Monday, August 18, 2008

Togus and Other Stuff

I have received a number of emails from folks who attended the Togus Run. Judging from those letters, everything went perfect, and all had a good time.

Togus is an important event in Maine, and I am sure next year will be even better. Rusty Nuts car club does a truly wonderful job organizing this worthy event for our veterans.

Hard to believe we have had such good weather for a few days. But I am really glad to see it. Gives us all a chance to get caught up on the outdoor chores. Unfortunately, the sun comes too late to save much of the garden - in some areas the ground is still muck. Oh, well. There's always the grocery store.

With a bit of luck, the weather will hold for another weekend. This coming weekend is the big one for my family - we take the motorhome up to Pittsburg NH for the 3-day Moose Festival, which includes a car show. It is one of the few that has a PT Cruiser class, and they usually get a dozen or more from as far as Canada, New York and Massachusetts. It's a real festival, with a car cruise parade on Friday, with street vendors and performers (Colebrook), followed by a crafts-type fair on Saturday with the car show in Canaan VT. They always have moose burgers, too! On Saturday evening, after the chicken BBQ, they all head up Moose Alley to go moose peeping.

Friends of ours own a great little store & ice cream parlor on Lake Francis, and visiting them is always a great & relaxing time on Sunday.

I know it's a long haul - about 200 miles for most - but if you get the chance, you may want to check this festival out. My family wouldn't miss it.


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