Monday, August 20, 2012

Serious Issues With VIP, Windham

Just a heads-up for those who may consider getting work done at VIP in North Windham...

Three weeks ago I brought the wife's PT in to have two tires mounted and balanced prior to a road trip to Ohio. The following day I took it to J.D.s for an oil change and he told me to look at the wheel weight on the inner side of one of the tires. It was not pounded onto the rim - it was just hanging there, barely held on by pressure from the tire.

I had Robin bring it back to VIP and have them rebalance the tire. They told her there was nothing wrong with it!

She then headed to Ohio.

Somewhere before getting to Connecticut, that wheel weight flew off. For the next several hundred miles the car shimmied and shook, damaging the brand new tires.

When she got to Ohio she had Midas check it out - they told her that BOTH tires were out of balance - one was missing a weight, and the other had the weight in the wrong place!!! They told Robin that she should not let amateurs balance her tires.

When she got back, I brought the receipt in to VIP and demanded they reimburse us for the amount Midas charged us to do the job we had already paid VIP to do. The manager tried giving me an ultimatum, but I gave him one - either I walk out with what they owed, or they would receive a summons before the week was out.

I got the money.

But the point is, VIP obviously is incapable of even balancing tires. We had brought it in TWICE. And the second time we even pointed out what was wrong. And they STILL couldn't get it right.

Needless to say, no one in my family will be doing business with them again.

Just sayin'...


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