Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A New Direction

After a lengthy hiatus due to personal issues, I am contemplating a revitalization of HotKarz. However, the personal issues are still present and will keep me from attending too many shows or cruises, so I am thinking of taking HotKarz in a new direction - one that benefits the Car Buffs of Maine while taking into consideration my current limitations.

I do plan on maintaining a complete and accurate calendar of shows, cruises and events in Maine (I have begun the 2011 calendar, so feel free to submit info). And I also plan on carrying news items of interest, write the blog and incorporate pictures that are submitted by readers. But there will be something new, and useful for all. will build, host and promote websites for any Maine business (or individual, for that matter) as a part of HotKarz. Sites must have some connection to the automotive field. Here is a (fake & incomplete) example of the kind of work you can expect...

As a reader, you will be able to quickly find the parts, products and services you need. As a business, you will have the ad potential of HotKarz and its placement in the search engines, as well as its popularity among Maine car buffs.

And it will be extremely cost-effective compared to hiring it out, or even doing it yourself. HotKarz will design your site, host it, submit it to the search engines for a very reasonable fee. We will also maintain your site, making any changes you require as needed. The only thing you would need to do is provide the info you want in your website, and choose a web address. Your address can be just about anything, and will take advantage of the HotKarz search engine ranking, such as Each site will be a unique design, and you get to approve the design.

To get an idea of the possibilities, feel free to check out the site I am building for my daughter (still under construction, but much of it is ready to check out) at

This idea is still in the planning stage. It would be a very cost-effective ad medium that reaches thousands of local people who are into cars. Again, a very modest cost to design, host and promote, and a very small fee to renew hosting each year. You can even update your site as often as you wish, and even add pages when necessary.

If you think you might be interested in having your own website on HotKarz, you may email me at to discuss the possibilities. If I get enough interest to make it worthwhile for our readers, I'll do it. So, don't be shy! And don't waste this opportunity.

Oh, and don't forget to spread the word among businesses that may not yet be HotKarz readers so they, too, can take advantage of the power of the internet.



1 comment:

Ken Matthews GR8-48 said...

I can attest to Bill's ability to build web sites as he designed and built my site three years ago. The web site has opened a line of communications for my business that has me traveling from the east coast to the west coast conducting my training programs and consulting services.
Before my web site I was limited to regional and local opportunities.

You can not go wrong with a web site designed by Bill.