Thursday, October 2, 2008


When HotKarz created the online petition mentioned earlier, we were unaware that the company that hosted it would require "donations" from signers. They did not request that from us, when we signed, nor did they divulge the practice when we created the petition - it is something they apparently do on the sly to anyone who did not create the petition.

HotKarz was unaware of this obvious ploy on the part of, and we apologize to all of you who may have found themselves making a donation to them.

We have ended our association with ipetitions, and request that those of you who signed the online version (which has been discontinued) will sign one of the paper versions being distributed. Anyone who signed the online petition may, at their option, request a refund by emailing me directly at

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered, and we especially thank Frank Svatek for bringing this to our attention. That ipetitions forces donations was unknown to us, and was not indicated in their terms of service. Therefore, HotKarz is filing a complaint about ipetitions to the FTC for failure to disclose.

Meanwhile, I would encourage those of you who have a printer to print out copies of the petition on HotKarz (found here) and get them signed, or pass them around. We need all the names we can get. If your computer is unable to read .DOC files, let me know and I will email you a text file of the petition. All signed petitions should be returned to me as sson as possible. Return to:

Bill Vaughn
5 North Road
Limington ME 04049

Thank you.


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