Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Your Projects...

During the slow winter months, there isn't a whole lot of shows, cruises or events to write about. So, I have a suggestion that we might all enjoy.

Many of you will be spending the next several months working on new "projects", either building or rebuilding a vehicle. This blog, and the HotKarz website could be used to follow you through your project, and allow everyone to follow along.

If you are working on a project, please feel free to tell us about it, and submit pictures. We will post your submissions on this blog, and link it to your "before, during & after" pictures.

You do not have to submit anything on a regular basis - just update us periodically so we can all follow your progress, and maybe get a bit fired up to start projects of our own.

Even if you are not working on a project, I am sure that many of you have some great stories to tell - personal experiences you would like to share. Please do. Over these next several months, I'll need all the help I can get :o)

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