Thursday, October 9, 2008


Good morning all you wonderful folks! Hope this bright new day finds you in good health and good spirits. And I truly mean that. As I write this, six dear friends are fighting cancer. So my best wishes to all of you is not just a passing remark. Friends are precious.

Last week I told you I was thinking about getting the Christmas lights up. Well, I'm proud to be able to tell you that I almost got around to it. And I came very close to picking up those 2 tons of pellets for the stove. I think I'm getting a handle on it, and expect completion of the task sometime. My wife hopes it will be before the temperature gets into the single digits.

I did manage to get some real work done, however. Plowed in the garden that got drowned this year. And mowed half of the 14 acres. And that's no easy task, as pine trees do not mow easily.

I'm trying to keep a happy attitude, in spite of the economy, and knowing that it probably will not get better for a long time if a socialist gets elected. But maybe that's what we need, to teach people WHY we don't want to go that route. Condemn me for sayin' it, but if a certain skinny dude with a glib tongue gets elected, I strongly suspect Sarah Palin will be president in 2012. And I will say right now, without hesitation, that yes, I would gladly accept the nomination to be her Vice President. I like moose meat, and I know what it's like to live in snow country, just like her.

Looks like New Gloucester will be my last show of the season (sigh!). If y'all want a shirt, or a book, catch me then. If not then, I can ship, but it'll cost ya.

As Christmas approaches, don't forget that, as readers of, you are entitled to a 10% discount at through the end of this month only. This discount is ONLY for our readers, and to claim it, you gotta tell 'em we sent ya.

And Big Mike is now offering gift certificates for his show boards. Find a link to him on our homepage.

I am disappointed that only one person that I know of is actively seeking signatures on the petition to save our right to restore vehicles. This fight is for you, folks. If you don't do this, no one else will. One restorer was fined $73,000!

Don't forget - HotKarz will be more than happy to be the forum for you folks to arrange get-togethers over the winter. Just send in your post, and I will put it up right here. Include contact info so those who are interested can get in touch, so plans can be made. A gathering could be just a few "locals", or folks from a larger area. It's your call. But let's not lose touch for 6 or 7 months.

And if you are planning a resto project, let me know and I will create an online "album" for you, where you can post pix and tell folks what's going on.

Catch you at New Gloucester!

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