Thursday, January 1, 2009


In 60 years I have never made a New Year's resolution. Us perfect people do not need to (^.-)

But this year I will make some resolutions, as follows:

1) I will be more tolerant of liberals, secular progressives and atheists

2) I shall not use profanity at any time, nor for any reason

3) I will exercise more and eat less

4) I will become more "green", and submit to the environmentalists

5) Most importantly, I will break each of these resolutions before the sun comes up

But here is one resolution I will keep - it is something I have always tried to live by, so it will come easy:

I will not go to bed at night until I have done at least one random act of kindness that day.

Imagine if everyone were to have such a resolution - and kept it!


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