Sunday, September 6, 2009

Shaw's Ridge

What a day. Frank (Svatek) outdid himself (and ran himself ragged) with his Shaw's Ridge show today. Nearly 300 great pieces of iron showed up! If not for the Pease show today, that number could easily have approached 400. And with the exception of a few malcontents who thought they were still in the 4th grade and wanted to start trouble in the sandbox, everyone seemed to be having a really good time.

The weather was picture perfect, as were the vehicles. We had a wonderful time getting together with over a hundred friends from one end of the field to the other - some we have not seen in awhile.

I am unsure how well the judging was done, since I had to leave early. But one gentlemen said that out of 11 cars in his class, the judges only looked over three. I'm not sure this is indicative of the judging in general, but is worth noting.

While this show is a rather strange concoction for a car show (because it is really an art show - The Art of Transportation), it was a smashing success, as usual.

Now, if only Frank could arrange to get through the award ceremony in under three days... :o)



Ken Matthews said...

sorry you had to leave before the awards cerimony, why not ask your readers to let you know how they faired at the Art of transportation show? You may be suprised with the results.

Anonymous said...

What a perfect day for a car show. Warm sun, cool breeze and not a cloud in the sky.

I stayed till the end and thought the judges picked cars that were quite worthy of the category.

Next year perhaps have it end sooner - 7+ hours is a rather long day especially if you have to drive 30 or more miles each way to get there. Quite a few folks left after lunchtime when they realized that it went until 3 pm.

Saw a lot of very very nice cars and everyone was having a good day enjoying the sunshine and looking at the cars.
Looking forward to next year.