Thursday, September 16, 2010

OOB Cruise-In

I have been watching the weather and it appears that the weather will be nice, but cool, for the OOB cruise tomorrow night. We really enjoy the cruise - so much fabulous metal (and fiberglass :o).

On Saturday folks have a choice, depending on their preferences and the reasons they go to shows. On the one hand you have the OOB show - and it is big. Not particularly well run, as was painfully demonstrated last year, but big, nonetheless with a lot of great cars.

On the other hand you have the option of a smaller show in Standish - the Kiwanis Beach show, with entertainment. They, too did not demonstrate an ability to run things smoothly last year. However, of the two shows, the organizers of the Standish show were the only ones to say they were working to fix the problems and have a better show. OOB made no such overture, and there is no reason to expect it to be better this year.

For my money, I'll be going to the Kiwanis show, for two reasons:

1) They at least are making a stab at fixing problems, and

2) the cause they are raising money for is more charitable and not self-serving.

So, most of you I will see Friday nite at the cruise. And some of you, at least, we hope to see on Saturday. But whichever you choose, have fun, and good luck.


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