Monday, October 27, 2008

It Had to Happen

Several months ago I posted an entry about kit cars, and inadvertently referred to a 56 Jag XK C-type as an XKE (the E series made its debut in '61). That's the sort of thing that can be attributed to a failing memory of something over 50 years ago. For that, I apologize.

But some clown decided to use that slight error to question my integrity, and that only goes to show a whole lotta stupid on his part. My integrity is in tact, "pal". It's my memory that is not as strong as it once was. Age often has that effect on folks.

Joe Biden said FDR was president in 1929. He wasn't. In his debate with Palin, he said he had lunch with a constitutent "last week", in a restaurant that, as it turns out, has been out of business since the '80's.

Yeah, sometimes memory is not what we would like it to be. But that should not be taken to mean there is any lack of integrity. But if that fellow wants to question my integrity simply because of such a stupid little error or typo, then it is his integrity that needs to be questioned!


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