Friday, July 4, 2008

Are Boomers "Unpatriotic"?

A liberal professor, Andrew Yarrow, has just published an "expert opinion" that states if Baby Boomers retire when they are supposed to, they are "unpatriotic". Wow! Leave it to liberals to come up with that tidbit.

He states that because Social Security is in trouble, we should refrain from "sucking up taxpayer money" until we are much older - he probably hopes we will die before we collect.

What he and his cohorts refuse to acknowledge is the simple fact that Social Security is not "taxpayer money" as is income tax. Social Security is OUR money. It is an insurance program, not a tax program. We pay into it for 40 years, then we get to draw on our little pension when we retire.

Yarrow, like most liberals, do not believe it is our money. They believe that socialism is the way to go (though it has failed in every nation that took that road). They refuse to acknowledge that in the 50 odd years the liberals held Congress after Social Security was created, that Congress misappropriated and wasted our heritage - they tapped Social Security for other pet projects and pork. And now, after wasting our money, they want us to refrain from claiming what is ours, and to keep working and PAYING in so they can continue with the pork-barrel spending.

Frankly, I am tired of liberals always creating problems, then calling people unpatriotic when we get in their way of collecting more taxes to spend on their stupid pork projects, just so they can "buy" votes in their district. Yes, pork is how politicians buy votes. They get on the stump and show how they brought all that money and all those jobs to their district. And that gets them re-elected over and over.

The way I figure it, pork should be outlawed completely. If a politician has to buy votes in order to get elected, he or she should not get elected. Let them run and keep their jobs on their merits, just like the rest of us - if they do a good job, we will re-elect them. If they don't - adios, amigo!

The amount that Congress has appriated in pork projects since the '40's is enough money that if set aside to earn interest, would fund Social Security well into the next century and beyond. Our leaders blew our inheritance. We trusted them with it, and they failed us miserably.

So, who is to blame? WE are. Those money-grabbing politicians could not have done this had WE not elected them, if WE had kept an eye on them, and if WE had held them accountable. Ask yourself, how often have you voted for someone without actually knowing where he or she stood on issues, or what their record actually was? All too often we cast our ballots for lousy candidates because we just do not bother to check their credentials. We are hiring them for a job, but we are not checking out their references. Should we be surprised when our employees rob us blind?

Though ultimately the fault lies with us as much as it lies with the politicians who have robbed us, it does not excuse Yarrow for claiming that we are "unpatriotic" if we attempt to collect what is owed to us, and what we deserve. What is ours!

Every time we go to the polls, we should be making a strong effort to remind the politicians just whose money it is that they are entrusted with spending wisely. It does not belong to them. It belongs to us. And when they whine and try to tell you that taxes no longer belong to us, but to the government, simply smile and remind them that WE are the government - OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people. So it is ALWAYS our money, and they need to start acting like good wards, and not fat-bellied thieves robbing the federal coffers.

And if Professor Yarrow is teaching our children, he should be removed. Our children should be learning how to be more responsible, and not how to escape responsibility by sweeping problems under the rug.

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