Monday, October 19, 2009

And Then There Is This...

Just passin' this on - from now on, Connie Peacock shall be known as Connie "The Bouncer" Peacock. Don't mess with The Bouncer.

A BIG thank you to Ralph Stowell - he has spent the last three days helping me pull about 35 stumps, move rocks and spread loam. Not bad for a man who is older than Moses (not me - Ralph). Don't mess with Ralph - another tough bird.

Still trying to get caught up - more and more folks are sending write-ups and pix, as you may have noticed. Just got some Bucksport pix that I'll try to get up before next season. Gettin' busy around here, so if you send somethin', please be patient. I have to fit this in during my spare time, which has been scarce lately. But now that the season has wound down, I'll have more time - but little to post. Ain't that the way it goes?

Dunno who may be interested (what with H1N1 going around), but I have been able to avoid colds and flu - I have not had either in ten years. I used to get colds twice a year, and the flu every year. I do not get flu shots. So, for those who may want to know, I attribute it to three things: 1) I take high potency mega vitamins and a fish oil capsule religiously, every day, 2) I take probiotics regularly - at least weekly, and 3) at the first sign of discomfort that feels like a cold or flu is setting in, I take a dose of colloidal silver twice a day, and the symptoms just disappear. I then stop taking the silver until the next time. Not sure my "system" is what keeps illness away, but it seems to work for me.

Well, diggin' out the outdoor Xmas decor - see ya later! And don't forget - brunch at Two Trails Diner on Saturday at 1:00 on November 14.


1 comment:

Ken Matthews said...

The mystery has been solved....the gang of guys that were disruptive at the NG Lions show last week have been found, they have a Hip- Hop shop on Sabbattus Street near College Street in Lewiston. Now that we all know who they are we can avoid thier store or what ever a Hip-Hop Shop is. Let's spread the word through the car show community "not to do business with them". maybe they will move on to another community. It was very plain that they don't want to be a part of ours.