Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nice Time at Fab 50's

This evening we went to the cruise at Two Trails Fabulous 50's Diner in Standish. We really like this cruise because it is always a good time in spite of being a small cruise. But tonight was not so small. A total of 16 great cars showed up for all to enjoy. Check out the pix here.

In addition to the usual People's Choice trophy, a special award was presented to Eddie, the owner of street rod XXXII. Gibbs presented him with the famous "Horse's Ass" award. Eddie has always supported the Diner and the cruise, and this award was in recognition of that.

And for once, the weather was just fine, without any rain, or threat of rain. This, of itself, is somewhat unusual lately.

Not sure where we will cruise on Thursday this week - the weatherman says 50% chance of rain (as usual), so we may not go anywhere. If we do, we just might swing over to the Smokehouse in Ossipee for a change - haven't been there yet this year. If not, we may go to TJ's in Biddeford. We'll have to wait and see.

Have a good week, folks! And may the weekend bring us good weather.


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