Friday, September 18, 2009

OOB Cruise And...

The weather was nearly perfect, and so was the OOB Cruise-in, as usual. Hundreds of great vehicles to check out; hundreds of good friends to visit. Will post the pix tomorrow evening - right now, I gotta get caught up on some other stuff.

Meanwhile, good news - Maine Coastal Cruisers' September cruise at 5 points shopping center in Biddeford got washed out. However, it has beren rescheduled for October 3rd, 4-7 pm. $3.00 donation per vehicle, lots of giveaways and 50/50. It's a great cruise, so if there is any way you can make it, please do so. Here's hopoin' it doesn't get snowed out.

And as much as I hate to think about it, once again it is time to think about stringin' the outside Christmas lights - I like to get it done before it gets so cold that my hands freeze. But this may be the last year we will put on a big show, if the government passes the Cap & Trade bill - that would increase electricity cost far, far too much, and will likely kill most Christmas displays everywhere in the future. But this year, they will be ON!


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