Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fast Eddie's

Finally made it up to Fast Eddie's Drive-in (Winthrop, ME) for their last cruise of the season. It was a nice experience. About 40 cars and 30 bikes showed up, and tons of spectators. A bunch came up from the C.H.O.P. crew (Cumberland House of Pizza).

Please note: Seldon did NOT win the 50/50 tonight :o)

The food was quite good, also. Real milkshakes, instead of that ultra-thick pasty stuff that so many places are trying to call milkshakes.

Many of us were not impressed with the band, however., A bit too loud (had to yell to be heard when talking to friends), and the tunes were a bit to new for many of us. The music, itself, was pretty good - just not the style we are accustomed to at cruise-ins. Would have been OK if the volume was lower.

It was a long drive up, but well worth it. A gracious thank you to the hosts at Fast Eddie's.

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