Sunday, October 4, 2009

Stratham Boy Scouts Show

The threat of damp weather kept a lot of folks home, and it showed, as the Stratham field was only half full. But the vehicles that did arrive were great!

The Boy Scouts did a very good job with this show. Room enough in the classes, well organized, and the chili was the best we've had in a long while.

The Scout Leader did mention that he noticed they will need additional classes next year, to break up Mustangs, Vettes and Imports. So those of you who are in those classes, that will be great news.

I did notice that someone with a Cobra kit car somehow got registered in the import class, where he obviously did not belong (there was a class for Kits). And he did not win. Had he been in the class he belonged in, he would have been guaranteed a trophy, as he would have been one of just three vehicles in the class. This only goes to show that registering in the wrong class can backfire, big time. And my next post will highlight a situation that goes a long, long way to illustrate just that point, in reverse.

But for now, please enjoy the pix in the gallery, and in the winner's circle. And you may enjoy a new Featured Vehicle of the Week.


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