Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ocean Garden Cruise

Well, tonight was the final cruise of the season at Ocean Garden (Gorham ME). We had a pretty good turnout, and the weather could not have been better.

Once again we brought free veggies from the garden to share. Last week, Marilyn joked that we should have brought dip for the carrots. This week, we did (^.^) That got a chuckle from the crowd!

The 1941 Plymouth pick-up took home the trophy this week. She sure is a beauty, and deserving of the prize.

Peter passed around a sign-up book. It seems they may be planning to get together with everyone sometime during the winter. That would be nice.

Well, tomorrow we're off to the cruise-in at Blast From The Past, in Waterboro (ME). I suspect there will be a big crowd - I'll guess about 80-100 cars. We'll see. I know we will be there, even though we must head out early Saturday morning for the show at the Jetport (Portland). Of course, I know many will be doing the Two Trails show on Saturday in Limington. I just hope that one of those will send pix to put up on HotKarz. After all, I can't be everywhere :o)

Until then, keep the chrome shiny and the tank full...

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