Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bonny Eagle Update

Well, it was quite a day. The weather was super. The cars were even better than that! They said they had over 1000 cars, though I only counted about half that...

OK, so a whole lot of you folks had lots to say, and I will try to include your concerns here, mixed with my own blinding insights :o)

No one got sent to sit in the corner with the Tuners. They are a fine bunch, but tend to be noisy - and far from the crowds. Young'uns can walk that far, but us older folks need to be closer to things.

We were still disappointed that they did not have a more suitable class for us (2000-Present), but Special Interest is the old stand-by, though it gets rather crowded and a lot of folks who should be elsewhere tend to gravitate into SI in hopes of a better shot at an award. But all in all, that was not a huge concern for us or anyone else. But there were major concerns and gripes.

Number one among the gripes concerned the truck classes. Trucks were all over the place, and there were long lines of them, all mixed. There was a new truck beside a 1938 on one side, and a 4X4 on the other. Mixed classes and types made it almost impossible for some folks to sort things out enough to vote by class.

And as I mentioned yesterday, one class of trucks covered a whopping 40 years! That, in itself, is both absurd and unfair. I don't bring a truck to shows, but if I did, I would have been visibly - and audibly - upset.

Other classes were also in disarray at the Middle School. Not so much at the High School. At the Middle School, it seemed like "helter skelter". Again, this made any sane attempt at voting an exercise in futility. I gave up trying to vote in some classes.

Aside from classes being disorganized, and some classes either too big or non-existent, the overall consensus was: a great show!

Lots of vendors. Lots of beautiful vehicles. Loads of wonderful people. Great weather. All in all, I would give it pretty good marks. But I hope next year they iron out the inconsistencies, and pay greater attention to fair classes, adequate classes, and organization of the classes. It is hard to judge a show when you have '55 Chevys in almost every row, and every class.

Short notice: we have posted a new show for next Sunday, in Naples. They could not provide much info, so I am uncertain as to how organized this one will be - seems to have been a last-minute afterthought. But on the plus side, they claim to have a beer tent :o)



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