Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pine Tree Update

Just to keep y'all informed, I have it on good authority that the two issues with this year's Pine Tree Academy Casco Bay show are being taken care of. Next year's show will include a class for CUSTOMS, and judges will not be permitted to touch vehicles without the owner's consent (which means, if there is something they cannot see, you cannot get points for it). This is how a points show should be, and I am happy to report that this already excellent show will be even better next year.

And I, for one, would like to thank the organizers for providing such a fine show. Kudos! I am already looking forward to losing again next year (my car is not a points car). (^.-)

As an aside, the coordinator of the Belgrade show has sent another comment which, because of its highly insulting and crude nature, I will not publish. Suffice it to say that he claims to have received many emails praising his show, and none that said it was not that good. He offered no evidence of that, so I am prone to be skeptical. All I can say is, if so many people are giving his show praises, why is it that not one of them has responded to our pleas to let US know, so we can tell the world how great the show was? But none has done so, and it begs the question, why not?

If you have emailed Scott with praise for his Belgrade show, please share that praise with us, so we can share it with over 700 readers. And if you have emailed him with criticism, please let us know that, too. HotKarz bends over backward to be fair, and we do want both sides, assuming there are two sides. And, while we really do not wish to pursue this any further than necessary, I think you all have a right to get the whole story. To that end, when all the comments and emails have been collected I will create a page on HotKarz where all the comments will be posted anonymously (so no one can give you a hard time for your opinions). Then you can all make up your own minds. At no point will I add my own comments, nor will I edit any comments except for bad language or personal attacks, both of which are unnecessary.

In fact, HotKarz may decide to create such a page for each show, so that you, the folks, can speak out and be heard, and car show organizers can discover what the folks think about their show, and how they can improve it, if necessary. And your emails and comments will be kept anonymous (unless you request otherwise). It will be like a "Letters to the Editor" page in the newspaper, and HotKarz will not add any of its own comments. Please let me know if you like this idea or not by voting on it at the upper left of this page.


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