstein's Theory.
Married #3. Lasted almost 10 years. A great gal - too bad others thought she was a great gal, too, which is how the trouble started.
While married to #3, and having two great kids, I was at K-Mart one day and a guy came up to me, called me by name, asked how my family was doing. Couldn't place the guy - had no idea who the heck he was, but I was polite and acted like we were old friends. I said goodbye as wife #3 approached. As we walked off, I told wife #3 I had no idea who that was - did she know him?
She said, "Yes - but it's not a 'him'. It's your ex-wife, Betty." Who woulda guessed?
After #3, I decided to make a U-Turn in my life, and rebuild myself. Though I was a successful builder and real estate investor at the time, I tossed it all and hitched to Florida with only a backpack with everything I still owned. Spent several months getting to know me better. The things I did not like about me I tried to change.
I was homeless, living in shelters, eating in soup kitchens. Not being the brightest bulb in the package, I decided to return to New England - in February! Gee, what a great place to be homeless in February.
Met current wife #4 (Robin) at the shelter in Manchester NH in 1990. Married in '92. No job. No bucks. No car. No nuthin'. But I was determined to make good for my new family. Learned computers. Learned how to build websites, and write software. Sold the software from my website on the Internet. Being one of the first 500 commercial sites in the early years, business was less than brisk. I think I made about $30 a week. But I stuck with it. Eventually, we were doing MUCH better, as folks got on the Internet and the business took off.
Started investing in real estate again, from the excess profits. Wrote some books, and sold 'em on the Internet.
Been doing that ever since. Gotta "work" about an hour a day, which left a lot of time to bore myself. And man, am I good at boring myself (and others). So, I took on a hobby - building the PT Woody. Then building this HotKarz site. I have three or four different blogs going - this one is rather benign and harmless. A couple of the others piss a lot of people off (they are political and common sensical).
I finally found my niche - something I'm good at. I can piss people off, easily. Maybe that's why I have been married 4 times.
I eat meat & taters. Rarely eat veggies. Don't drink. Don't smoke (quit after 41 years at 2-3 packs a day). Can't tolerate intolerant people. Tried pot a few times in my 20's - wasn't impressed. Hated being out of control. Which is also why I don't drink. A bit of a control freak, but the control issues are pretty much limited to self. I don't care to control others.
My primary goal is to leave this world none the worse for my having been here, and hopefully a little better than when I came into it. Not sure that's workin' out. May have to change my goal to not being the primary cause of a mass extinction. I think I can pull that one off, since I don't have access to nuclear weapons. Looking at the rest of the world, I wonder if I am the only one who DOESN'T have nuclear weapons.
I don't like Obama - he strikes me as a snake-oil salesman. Empty suit. Don't care much for McCain, either. Too arrogant, and too liberal. Thinks he's smarter than me. Maybe he is, but I don't like him rubbing it in. Maybe if he owned a classic car I could tolerate him better. But I doubt it. It would have to be one helluva car! I would vote for Newt Gingrich in a flash, but he's not running. He seems to be the only one interested in actually finding solutions to issues.
Favorite Presidents were Teddy Roosevelt and Ronnie Reagan. JFK was fine, but left the party too early. Have no use for his bother, Teddy. When Jackie passed away, and Ethel told Rose Kennedy about it, Rose is reported to have said, "Was Teddy driving the car?"
Love my family. Love my God, my country, my dogs and my friends. Love gardening, building, traveling, canoeing. I love being independent. I think I love sex, but can't really remember. I know I love women, but sometimes wonder why.
I hate nothing. But I do have strong dislikes. I dislike hypocrisy, and deception. I dislike bigotry. I dislike judges who think it is their job to do social engineering to serve an agenda. I dislike pettiness. I dislike rain on a car show day. I dislike those who think they are qualified to run my life, or make choices for me.
The only thing I fear is Alzheimers. But I forget why.
I try to find humor in everything. I even joke about my own death. Of course, I won't think it's so damned funny when it happens.
I keep an open mind about things like UFO's, aliens, ghosts and Sean Hannity.
I do not believe there is any such thing as a moderate Muslim. They may not all be willing to destroy us, but they are all willing to let the radicals try.
I would fight to protect our Constitutional rights, but I deplore those who ABUSE those rights and claim protection under the Constitution.
Oh, and I get long-winded.
I hope the weather lets me get to the Verticle Outlaws show this coming Sunday.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
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