Monday, September 1, 2008

Something To Work On

Have you seen the latest funnies (added 8/31)?

Over the slow winter months I plan to be working with several professional show organizers (including the fellow who organizes the famous Turkey Run in Daytona) to put together a manual on everything needed to put on a successful car show, from the initial planning stages, right through to wrapping up. It will even cover aspects like spectator parking, DEFINITIONS of classes, and every detail for a successful and profitable show. Hopefully, this manual will help organizers in our area to make more money while offering us a better bang for our buck. How can that be bad? (Well, I'm sure a few folks will argue that).

In addition - and this is where it gets even better - the manual will include tips from professional car buffs, restorers, and builders on how to make your ride a winner at the shows. These tips can help you take the extra measures that might just mean the difference between Best of Show and "also ran".

Obviously, this will be a big project. Once completed, the manual will be offered by HotKarz at a very, very reasonable cost, to cover the cost to publish, market and ship. Not a bad deal. And if there are any $$$ left from sales, those funds will be used to sponsor classes at shows, provide Vehicle Safety cards for free, and so on.

Over the rest of this season, I will approach some owners for permission to feature parts, or all of their vehicles for demonstration purposes in the manual. Your ride could become famous, since we will also be offering this manual nationwide.

So, if you want the best info on show organization and how to improve your own chances at those shows, or if you simply want to support HotKarz efforts, plan to stop by in the spring and pick up your own copy. It will be well worthwhile.

Now, someone should be asking, "OK, Bubba, what are your qualifications for writing a book?"

Good question. But let's be more specific, 'cuz anyone who can put words to paper can write a book. No other qualifications are needed. But to write something that can SELL is something much different.

To answer the skeptic's question, I can humbly admit to having published several books, some of which have been best sellers. And I have written many manuals, several of which are best sellers. In fact, one of my manuals has been downloaded over 4 million times, though that is only a fraction of the number of folks who have downloaded pictures of Heidi Klum. I have been quoted extensively on the Internet, in PREVENTION magazine and even in READER'S DIGEST. So, those are my qualifications. Not that everything I write is on the level of Stephen King or Danielle Steele, but I do write some good stuff, and what I write tends to be accurate and useful.

Don't judge me by this blog - these entries are generally off the top of my head, and I don't even use SpellCheck. My books are much better. - trying to make a difference through positive change.

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