Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Best of the Best - Shows

A few folks have asked if we know yet which shows we will be attending this year. Seems they want to attend the same ones whenever possible in an effort to win one of the trophies in the HotKarz Best of the Best contest. Fair enough - folks like to be able to schedule their calendar.

Now please do not hold me to the following schedule - it is tentative, depending on factors such as weather, other obligations, etc. But these are the shows we THINK we will be attending:

American Legion, Naples ME (5/24)
PureAdrenalineMotorsportsNH in Center Harbor, NH (5/30)
Edward Little School (formerly Auburn WalMart) Auburn ME (6/7)
Bayleys, Scarborough ME (6/20)
Hodgmans, New Gloucester ME (6/21)
Either Searsport or Rumford ME (7/11)
Acton ME (7/19)
Gorham Lions Club Gorham ME (7/25)
Belgrade (7/26)
Sanford Summah Days, Sanford ME (7/31)
Parsonsfield Seminary (8/1)
Oxford ME (8/2)
Kiwanis Beach, Standish ME (8/8)
Telstar, Bethel ME (8/15)
Moose Festival, Canaan VT (8/29)
Vineyard Church,(9/5)
Shaws Ridge, Sanford ME (9/6)
Windham Boosters, Windham ME (9/13)
OOB ME (9/19)
*Windham ME (9/26)
*Durham ME (9/27)

(*) Depending on weather, we hope to announce the winners and award the trophies at one of these last two shows. The last show for qualifying will be OOB, to allow folks time to vote before the awards are announced the following weekend.

This schedule, though a tough one to follow, should provide an opportunity for all to vie for Best of the Best.

Though we have not yet received the info on them, we also expect to attend the Boy Scout show in Stratham, NH, and if they have it, the Foster's Daily Democrat Show in NH. Also a possibility of the Kiwanis Show, Concord NH.


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