I spend a couple hours each day monitoring political blogs, and the people who post to them. And I gotta tell ya, sometimes the ignorance is enough to piss off the Pope. But other times, it is so moronic it borders on being humorous. Let me give some examples...
1) One guy said McCain workers were caught digging up dead bodies and stealing mannequins and setting them up at a local rally to make it look like a lot of people were showing up.
2) Or did you know that Obama was secretly planning with William Ayers to give work visas to muslim terrorists to get them into the country?
3) Or maybe this little gem - McCain survived being a POW because he is really a communist sympathizer.
4) The LA Times refuses to make the Obama/Ayers/Khalidi tape public because the source wants it kept secret. (hint: if you really want something kept secret, you do NOT give it to a newspaper - you BURN it.)
5) Obama is not an American citizen (or the one that McCain is not an American citizen).
6) Sarah Palin is a "bad mother" because she is running for office. (These same people do not think Obama is a bad father because he is running - can anyone spell SEXIST).
There are wild stories and smear rumors from both sides. However, in counting them, it is a fact that the far left loons put out almost 6 times as many as the far right loons. And the far left is definitely more vile in their language and their smears.
For example, the far right says "Obama is not a citizen". The far left calls Palin a "Repuke who is not really the mother of her Downes Syndrome child". The far right says Obama is a Marxist. The far left Says "McShame is a communist traitor who spent time in prison for criminal acts."
I monitor these things rather closely. And both sides are repugnant. But I cannot fathom the level of vile hatred and foul language that is coming from the left.
And I noticed something else - something I specifically kept track of because it stood out. I counted 112 posts where the writer said things like, "Shut up - you have no right to speak", or something similar (many were much more foul, but the sentiment was the same - "I have freedom of speech, but you do not."). Of the 112, 109 of those were from people on the left. And they are the ones who claim to be the party of tolerance. Yeah, sure - and I'm really J Edgar Hoover in drag.
81% of posts with foul language came from liberals. 77% of posts that resorted to name-calling (Repukes, McTraitor, moron, dumbasses etc.) were posted by people from the left. And of the many people who posted links to sites of little or no reliable information (Huffington Post, YouTube, Savage etc.), almost all - a whopping 96% - came from the left. Of those that linked to reliable sites (HUD, FactCheck, or gov sites that post the Congressional Record), almost all - 89% - came from the right.
More amazing - of all the posts and blogs I have monitored over the last few months, very few originated from the "middle". As few as 6% of the posts and blogs were well-balanced and appeared to present unbiased information - which both sides seemed to ignore.
Yes, our nation is divided. But it is divided only by blind partisanism, and not by any ideology, as was once the case. The dialogue no longer seems to be about what is best for our country, but instead what is best for a party. And as long as that mentality exists, America will have seen its best days fall by the wayside.
On Tuesday, as I enter the voting booth, I am going to think about a few things, and it will not be "party". I will ask myself who I think will react appropriately and from strength when - not if - terrorists hit us again, as they surely will try to do. And I will ask if I want liberal justices appointed to the Supreme Court, who would re-write the Constitution to suit their own agenda. And I will ask myself if it makes more sense in troubled economic times to increase taxes on those who produce jobs and products, or does it make more sense to reduce the burden.
What I will NOT think about is color. Or party. Or the polls. Or what Bush has done. Or who associates with whom. In short, I will ask myself, "If the proverbial crap hits the proverbial fan (economy, terrorism, taxes, or whatever), and my ass in in jeopardy, who will I trust to protect me and my family? Whose record shows that he is up to it?"
Or, as the old lady once so aptly put it, "Where's the beef?"
Saturday, November 1, 2008
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