Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If'n It Don't Rain

It's official - the National Weather Bureau today made Al Gore uneasy by stating this is the coldest June in 27 years (and last June was the second coldest).

I'm beginning to think that Maine is now caught in the Seattle weather pattern of perpetual sogginess, while Seattle has had just the nicest weather - and it's been going on for two years! So, I will not hold my breath that the weekend weather will be nice - but we can always hope.

If it is, I expect to hit the Harrison show on Sunday. It will likely be rather small, but that's OK with me. What I do not plan on doing, as you might expect, is attend the Sanford show on Saturday. I'm just not getting the impression that anything will have improved. I have received a few emails from the organizers over the last three months, but they have avoided commenting on any improvements. Maybe it will be a quality show - if so, I'm sure someone out there will inform me.

For those of you still filling your calendar or date book, two shows have been added - Yellowstone Campground on August 8 and Lions Club New Gloucester Fair Show on October 17.

I don't know about you, but I really need to see some SUN!


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