Sunday, July 26, 2009

Block Voting

Someone anonymously commented that "block voting did not happen" on certain vehicles/classes at the Gorham show. Just for the record, please note that I and several others actually witnessed it, and one individual involved in it even admitted it, and did not see anything wrong with it. And there were TWO groups that were using block voting. There is no doubt about it, and I would add that no one can say with any certainty that they know it did NOT happen, unless, of course, they somehow know how everyone voted, which is not possible.

Please folks - before making comments stating a mere opinion as though it is fact, one word - DON'T. Block voting was happening by two separate groups at the Gorham show, and was witnessed by several folks (and anyone with their eyes open). I am not saying it happened in any particular class, or any particular vehicle - but I am saying it did happen, and often does. The "buddy system" of rigging results is alive and well. Face it - many of us do it to some degree. It is difficult to vote against a friend or relative. And ordinarily, as individuals, that is simply human nature and understandable. But when a GROUP of people purposely act together to rig the results, that is a different story. That is dishonest. It is cheating. It is intentionally doing harm to others - to the people who deserved to win.

And almost every regular show-goer knows it. Here's a dead give-away, as an example: let us say that a club with 10 or 20 members (or a business with a lot of entries) attend a show. They want their members to win. When the awards are given out, if most of those club members or company employees take home the trophies in their classes, it's a pretty good bet they voted for one another in block voting. Or, as you traverse the field you keep your ears open and hear a group say something like, "What's Bobby-Jo's number?" and another says, "C-22", and 10 people all jot on their ballots simultaneously, it's a good bet that block voting is going on.

I do agree, however, that for "Lions Choice", Lions should recuse themselves from consideration, to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest. Bear in mind, however, that just because a Lion won does not mean it only won because he was a Lion - it could simply be coincidence.

Now, although I could easily produce evidence of block voting and embarrass people, and name names, it is not the objective of this blog to shame anyone in that manner - it is enough to point out the PROBLEM without attacking individuals by name. They know who they are, and so do many others, and that should be sufficient.


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