Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day & Funnies

HotKarz has created an entirely new page called FUNNIES. That is where you will find all the funny and corny pix with captions. Check it out - there are several new ones. I particularly like the one featuring Tom Penney... As a side note, feel free to submit your own pix and captions. As long as no one is nekked, I'll post 'em.

The Father's Day Meet at Shapleigh Corner Store went quite well, considering the weather kept a lot of folks home. Still had a great crowd, as you can see from the pix in the gallery.

Don't forget it's an important cruise at Two Trails Fabulous '50's Diner on Rt 25 in Standish this Wednesday (6/18). We will be holding balloting for the Super Cruise trophies, rain or shine (because we can all go inside if we need to). This cruise is important because it is a small cruise and there are several vehicles running neck 'n' neck in the quest to win, and those that do not show up cannot pull ahead. So far, having balloted in just 4 places to date, 117 ballots have been cast. If you want to be in the running for these beautiful trophies, be there tomorrow evening, 6-8.

For those of you unfamiliar with the area (Jim? Dick?), it's about 2-3 miles north of the rte 25 & 35 intersection in Standish, right on rte 25, on the right.

See ya there...


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