Monday, May 25, 2009

Less Troubling

I heard from the individual who sent around that email about politiking for votes in what appeared to be an inappropriate manner.

After speaking with him, I have concluded, to my own satisfaction, that he was not aware of any wrongdoing, and had simply used the "politics" statement as an attempt at light-hearted humor that some took otherwise. That is often the problem with email - it is difficult to get across the TONE of a message, and it can often be misconstrued.

As I said earlier, the person is a friend, and will continue to be seen as such, and I trust that this was nothing more than an honest mistake and misunderstanding, because I have come to trust him. And the misunderstanding is partly my fault, for not choosing a system that would have prevented this. Still, the system will be changed, if not this year then next, to make it more equitable and not prone to politics, or susceptible to such misunderstandings.

So, I apologize to anyone who may have misunderstood the plan due to my own short-sightedness. I inadvertently left the contest open to politics, and should have known better. Live and learn!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad it is all straightened out.
What was troubling about it was that WE had never received an email from that individual. I just find that strange but glad that he UNDERSTANDS he may have ruffled some feathers and did himself more harm than good.