Friday, April 25, 2008


Earlier today I was in New Hampshire and paid $3.19 a gallon for gas. This afternoon, back in Maine, I got stuck for $3.59 a gallon.

The actual cost of a gallon of gas is less than $2.00 - the rest is federal, state, highway and assorted taxes. Maine, as we all know, has the highest taxes per capita of any other state in the nation - even more than New York or Massachusetts.

And it is costing us much more than we know! A Portland radio station recently reported that Maine businesses are emmigrating to New Hampshire - often to North Conway. Why? Taxes are much too high in Maine. And they report that Mainers buy their cigarettes and booze in New Hampshire. Why? You got it - taxes. And they report that over the last few years, a lot of Mainers have been leaving Maine, moving to New Hampshire. Can you guess why?

Maine is a beautiful state, with a tremendous amount of natural resources, not the least of which is its wonderful people. But Maine is losing people, jobs, businesses and more, while NH is growing - all because of the Maine legislature's complete ineptitude when it comes to taking and misusing our money. We all know this. But here is where it gets worse.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Well, guess what? Mainers are insane. They keep voting the same inept clowns into office. And they keep electing the same party into office. Doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting things to get better!

I will likely take a lot of flak for this, but I don't mind telling you I am not insane - insanity is fine when you are young, but I haven't been young since Moby Dick was a pollywog. Next time around, I'm voting for all new legislators, and for Republicans. The folks we now have in office have been unable to make anything better, and in most instances, have made things much worse. If you have kids in school, you know what I am saying. If you have been hurt by the debacle known as Dirigo, you know where I am coming from. And if you have noticed that the state is taking more of your paycheck - in one way or another - than the federal government, then perhaps it is time to stop doing insane things! In fact, the federal government and every state in the Union - except Maine - has made health care accounts (for self-employed or uninsured) tax free. Maine, however, taxes the income that a person puts into such an account.

And now the legislature - acting contrary to what the citizenry wants - has passed two bills that will increase gambling - and all the ills that follow it. Surprisingly, and to his credit, Balducci has refused to sign them. But don't think those clowns in the legislature are ready to let those bills die. They will return. And eventually they will pass. I have lived in several places where gambling is legal - including Vegas and Atlantic City. I have seen first-hand what follows. If you do not believe that an otherwise good young man who loses his rent & grocery money won't put on a ski mask and rob a liquor store in order to feed his kids, then you may not be living in the real world.

Thomas Jefferson said, "Every person gets the government they deserve." We have what we have because WE don't change it!

Maybe I notice it more because I spent most of my life in New Hampshire. Property tax is high, but it is close to being the only real tax. I pay almost $13,000 per year more in taxes now that I live in Maine. In other words, I could buy another $250,000 home in NH for the EXTRA taxes I am paying to Maine!

Think back - remember when Maine started the income tax so property taxes could be reduced? Well, have you seen your property tax bill lately? Then they voted in a sales tax, so the state income tax would not have to increase in order to keep property taxes down. Are your property taxes "down"? Not mine. So, instead of having one "big" tax, we now have three. And the legislators are crying that they do not have enough money yet! Brace yourselves...I think the air we breathe is about to get expensive.

It is noteworthy that in every one of the highest taxed states, the services provided are the worst. You would think it would be the other way around, but it's not. Think about it a moment - a state that uses its citizen's money wisely and well would naturally require less in taxes. States where the politicians are incompetent and irresponsible can never get enough tax money to pay for their stupidity. So, if you are subject to high taxes, then you have incompetent people at the State House and in the legislature.

Remember: while the cost of education is high, the cost of stupidity is much higher. It's time we stopped the insanity, fired the incompetent, and elect people who will do something different. Because doing the same things, over and over, and expecting things to get better is just plain nuts.

So, you're probably asking, "What's all this got to do with HotKarz?"

Your cars are sucking up $4.00/gallon gas, just like mine. Your discretionary income for your hobby is much smaller than it should be. Some of you will go to fewer cruises and shows because of the high taxes.

And as that happens, we will miss you dearly. Meanwhile, we're looking for a new home - in Wolfeboro, NH. We expect to be moving next year.

And the $13,000/year we'll be saving in taxes will insure we can continue going to the cruises and shows with the folks whose company, friendship and cameraderie we enjoy - YOU!

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