Friday, May 23, 2008

Ice Age

So much for Global Warming. This weather has been absolutely crazy. Here it is just three weeks from summer and it feels more like three weeks from winter.

The cruise at Sonny's on Monday was a dud because of cold weather - really cold! Same weather on Tuesday. Went to Two Trails Fabulous 50's cruise on Wednesday, and it was both cold and wet. Thursday we went to Buffalo Wings in Westbrook, and the weather was cold. Same thing on Friday, at Blast From The Past.

Needless to say, this has dramatically reduced cruise participation - at $4.00 a gallon for gas, many folks just don't want to take the chance that a cruise will be rained out for a wasted trip.

And the wind! It has been howling almost constantly for the last 5 days.

I have never been a believer in the global warming farce, though I do not doubt the Earth may experience periods of warming. But the Chicken Little Al Gore scenario, which blames me for my carbon footprint, is a bit far-fetched. And just the other day, over 21,000 meteorologists and scientists signed a petition that debunks global warming, claiming it is based on junk science.

But undoubtedly, something unusual is going on. All the earthquakes, in places where they are not normal, and with high magnitudes. The preponderance of tornadoes. The huge cyclone that hit Myanmar.

I can't help but wonder if Mother Earth (also known as Gaia) has grown a bit tired with the infestation of the parasite known as Mankind. Perhaps she is fighting back, much as we would when we get fleas, or mites.

I suspect that if we had been intelligent enough to find ways to live quality lives while still respecting the planet, things might be far different. Ask yourself: of the tens of thousands of pounds of resources you use in your life, how much have you actually put back? I never used to think about it. But I am beginning to.

Perhaps all of us should. Of course, we live in Maine, so we can't expect it to have any positive effect on the weather. But it seems to be the right thing to do - putting a little something back. Plant a few trees. Grow some of our own food. Recycle more. Combine trips to conserve gas.

Many years ago, a dear friend used to say, "If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem."

I've been part of the problem far too long. So, as soon as I fire up the grass trimmer, then mow the yard with the tractor, cut the brush with the chain saw, drive the ATV out to check the back lots, then sweep the driveway with the leaf blower, I think I'll sit down and try to figure a way to conserve energy.

Are ya happy now, Charles? (^.^)


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