Sunday, December 7, 2008


Today Senator Chris Dodd said the CEO of GM should step down because he was not competent. Strange comment from someone on the Banking Committee that was supposed to oversee banking and prevent this from happening. And he got a sweetheart mortgage in the process, and received a lot of money from Fannie Mae. Oh, and he helped block efforts to regulate Fannie Mae in 2005 and 2006.

Maybe Dodd is right - if someone is incompetent, and is a part of the problem, they should step down. So, Mr. Dodd - when are you leaving?

Senator Dodd is as crooked as an Irish walking stick, and most folks know it. Why he is even in Congress is something I cannot comprehend. I guess some voters really need to get lost on their way to the polls, because they are apparently lost when it comes to electing competent, honest people.

Like the coal mining folks who voted for the guy who said he would put coal companies out of business. And the folks who re-elected the man who called them racist rednecks. But that happens when the "mainstream media" conveniently "forgets" to cover such news items because it does not favor their agenda. If the folks don't KNOW a politician is going to screw them, you can't expect them to vote him out.

So, while Dodd should certainly be put out to pasture in disgrace, he should take the CEO's and execs at the New York Times, NBC and MSNBC with him, because they make it possible for such people to get elected.

Don't believe it? Ask yourself how many of you got detailed news reports from ANY of those sources about Obama saying he would destroy the coal industry and put energy prices through the roof? Or that Murtha call his constituents "racists & rednecks"? Or that Barney Frank was busted in the '90's for running a "boy brothel" out of his apartment? Or that Senate Majority leader Harry Reid was video-taped telling Congress that the American taxpayers visiting Washington DC were the "great unwashed", and smelly people?

Unless you watch Fox News (or read my blogs), it is unlikely you heard any of those things. But you got an endless recounting of the $150,000 the RNC paid for Palin's clothes. And that Palin's daughter was pregnant. And that Palin could "see Russia from her house" (which, by the way, she never said - that was a comedy line by Tina Fey).

Yeah - Dodd, Frank and Schumer have to go. But so do the bigwigs in the mainstrean media. As long as they refuse to give us the UNBIASED news, both sides, then we are going to be led by liars, thieves and bigoted elitists who think the world revolves around them, and the only use they have for us is to get our votes.


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