Monday, November 3, 2008

They Just Won't Stop

Even at this late stage, the far-left loonies are STILL using smear tactics against McCain and Palin - and this one takes the cake!

The following "news" story was run by AOL:

"Nostradamus Predicts McCain Win".

The story goes on to say that Quatrain 78 of Century X goes like this:

"At the war’s end:
The Feeble Kept One will strike down the Night
And his Imbecile Queen will rise from the snow
Bedecked in finery and the pelt of a wolf."

According to them, The Feeble one is McCain, the "night" is Obama, and the "imbecile Queen" is Palin.

This is so utterly moronic. Even if it weren’t a stretch to interpret it that way, that isn’t even the REAL text of Quatrain 78, Century X. That real text reads:

"Sudden joy to sudden sadness
It will occur at Rome for the graces embraced
Grief, cries, tears, weeping, blood, excellent mirth
Contrary bands surprised & trussed up. "

I don't think there is a single word that is correct in the AOL "quatrain". It is completely bogus, and proves the left-wing slant of AOL and the media. And their only purpose for pushing this "story" is a last-minute smear attack. Attacking a candidates' shortcomings is fine, but using such vile, personal smear tactics is unworthy of even the lowest of low-lifes.

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