Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mo' Stuff

Darned if I didn't again miss the Bahre Collection. Somethin' always comes up.

Got a few pix of the Searsport Show up in the gallery, courtesy of Connie Peacock.

Well, at least I finally got that woodchuck - I gave him a choice: either a trap from Hav-a-Hart or bullet from Remington. He chose the trap. Lord, he weighed a lot - must have been all those good veggies he got from my garden.

Put him in the truck and carted him a long ways away.

Where did I drop him off? At your place, of course.

Actually, I took him to a secluded spot out in the hinterlands where I go blueberry pickin'. Used the opportunity to pick a gallon, and I made enough blueberry jam to get us through the winter. Or so I thought - the way Robin is wolfing it down on buttered toast, it may not last to Labor Day!


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