Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

Carl Cameron reported today that, during conference on the so-called stimulus bill, both Pelosi and Frank are putting almost all of the pork back into the bill - and that is likely to include the Cash for Clunkers bill that we fought against so hard.

And I cannot help but wonder if the RiNO fools - Collins, Snowe and Specter - finally see how they got used, and have sacrificed their careers for nothing. They were arrogant enough, and foolish enough, to allow themselves to be scammed by the liars on the left. The Democrats told those three losers that they would honor their promises. Yeah, right. In less than 12 hours they were already going back on their word.

Those three should have taken their cue from Judas - 30 pieces of silver can never erase a wrong.

But we have no one to blame but ourselves - we keep electing the very people who keep screwing us. And only WE can change that. In the voting booth.


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